实现一个 Tic-Tac-Toe
This project is the rst in a series of three, with the ultimate objective of
designing and implementing (in Java) the game of Tic Tac Toe. It is a two
player game, and the rules are as follows:
- The game begins with an empty, 3 _ 3 grid.
- The two players then take turns placing a mark in an empty grid cell. Player O will use the ‘O’ (letter ‘O’, not zero) mark and Player X will use the ‘X’ mark.
- The game is over in either case: (i) one player has 3 marks in a sequence (vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or anti-diagonally), or (ii) there are no empty cells left.
Below we show a run of the game, where Player O moved rst and won the game by
placing 3 ‘O’s in the second row of the game grid.
Your Task
For this rst project, your task is to write a class named TicTacToe that will
enable two players to play a single game of Tic-Tac-Toe. To achieve this goal
you will practise the use of instance variables and methods through the
following stages.
Initialise the Game
Your TicTacToe class should have a main method. This method will create an
object of the TicTacToe class named game and call a method run to run a game:
TicTacToe game = new TicTacToe();;
Here the main method will only serve as a testing method for the TicTacToe
class. Rather than creating it in a separate TicTacToeTest class, we put it in
the TicTacToe class to simplify the project.
The game running process will be handled in the run method, which you need to
implement. Note that you should make run an instance method of the TicTacToe
class, not a static method. The same applies for the methods described in the
following sections.
The run method will start with printing out a welcome message and prompting
for the two players’ names (note: you should type in the text yourself instead
of copying from this PDF because copying from PDF may bring non-English
characters into your program which may fail the compilation at submission):
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!
Enter Player O’s name:
Enter Player X’s name:
Note here Rose and Jack are user input, not part of the program output. You
should add proper instance (non-static) variables to TicTacToe to store the
two players’ names, as well as accessors and mutators for them. You may assume
that there is no space character in the player names.
Print the Game Grid and Make a Move (4 Marks)
Next, the game starts. The program will print out the game grid.
You need to add a printGrid method to the TicTacToe class for printing out the
game grid. You should also add proper instance variables to keep track of what
mark has been placed at each grid cell. For the 9 grid cells, you will need 9
instance variables (you can use an array to simplify this if you know how to
use it properly, but you are not required to do so in this project). At start
the grid is empty. You should initialise the instance variables properly to
reach this. Your printGrid method will access these instance variables to
determine what to print at each grid cell.
The run method will then prompt for player’s move. We assume that Player O
always moves rest.
Rose’s move:
1 1
Here a player’s move is represented by two integers in the range of “0 0” to
“2 2”, where “0 0” represents the top-left cell and “2 2” represents the
bottom-right cell. You need to add a proper method to update the instance
variables that store the grid cell status after a user has make a move.
Loop through the Game
Now add a loop to repeatedly prompt for the players to take turns and make
moves. The game grid should be printed out after each move. Here is an example
execution after adding the loop.
Tests will be conducted on your program by automatically compiling, running,
and comparing your outputs for several test cases with generated expected
outputs. These test cases used will be different from the sample test given.
The automatic test will deem your output wrong if your output does not match
the expected output, even if the difference is just having an extra space.
Therefore, it is crucial that you generate your own test case and test your
program extensively.
The syntax import is available for you to use standard Java packages. However,
please DO NOT use the package syntax to customize your source codes. The
automatic test system cannot deal with customized packages. If you are using
Netbeans as the IDE, please be aware that the project name may automatically
be used as the package name. Please remove any lines of the form package
At the beginning of the source codes before you submit them to the system.
Please use ONLY ONE Scanner object throughout your program. Otherwise the
automatic test will cause your program to generate exceptions and terminate.
The reason is that in the automatic test, multiple lines of test inputs are
sent all together to the program. As the program receives the inputs, it will
pass them all to the currently active Scanner object, leaving any remaining
Scanner objects with nothing to read, causing a run-time exception. Therefore
it is crucial that your program has only one Scanner object. Arguments such as
it runs correctly when I do manual test, but fails under automatic test” will
not be accepted.