


In the problems from the last homework, we did a bit of rudimentary Scrabble
scoring. Your ultimate task here is to write a function that takes as input a
rack - a list of letters - and returns the highest scoring word that can be
made with those letters. This is the key ingredient in a computerized Scrabble
In this problem, you may use recursion as well as the built-in higher-order
functions map, filter, and reduce. In fact, if you write a function that needs
to process a long list (e.g. a dictionary) with more than a few hundred items
in it, you are much better off letting map, filter, or reduce cruise through
those lists since they have been optimized to work very fast.
There will be a few places here where using anonymous functions (lambda) is
probably the cleanest and nicest way to do business. Use it when it’s the
cleanest way to proceed.
One of the objectives of this problem is to have you think about designing a
more complicated program that involves several functions. You have complete
autonomy in deciding what functions to write in order to reach the ultimate
goal (see more on the two required functions below). Try to think carefully
about which functions you will need and try to implement those functions so
that they are as simple and clean as possible. Part of your score on this
problem will be based on the elegance of your overall design and individual
Our solution has fewer than 9 functions, two of which we modified from our
solution to Homework 1. The remaining 7 (or so) functions range from one to
four lines of code per function. While you are not required to have the same
number of functions and you may have a few slightly longer functions, this is
intended to indicate that there is not much code that needs to be written
Be sure to have a comment at the top of the file with your name(s), the
filename, and the date. Any function that is even a bit complicated should at
least have a short comment explaining to the reader how this function works.
Also, include a docstring for every function that you write.
All of your work should go into a single file named Any tests and
their results should go into this file, commented out of course. Make sure
your file loads without producing any output. We will test your program by
loading this file and testing your functions. Be sure they are properly named.

  1. Firstly, rewrite your definition of letterScore(letter, scoreList> so it makes use of the built-in function filter.
  2. Secondly, rewrite your definition of wordScore(word, scoreList) so that it makes use of the built-in map and reduce.
  3. As an exercise in writing list comprehensions, define the following variables, using expressions made up of list comprehensions:
    * words – all of the words in the list Dictionary.
    * twoLetterWords – all of the words in the list Dictionary having exactly two letters.
    * lengths – a list of only the lengths of all words in Dictionary.
  4. Now the main problem.
    A bit later in this problem, we’ll give you a fairly large dictionary of
    English words to use. For now, we recommend that you use the following tiny
    dictionary during the course of testing and development. Include this line
    near the top of your file. Now, it’s a global variable that can be used by any
    of your functions in that file. Similarly, you should include the scrabble
    letter score list from Homework 1.
    Dictionary = [“a”, “am”, “at”, “apple”, “bat”, “bar”, “babble”, “can”, “foo”, “spam”, “spammy”, “zzyzva”]
    Don’t try to change the values of these global variables! As we’ll see soon,
    that can make Python angry. However, there’s no need to change the contents of
    the Dictionary or the scrabble letter scores during execution of the program.

The details

Ultimately, there are two functions that we will be testing.

  • scoreList(Rack) takes as input a Rack which is a list of lower-case letters and returns a list of all of the words in the global Dictionary that can be made from those letters and the score for each one. Specifically, this function returns a list of lists, each of which contains a string that can be made from the Rack and its Scrabble score. Here are some examples using the tiny Dictionary above:
    >>> scoreList([“a”, “s”, “m”, “t”, “p”])
    [[‘a’, 1], [‘am’, 4], [‘at’, 2], [‘spam’, 8]]

    scoreList([“a”, “s”, “m”, “o”, “f”, “o”])
    [[‘a’, 1], [‘am’, 4], [‘foo’, 6]]

The order in which the words are presented is not important.

  • bestWord(Rack) takes as input a Rack as above and returns a list with two elements: the highest possible scoring word from that Rack followed by its score. If there are ties, they can be broken arbitrarily. Here is an example, again using the tiny Dictionary above:
    >>> bestWord([“a”, “s”, “m”, “t”, “p”])
    [‘spam’, 8]

Aside from these two functions, all of the other helper functions are up to
you! Some of those helper functions may be functions that you wrote in
Homework 1 or slight variants of those functions. However, you might find it
useful to use a strategy in which you write a function that determines whether
or not a given string can be made from the given Rack list. Then, another
function can use that function to determine the list of all strings in the
dictionary that can be made from the given Rack. Finally, another function
might score those words.
Remember to use map, reduce, or filter where appropriate - they are powerful
and they are optimized to be very fast.
Test each function carefully with small test inputs before you proceed to
write the next function. This will save you a lot of time and aggravation!
A reminder about in: Imagine that you are writing a function that attempts to
determine if a given string S can be made from the letters in the Rack list.
You might be tempted to scramble (“permute” to use a technical term) the Rack
in every possible way as part of this process, but that is more work than
necessary. Instead, you can test if the first symbol in your string, S[0],
appears in the rack with the statement:
if S[0] in Rack:
# if True you will end up here
# if False you will end up here
That in feature is very handy. Now, recursion will let you do the rest of the
work without much effort on your part!
Although we don’t expect that you will end up doing huge recursive calls, you
should know that Python can get snippy when there are a lot of recursive
calls. By default, Python generally complains when there are 1000 or more
recursive calls of the same function. To convince Python to be friendlier, you
can use the following at the top of your file.
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # Allows up to 10000 recursive calls; the maximum permitted ranges from system to system

Trying it with a bigger dictionary

Finally, if you want to test out a big dictionary (it’s more fun than the
little one above), you can download the file. It contains a large list of
words (a bit over 4000 words). The list is still called Dictionary. After you
have downloaded the file and placed it in the same directory as your Python
file, you should do the following at the top of your Python file:
from dict import *
Now, you can refer to Dictionary as a global variable. This is much nicer than
cutting-and-pasting that very large list into your Python file. Here are some
examples using that Dictionary.
>>> scoreList([‘w’, ‘y’, ‘l’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘o’])
[[‘leo’, 3], [‘low’, 6], [‘lowly’, 11], [‘ow’, 5], [‘owe’, 6], [‘owl’, 6], [‘we’, 5], [‘well’, 7], [‘woe’, 6], [‘yell’, 7], [‘yo’, 5]]
Notice that “yellow” is not in this dictionary. We “cropped” off words of
length 6 or more to keep the dictionary from getting too large. Finally, here
is an example of bestWord in action:
>>> bestWord([‘w’, ‘y’, ‘l’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘o’])
[‘lowly’, 11]
>>> bestWord([“s”, “p”, “a”, “m”, “y”])
[‘may’, 8]
>>> bestWord([“s”, “p”, “a”, “m”, “y”, “z”])
[‘zap’, 14]
And an even bigger dictionary!
Want to try this with an even bigger dictionary? We’ve got one! The bad news
is that it causes IDLE to crash on some computers. However, if you are running
Python without IDLE (e.g. from the Unix shell) then this dictionary should
work just fine!
from bigdict import *
The dictionary is still called Dictionary and it is available as a global
variable. Here is an example of it in use:
>>> scoreList([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘v’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘z’, ‘z’])
[[‘ab’, 4], [‘aby’, 8], [‘ax’, 9], [‘ay’, 5], [‘ba’, 4], [‘bay’, 8], [‘by’, 7], [‘ya’, 5], [‘yay’, 9], [‘za’, 11], [‘zax’, 19], [‘zyzzyva’, 43], [‘zzz’, 30]]

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