
代写AI中的搜索算法BFS和DFS,去解决一个叫Water Jug的搜索问题。

Problem: Search for General Two Water Jugs Problem

The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with state space search
algorithms and apply them to real-world problems.
You are given 2 water jugs with capacity m, n liters (m, n are positive
integer numbers and m ≥ n).
You have to use these two jugs to measure d liters (d is a positive integer
number) where d ≤ m. The operations you can perform are:

  • Empty a jug
  • Fill a jug
  • Pour water from one jug to the other until one of the jugs is either empty or full
    Use Breadth First Search and Depth First Search, separately, to solve the
    water jug problem. Your algorithms should maintain a CLOSED data structure to
    avoid all states that have already been expanded.
    Write a program that does the following.
  • Input: 3 positive integers m, n, d where m ≥ n, d (see examples below for input format)
  • Output: Algorithm should be run in the order of BFS, DFS. Print the algorithm you use. Each search algorithm should then output an iteration part and a result part.
  • Iteration part: print “Iteration :” in the first line. Then print 3 lines for every iteration as follows.
    • Iteration number (starts from 0);
    • The states in the CLOSED structure (in any order).
    • The successors in the order you put into the OPEN data structure in this iteration. When expanding a node, make sure multiple successors are placed in the OPEN data structure in this order: “(1 first) m fill > (2) n fill > (3) m empty > (4) n empty > (5) m pour > (6 last) n pour”. If there are no successors to add to OPEN in an iteration, print an empty line.
  • Result part: print “Result:” in the first line. Then print the solution path found. In the case the problem is unsolvable, print only “Unsolvable” instead.
    Each state of two jugs is represented as a pair (x, y) where x is the amount
    of water in the m-liter jug, and y is that of the n-liter one. The solution
    path is a sequence of states (x, y) separated by one space. The initial state
    is (0, 0), and the goal state is defined to be (d, 0).
    Here is a partial example of running the program from the command line:
    $ java Search 3 2 2
    Iteration :
    (0, 0)
    (3, 0) (0, 2)
    (0, 0) (3, 0)
    (3, 2) (1, 2)
    (0, 0) (3, 0) (0, 2)
    (2, 0)
    (0, 0) (0, 2) (2, 0)


Hand in your homework

This homework includes only a programming portion. The solution to the
programming problem should be coded in Java, and you are required to use only
built-in libraries to complete this homework. Please submit a source code file
named with no package statements, and make sure your program is
runnable from command line.

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