
代写棋盘游戏Snakes And Ladders,作业限制了只能使用单链表,不允许使用数组。


The game of Snakes And Ladders is well known. You have probably played
something like it before (google it if you are not familiar with it). We will
use a variation of this game for our assignment, which is mostly about linked

Our variation of snakes and ladders

Snakes and ladders board

Our game is played on a board consisting of n squares, where n can be any
positive integer. The squares are numbered 1, 2, 3, , n. There are usually
snakes and ladders on the board. A snake links a higher numbered square to a
lower numbered square. A ladder links a lower numbered square to a higher
numbered square.
Since we are computer scientist, who are inclined to make abstractions, we
simply view both a snake and a ladder as a link from one square, called the
source, to a different square, called the destination.
We use snadder to refer to either a snake or a ladder. So a snadder is link
from its source to its destination.

Additional restrictions:

  • No square can be the source of more than one snadder. The reason for this should become clear when you know how the game is played.
  • No square can be the destination of more than one snadder. The reason for this should become clear when you see the concept of a dual board later.
  • The last square cannot be the source or the destination of a snadder.
    Aside: The board described here is essentially the same as that of the
    conventional game of snakes and ladders.

How it’s played

Our game is played by two players, called player 1 and player 2. After
creating the board on which to play, player 1 randomly generates a step size,
which is a positive integer. Then player 2 does likewise. So player 1 has a
step size, say s1 , and player 2 has a step size, say s2 . s1 and s2 may or
may not be equal.
Player 1 starts on square s1 , unless that square is the source of a snadder,
in which case player 1 starts at the destination of that snadder. Similarly,
player 2 starts on square s2 , unless that square is the source of a snadder,
in which case player 2 starts at the destination of that snadder.
Now the players take turns making moves, with player 1 going first. A move for
player i, where i = 1 or i = 2, consists of moving si squares from the square
where the player was. If the player lands on the source of a snadder, then the
player follows the snadder and ends the move at the destination of that
Wraparound rule: If the player was less than si squares from square n (the
last square), then the player moves the excess number of squares starting back
at square 1.
For example, if n = 100, s1 = 5, and player 1 was on square 97, then player 1
goes to square 2 (97 + 5 100 = 2). Furthermore, if square 2 is the source of a
snadder with destination square 25, then player 1 would end the move at square

Who wins

The first player to end a move on the last square wins the game.

When players loop

It is possible that neither player ever moves onto the last square. They can
both get into a loop, and they never end a move on the last square. In this
case, player 2 is considered the winner.
Aside: The conventional game of snakes and ladders differs from our game in
three ways.

  1. Instead of using a fixed step size, the conventional game uses a randomly generated step size for every move. A die is commonly used.
  2. The conventional game does not have the wraparound rule. Instead, the first player to go on or past the last square wins.
  3. With random step size for every move, the concept of a player looping as described above cannot happen. The conventional game simply continues until a player go on or past the last square.

Ways to represent a snakes and ladders board

Here are two ways to represent a snakes and ladders board.

Dictionary representation

We can represent a snakes and ladders board with a data structure that has two

  • numSquares An integer indicating the number of squares on the board.
  • snadders A dictionary where each key is the source of a snadder and its value is the corresponding destination. For example, if a snadder links square 23 to square 71, then snadders[23] == 71.
    See the file for details.

Linked list representation

We can also represent a snakes and ladders board as a circular singly linked
list. Each node represents a square. The last node represents the last square.
It is linked to the first node, which represents square 1. If there are n
squares on the board, then there are n nodes in the linked list. As with any
linked list, a pointer to the first node is all we need to have access to the
whole list. The number of squares is not explicitly stored anywhere.
The only data stored in each node is the attribute snadder. If the node
represents the source of a snadder, then snadder contains the address of the
corresponding destination. Otherwise snadder == None.
See the file for details.

The dual board

Given a snakes and ladders board, we define its dual to be the snakes and
ladders board with the same number of squares, and the same number of
snadders, except the source and destination of each snadder are interchanged.
For example, if the original board has 100 squares, then so does its dual.
Furthermore, if square 3 links to square 8 in the original board, then square
8 links to square 3 in its dual.

What to do

  1. Download the following files.
    It contains the declaration of the SALboard class, which is the dictionary
    representation of a snakes and ladders board. Read and understand this code.
    It contains the declaration of the SALBnode class, which is the node used in a
    linked list representation of a snakes and ladders board. Read and understand
    this code.
    To this file add your name to the license at the top to indicate that you have
    added intellectual value to it. You may only distribute these files, or
    modified versions of them, with the same license, and along with the file
  2. In, implement the following module-level functions, with good documentation.
    * salb2salbLL(salb): which takes a dictionary representation of a snakes and ladders board, and returns a linked list representation of the same board.
    * willfinish(first, stepsize): which takes a linked list representation of a snakes and ladders board and a step size, and returns whether a player playing on the board with the given step size will ever land on the last square.
    * whowins(first, step1, step2): which takes a linked list representation of a snakes and ladders board and two step sizes for players 1 and 2 respectively, and returns the number of the player who wins the game on the given board with players using their given step sizes.
    * dualboard(first): which takes a linked list representation of a snakes and ladders board, and returns the linked list that represents its dual.
    Your code must ensure that the input list represents the same board when the
    function is called and when it returns. However you may alter the input list
    while the function is running.
    Since this assignment is meant mainly as an opportunity for you to work with
    linked lists, therefore we impose the following restriction on your code.
    * For all the above functions except salb2salbLL, you are not permitted to use the built-in Python data structures lists, tuples, sets, or dictionaries. You must work directly with SALBnodes.
  3. Submit your file to Markus.

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