For this project, you will get some more practice working with data. Suppose
that you are given a file containing the details of players of a NFL team
The data is consistently organized in the form of XML tags in the following
- The first/root tag contains the details of the team
- The name tag of a team, [name], contains the team’s name
- The players tag of a team, [players], contains a list of player details
- The player tag, [player], contains the following information about each player
- Jersey Number
- First Name
- Last Name
- Height (Feet-Inches)
- Weight (Pounds)
- Age
- Position
- School
Your job is to write a python program, called summarizeData(filename), that
takes, as an argument, the name of a file. In all cases, this file will be a
.txt file. For example, this function would be called using the following:summarizeData(“Broncos.txt”)
You CANNOT just hard-code the name of the file into the program, nor should
you overwrite the name of the file in your program! It must be passed in as
the argument in the function. Your program will open the file and create a new
file with a summary of the data, with the tags stripped from the data, as
specified below. The name of this new file must be a modification of the file
name that contains the data (which is passed as an argument when calling this
function). For example, if the name of the original data file is called
“Broncos.txt”, the new file name should be “BroncosRoster.txt”. If the data
file is called “Bills.txt”, the new file name should be “BillsRoster.txt”.
The output for the example file above should be in the following format (items
in bold depend on the contents from the file (the bold font is just to point
out the data that is being supplied by the file), and you cannot assume that
there only 3 players in a given file! You must open the file and count them!):
Here is the roster for the Denver Broncos. There are 3 players on the team.
Zaire Anderson, ILB, wears #50. He is 5 foot 11 inches tall, and weighs 220
pounds. He is 24 years old. He went to Nebraska. Shaquil Barrett, OLB, wears
#48. He is 6 foot 2 inches tall, and weighs 250 pounds. He is 23 years old. He
went to Colorado State. Kapri Bibbs, RB, wears #48. He is 5 foot 11 inches
tall, and weighs 203 pounds. He is 23 years old. He went to Colorado State.
I made the font small, so that you could see the new lines. Only include one
space between a period and the first word of the next sentence. However, there
should be no space before a new line. Also, include one space between a comma
and the next word. Exact punctuation is required. Remember to include commas,
periods, and spaces. There should be a new line after the school information
for a given player. Those should be the only new lines that you encode.
Remember that the grading of these projects will have an automated component.
If any of these directions are not clear, please ask for clarification.
It is important that the name of the output file follow the naming structure
specified. As another example, if the file being opened is “Chargers.txt”, the
name of the output file should be “ChargersRoster.txt”. In other words, the
name of the output file should be the name of the input file with Roster added
on to it (before the .txt ending).
Submit ONE file (the .py file) to the assignment folder on ICON prior to the
deadline. After the deadline, no submissions will be accepted. Be sure to
follow the naming conventions that have been used throughout the semester:
At the beginning of your python file, be sure to include a function that
returns a list containing your HAWKID. This is important, so I will write it
in all capsI am not yelling at youI am trying to get your attention. BY NOW,
include this function, or you won’t have your grade on the project entered
into the grade book. This function should be named getHawkIDs().
Make sure that you submit the correct file. The file that you submit will be
the file that is graded. If you submit a file that is incomplete, that is the
one that will be graded, regardless of whether or not you have a more complete
project that you meant to submit. Date and time stamps on a file are
irrelevant…the only file that matters is the .py file that you submit through
ICON before your access to this folder closes. You may submit your file more
than once, but only the most recent file will be stored in the assignment
folder, and only the most recent file submitted will be graded.
This is an individual project. Do not talk with your classmates or roommates
about the project. Do not search for a solution on the Internet (this does not
mean that you cannot look up information about python functions, like split()
and strip() ). This project is your chance to show your programming skills. I
am not interested in grading the Internet community, or your roommate. I am
interested in grading YOUR work. I cannot do that if you get outside help. You
can talk with the TAs about the project, but they will be limited in how they
help you. But they CAN help you. Please ask them questions or get help. This
is your project, after all. You can also talk with me about your project. Do
not procrastinate. Finish this project early and get it crossed off of your
list. If you are confused about anything, ask! But don’t wait until the day it
is due!
For the last two weeks of discussion, you are encouraged to attend multiple
discussion sections. The TAs will walk through some examples of how to work
with files. Attend several sections if it will help reinforce the ideas behind
working with files. Just remember that this is an INDIVIDUAL project. They
will also give examples of the strip() and split() functions that Python has
(which you can also read about on python.org).
The grading rubric for this project is:
- The program runs without errors. Press the green arrow and look for error messages!
- The program can open, read, write, and close a file. Be sure to close the files when you are finished.
- The data is read and interpreted correctly.
- The sentence structure is correct.
- Your program is properly documented (i.e. comments)!
- Your file contains a function that takes no arguments, and returns a LIST containing your hawkID. This function must be named getHawkIDs().