


In this homework assignment, we will analyze the frequency and sequencing of
words in sentences in samples of English text. Then we will generate new
sequences of strings that mimic these statistics and present these sequences
as computer-generated text. The key idea is that if particular words often
appear together in the sample text, then it is likely that stringing together
these common pairs of words will form plausible phrases or sentences. This
statistical model is called a Markov chain. By using STL’s associative
container (map) we can make this system efficient and elegant. Please
carefully read the entire assignment before beginning your implementation.
As an example, let’s consider the text of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Hansel
and Gretel, available from Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/ . In this text (translated from the original
German to English), the word “could” appears 5 times. 2 of those times it is
immediately followed by “not” and the other 3 times it is followed by “be”,
“get”, and “no” (once each). If we start a phrase or sentence with the word
“could”, a good guess for the second word is “not”. The statistics of the word
“not” tell us it appears 26 times. 3 of those times it is followed by “find”
(more often than any other word), so we choose “find” as our third word. Then
we look up the statistics for “find”, etc. This process yields a plausible
phrase “could not find the forest”, which in fact does not appear in the
original text!
This general strategy has been used to generate plausible (but often
nonsensical) sentences. Here’s a famous example written by Mark V. Shaney (a
computer program written by Bruce Ellis):
“I spent an interesting evening recently with a grain of salt.”

Using an STL map to Store the Word Frequency & Sequencing

As we process the sample text we’ll keep track of all the words we have seen,
and for each word we’ll keep track of all the words that immediately followed
that word, and the number of times each pair of words appeared together. We
will use maps to store this information.
The picture at the right represents the map structure created when the text
below is read into the data variable using the LoadSampleText function.
see spot run
see jane
see jane run
What is the type of the data variable suggested by this example and diagram?
Hint: there are two maps!
How will you process and store the long sequence of words from the sample text
into this structure? Note:
We treat the input as one big run-on sentence. We provide some code that will
help you parse large input files (like the plain text books available from
Project Gutenberg) and ignore punctuation and capitalization.

Next Word Prediction

Once the sample text is stored into the data variable, your next task will be
to implement the NextWord function. Given the last word in the current
sequence, this function will use the statistics in data to select the next
word for the sequence. Your function should work in two different modes: 1)
selecting the most frequently observed next word or 2) selecting at random
with the probabilities observed in the sample text. So using the second mode
to chose the word after “could”, we will select “not” with 2/5 = 40%
probability, and “be”, “get”, and “no” with 1/5 = 20% probability each.

Input/Output & Basic Functionality

Your program should not expect any command line arguments, and will read from
std::cin and write to std::cout, but you will probably find it helpful to
redirect the input (& output) to trick your program into reading from &
writing to files (see the course webpage under “Other Information”). Each line
of input data begins with a keyword signaling one of four commands.

load hansel and gretel.txt 2 ignore punctuation

This command loads the sample text from the specified file and stores the
sequence and frequency information into the data variable map structure. The
integer parameter specifies the window width over which sequencing data should
be collected (to begin the assignment use window=2, but more on this later).
The last parameter indicates how punctuation (and capitalization) should be
handled. Implementing special parsing of punctuation and using punctuation in
your word selection and output is extra credit.

With this command, we query the statistics in the data variable, to learn what
words were observed to follow the specified word (or phrase). The word (or
phrase) will be in double quotes (allowing us to have multiple words). We
provide code to help you parse this input. This query on the Hansel and Gretel
data produces this output (to cout).
could (5)
could be (1)
could get (1)
could no (1)
could not (2)

generate “could” 4 most common

This is the more interesting command. Here we are requesting to add 4 more
words to the initial word (or phrase) by selecting the highest frequency
follow-on word. This command will output the phrase “could not find the
forest” with the Hansel and Gretel database.

generate “could” 10 random

And similarly, this command generates 10 words to follow “could”, but using a
random draw from the observed word sequence frequencies.


This command closes the program.
These commands may be entered directly from std::cin during an interactive
data querying and play session, or drawn in from a file using file
redirection. We encourage you to use the MersenneTwister (mtrand.h &
mtrand.cpp) code to generate good random numbers. To see if your program
matches our output exactly (except for the randomness of course!), you may use
the command line UNIX library program diff (available for Linux, MacOSX, and
Cygwin), which takes two files as arguments and outputs the differences
between them. WinDiff is another option for Windows users. Please see a TA or
the instructor in office hours if you have a question about these programs.

Expanding the Sequencing Window or Context

So far, our examples have considered only the last word in the current
sequence when selecting the next word, but in fact we can usually create more
realistic phrases and sentences by expanding the context or window of the
sequencing probabilities. Specifically when generating the third word, let’s
not just consider the second word, but let’s consider both the first and the
second word. For the Hansel and Gretel input, the 2 word sequence “could not”
appears just twice, followed by “get” and “see” (once each). This suggests
that one of these words is perhaps a better choice for the third word than the
earlier example’s selection of “find”. (Note: when we have a tie for the most
frequently appearing next word, we will chose the first alphabetically, in
this case “get”.) Similarly, to generate the fourth word, using window = 3, we
start with the sequence “not get” and discover that the only time this
subphrase appears in the sample text it is followed by “out”. Let’s expand our
data map type diagram accordingly.
Note: Other data structure designs for this application are possible, but
please follow the diagram below for this assignment to ensure you get plenty
of practice with STL map.
However, there are tradeoffs to using a much larger window or context.
First of all, the map data structure will require more memory. Furthermore, if
the context is too large, the technique can “overfit” the data. If only one
passage of the text matches the query sequence over the large window, then the
computer will not have any choices when generating the sequence, and the
output will just be a copy of a single passage of the sample text.
For the core homework assignment, first implement the 2 word window shown in
the first diagram. When that is working, move to the 3 word window in the
diagram on the right. For full credit on the homework, your code should work
with window=2 and window=3. For extra credit, extend your solution to work for
any window size. Warning: this extension is not straightforward. You may add
components to this diagram for your implementation, but the overall structure
and arrangement of data should keep the same spirit.

Performance & Order Notation

Consider the performance of each of the commands outlined above. Let n be the
total number of words in the sample text file, let m be the number of unique
words in the file, let w be the width of the sequencing window, and let p be
the average number of words observed in the sample to follow a particular
word. How much memory will the map data structure require, in terms of n, m,
w, and p (order notation for memory use)? What is the order notation for
performance (running time) of each of the commands? Write these answers in
your README.txt file.
You are not explicitly required to create any new classes when completing this
assignment, but please do so if it will improve your program design. We expect
you to use const and pass by reference/alias as appropriate throughout your
assignment. We have provided a partial implementation of the main program to
get you started. You may use none, a little, or all of this, as you choose,
but we strongly urge you to examine it carefully.

Extra Credit

There are many options for extra credit on this assignment. (As usual though,
the total number of points awarded to extra credit work will be small.) You
may brainstorm and implement an extension for punctuation data. In particular,
recognizing the end of a sentence (a period or question mark), might improve
the readability of your phrases and sentences. If your implementation supports
the use of any window size, summarize the results of your testing with
different window sizes. What feels like the “right” window size for a
particular dataset? Be sure to make up your own test cases too. Project
Gutenberg is an excellent resource. Report your performance statistics on your
largest test cases. Obviously, you won’t be able to submit large datasets (due
to the hw submission size), but describe them in your README.txt and cut &
paste any interesting “philosophical” statements your program generates.


Use good coding style and detailed comments when you design and implement your
program. Please use the provided template README.txt file for any notes you
want the grader to read, including work for extra credit. You must do this
assignment on your own, as described in the “Collaboration Policy & Academic
Integrity”. If you did discuss the problem or error messages, etc. with
anyone, please list their names in your README.txt file.

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