用C语言代写一个叫 Yahtzee
For this assignment, you’ll implement a simplified scoring system for Yahtzee.
What is Yahtzee?
Yahtzee is a dice game. You roll five dice and get points based on poker-
themed combinations:
- Three of a Kind score: sum of all the dice if at least three dice show the same number.
- Four of a Kind score: the sum of all the dice if at least four dice show the same number.
- Full House score: 25 points if two of the dice show the same number and the rest show another number, i.e., a pair and a triple.
- Small Straight score: 30 points if four dice show consecutive numbers.
- Straight score: 40 points if the dice show five consecutive numbers.
- Yahtzee score: 50 points if all dice show the same number.
- Chance score: the sum of all the dice (no condition).
Each player has a table with one entry for each combination. After throwing
the dice, the player decides which combination he or she wants to score. For
example, if three of the dice have the value 4, two the value 3, it could be
counted as Three of a Kind, Full House, or Chance. The player has to pick one
of the possible combinations and enter the score in the appropriate field in
the table, but only if this entry is still empty. Alternatively, the player
can decide to enter 0 in any of the empty entries of the table,
The game continues until every entry of the score table is filled. The maximum
score that you can get from a single game is 1575. Yahtzee can be played by
multiple players to beat each other, but it can also be played by a single
player to reach the maximum score.
The assignment is to implement a subset of Yahtzee.
Stage 1: Dice Valuation
For the first stage of the assignment, you’ll implement the valuation.
Dice Values Input
Read the five dice values from the standart input, separated by whitespaces 2.
Error Checking You need to check if the player enters the correct inputs.
Otherwise, your program needs to print the following error messages and exit:
Incorrect Input Format
When the values are not separated by whitespaces.
Please enter dice values:
> 3,4-3 6 5 2
Incorrect Input Format.
Value Out of Range
When some of the values are greater than 6 or smaller than 1.
Please enter dice values:
> 7 3 4 1 5
Value Out of Range.
Incorrect Number of Values
When the number of the values that the player entered is not equal to 5.
Please enter dice values:
> 3 4 3 6 5 2
Incorrect Number of Values.
You have to check for errors in the order given above. That is, if the values
that the player entered contain more than one error conditions, the error
message with the highest priority has to printed:
$ ./assign1
Please enter dice values:
> 3 7 2 2 1 5
Value Out of Range.
$ ./assign1
Please enter dice values:
> 3.4, 7, 6, 2, 1
Incorrect Input Format.
It is important to stick to these rules, and use exactly the error messages
listed in the specification. We use automarking to test your program, so even
small discrepancies can cause the autotest to fail. We will give you sample
test files, so you can test your implementation against the specification.
Once the program has accepted valid input values, it asks the player whether
he or she wants to reroll dice, giving three options: Reroll some dice, Reroll
all dice, and Keep dice.
For the first stage, simply ignore the first two cases and exit, and proceed
only with the last option.
Please choose:
1 -> Reroll some dice
2 -> Reroll all dice
3 -> Keep dice
> 3
If the player chooses an invalid option, Invalid Choice error message must be
displayed and your program must terminate. The choice is invalid when it is
not one of the three options given. If the user enters more than one choice,
your program takes the first one and ignores the rest.
Please choose:
1 -> Reroll some dice
2 -> Reroll all dice
3 -> Keep dice
> 2.5
Invalid Choice.
To valuate the dice, check for Three of a Kind, Four of a Kind, Full House,
Small Straight, Straight, Yahtzee, and Chance.
All the possible combinations with the points must be printed out as the score
options, so that the player can choose one of them. The score options must be
printed in order of Three of a Kind, Four of a Kind, Full House, Small
Straight, Straight, Yahtzee, and Chance. For example, if the dice values are
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the order of the score options that your program displays
has to be Small Straight, Straight, and Chance.
At the end, your program must display the score that the player has gained.
Your score options are:
1 -> Small Straight (30 points)
2 -> Straight (40 points)
3 -> Chance (15 points)
> 2
Your score is:
40 points
If the player chooses an invalid option, Invalid Choice error message must be
displayed and your program must terminate. The choice is invalid when it is
not one of the three options given. If the user enters more than one choice,
your program takes the first one and ignores the rest.
Your score options are:
1 -> Small Straight (30 points)
2 -> Straight (40 points)
3 -> Chance (15 points)
> 5
Invalid Choice.
Sample Output
After this stage, your program must run as shown below:
$ ./assign1
Please enter dice values:
> 6 6 6 4 4
Your dice values are: 6 6 6 4 4
Please choose:
1 -> Reroll some dice
2 -> Reroll all dice
3 -> Keep dice
> 3
Your score options are:
1 -> Three of a Kind (26 points)
2 -> Full House (25 points)
3 -> Chance (26 points)
> 2
Your score is: 25 points
Stage 2: Dice Rerolling
For the second stage, modify your program so that the player has two chances
to reroll all or just a selection of the dice.
Reroll some dice
The player gets to choose which dice to reroll by entering dice numbers. You
are, again, required to check the validity of the values entered. Otherwise,
your program needs to print out the appropriate error message and exit.
Incorrect Input Format
When the values are not separated by whitespaces.
Please enter dice values:
> 3, 6
Incorrect Input Format.
Dice Number Out of Range
When some of the dice numbers are greater than 5 or smaller than 1.
Please enter dice to reroll (1 - 5):
> 3 5 8
Dice Number Out of Range.
Again, make sure that error checking works in the above order. That is, if the
values that the player entered contain more than one error condition the error
message with the highest priority is printed out.
If one dice number occurs more than once, they are considered as a single
input. For example, if the input is 3, 3, and 5 for the dice numbers, your
program must recognise the input as 3 and 5.
Your program displays the number of the dice values to be entered by the
player and accepts new dice values for the dice rerolled.
Please enter dice to reroll (1 - 5):
> 3
Please enter 1 value:
> 3
Please enter dice to reroll (1 - 5):
> 2 4
Please enter 2 values:
> 5 6
New dice numbers need to be checked with the error conditions in Section 2.1.
Reroll all dice
Your program must accept five dice values in the same way that it accepts the
initial dice values. Those values go through the error checking process as
shown in the Section 2.1.
Sample Output
After this stage, your program must run as shown below.
$ ./assign1
Please enter dice values:
> 1 3 3 4 6
Your dice values are: 1 3 3 4 6
Please choose:
1 -> Reroll some dice
2 -> Reroll all dice
3 -> Keep dice
> 2
Please enter dice values:
> 1 3 1 4 5
Your dice values are: 1 3 1 4 5
Pleaes choose:
1 -> Reroll some dice
2 -> Reroll all dice
3 -> Keep dice
> 1
Please enter dice to reroll (1 - 5):
> 1
Please enter one die value:
> 2
Your dice values are: 2 3 1 4 5
Your score options are:
1 -> Small Straight (30 points)
2 -> Straight (40 points)
3 -> Chance (15 points)
> 2
Your score is: 40 points
Getting Started
Don’t try and write the program straight away. First, make sure that you
understand each part of Stage 1 of the assignment. Simulate the behaviour of
the program on a piece of paper. Write down the individual steps necessary to
implement Stage 1. Try and break each step down into simple substeps as far as
To implement the assignment, you have to know about arrays and functions,
which we will cover in Week 4 in the lecture.
Reading Input Values
You already know how to use scanf and getchar to read from the keyboard. To
check the format of the input that the player enters, we recommend to use
getchar. It’ll simplify the error checking processes. For instance, with
scanf, you cannot properly check whether the player used whitespaces as the
Once you have read inputs using getchar, you need to convert the character to
the corresponding number, i.e., the character ‘1’ to the integer value 1. In
C, every character has its own numeric value (its ASCII code), and arithmetic
operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, are
applicable to them. The character, ‘1’, has the numeric value 49, and ‘1’ - 48
yields you the numeric value 1. In the same way, ‘2’ - 48 yields the numeric
value 2.
For more information about the numeric values for the corresponding characters
can be found at , and using man ascii command.
As a first implementation step, write a program that reads the dice values,
checks if they are in the required format. If they are, it should simply print
the values, otherwise print the specified error messages.
Data Structure
You need to maintain the information about the dice. For the assignment, you
have to be able to store the value of a die, and calculate the score. For the
second stage of the assignment, you also have to be able to update the value
of a die - that is, delete its old value and enter the new value.
The straight forward solution would be to have just an array with one entry
for each die (i.e., 5), such that each entry contains the value of that die.
Take a piece of paper to see how you can check for the different combinations
using this representation. You’ll probably find that it is fairly complicated.
Another possibility is to have an array with six entries, one for each
possible value of a die: the first entry contains the number of times 1 has
been scored, the second the number of times 2 has been scored, and so on. Now,
try again to check for different combinations on this representation. This
time, it is much easier. For Stage 2, however, you’ll find that the frequency
representation is not sufficient. If the player wants to reroll, say, die
number 2, you don’t know anymore what it’s value was.