
用Stack代写一个postfix expression evaluator,将数字压入stack,读到expression时弹出即可,属于比较常规的作业。


In this homework, you will create and turn in your second program on BGUnix.
Please see the documentation below for instructions on obtaining and
configuring a BGUnix account.
Once you have an account, SSH in and join the class by issuing the command:
$ class -join cs3350
This should create a directory in your home directory named ‘cs3350’. All your
work this semester must occur inside this directory (do not create a
subdirectory unless the homework specifically requests one). Any required
files will be automatically collected from this directory at the due date/time
for the assignment!

Program Details

In this program, you will implement a postfix expression evaluator. See the
book and slides for the concrete algorithm you need to implement. You must use
stacks (I provide
LinkedStack.h/LinkedStack.cpp/StackInterface.h/Node.h/Node.cpp files in the
class lib folder!).
You must provide a hw3.cpp driver file that contains the implementation of the
algorithm and a main method that instantiates runs the algorithm. The driver
program should:

  • Loops, asking the user to provide either a number (can be more than 1 digit!) or an operator (+ - / *)
  • Stops the loop when -1 is entered (do not add -1 to the expression!)
  • Evaluates the given postfix expression
  • Displays the final result of evaluating the postfix expression (on a line by itself - this should be the last line displayed by your program!)


Your code should include proper documentation/comments where appropriate. A
portion of the grade is attributed directly to documentation (see the grading
rubric provided on Canvas).
Functions should be proceeded by a comment block documenting the function’s
Blocks of code should contain comments describing what that block is
contributing to the overall solution.

What to Turn In

The automated turn-in collection script will save these files from your class

  • hw3.cpp
    The script will assume the following command line to compile your homework
    (your code must work with this exact command line!):
    $ g++ -std=c++11 -Ilib hw3.cpp
    This assumes that LinkedStack./StackInterface.h/Node. are in the lib/

文章作者: SafePoker
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