

In this assignment, you will compare the characteristics and performance of
different classifiers, namely logistic regression, k-nearest neighbours and
naive Bayes. You will experiment with these extensions and extend the provided
code. Note that you should understand the code first instead of using it as a
black box.
Python versions of the code have been provided. You are free to work with
whichever you wish.


作为 Machine Learning 的三大基础算法

  1. Logistic regression ,也就是 logistic回归 ,常用于数据挖掘,疾病自动诊断,经济预测等领域
  2. K-nearest neighbours ,也就是 K邻近算法 ,常用于数据挖掘,以及分类,对未知事物的识别等领域
  3. Naive Bayes ,也就是 朴素贝叶斯 ,常用于分类器,文本分类识别


def check_grad(func, X, epsilon, *args):
if len(X.shape) != 2 or X.shape[1] != 1:
raise ValueError(“X must be a vector”)
y, dy, = func(X, *args)[:2] # get the partial derivatives dy
dh = np.zeros((len(X), 1))
for j in xrange(len(X)):
dx = np.zeros((len(X), 1))
dx[j] += epsilon
y2 = func(X+dx, *args)[0]
dx = -dx
y1 = func(X+dx, args)[0]
dh[j] = (y2 - y1)/(2
print np.hstack((dy, dh)) # print the two vectors
d = LA.norm(dh-dy)/LA.norm(dh+dy) # return norm of diff divided by norm of sum
return d

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