


This assignment tests your understanding of inheritance and polymorphism in
Java. This assignment consists of two parts. You need to implement the basic
requirements of the program in part (a). In part(b), you have to extend the
program by submitting additional files.
You are required to implement an ordering system for a shop that sells
smoothies. The shop allows customers to customize their own smoothie by mixing
from a variety of ingredients.
You need to design the program structure. Program design will be evaluated in
this assignment. You must make good use of inheritance and polymorphism in
order to get all marks for this assignment. You must make use of abstract
class and interface, and all instant variables must be private. The marking
criteria are included at the end of this assignment description.
You are also required to write JavaDoc for all non-private classes and non-
private class members. Submissions without JavaDoc will not be marked.


You need to implement the main program,, which will be the
ordering system for the shop. Here is the flow diagram of how a smoothie is


There are 9 possible ingredients that can be added to a smoothie. When an
ingredient is added, it contributes a certain amount of volume in the

Ingredient Volume
Apple 40-50ml by random
Coconut 60-80ml by random
Orange 50-60ml by random
Chocolate chips 30-40ml by random
Banana 35-40ml by random
Milk Always 100ml
Melon 50-70ml by random
Vanilla ice cream 40-45ml by random
Water melon Always 150ml
When the program is executed, the following menu should be displayed:
1. Apple
2. Orange
3. Banana
4. Melon
5. Water melon
6. Coconut
7. Chocolate chips
8. Milk
9. Vanilla ice cream
What would you like to add to your smoothie?
Please enter your choice (1-9, or 0 to finish the order): 

If the user entered option 1-9, the program should show the ingredient and its
Added Apple 45ml
The process should be repeated until the user entered 0 to finish the order.
The user may choose to add the same ingredient again. In that case, the volume
may be different because each ingredient added is considered a different
Ask for input again if the user enters any other input. You can assume that
the user will always input an integral value. Your program does not need to
handle non-integer input.


There are 4 possible containers that can be used. Each container can only hold
a certain amount of smoothie.

Container Capacity
Plastic cup Always 300ml
Melon 4 times the volume
Coconut 5 times the volume
Water melon Always 350ml
If the user selected any one of the ingredients that can be used as a
container, the user can choose either using the plastic cup (the default
container), or the ingredient itself as the container. For example, the
following menu should be shown if the user has chosen one coconut, two melons
and one water melon as the ingredients:
1. Plastic cup (300ml)
2. Melon (236ml)
3. Coconut (395ml)
4. Melon (232ml)
5. Water melon (350ml)
What would you like to use to hold your smoothie?
Please enter your choice (1-5): 

Note that the order follows how the ingredients are added.
The user must select one of the options. Ask for input again if the user
entered any other input. You can assume that the user will always input an
integral value. Your program does not need to handle non-integer input.
If none of the ingredients can be used as a container, the plastic cup is
automatically used. The menu should not be shown in such case.

Creating smoothie

If the total volume of the ingredients is less than the capacity of the
container, ice is automatically added to the mix. The program should print out
the amount of ice being added:
Added Ice 99ml
The program should then print out the list of ingredients and the container.
For example:
Smoothie ingredients:
Melon (59ml)
Milk (100ml)
Coconut (79ml)
Melon (58ml)
Ice (99ml)
Container: Coconut (395ml)
In the above example, the ingredients contribute 296ml of volume and the
container has a capacity of 395ml. Therefore 99ml of ice is automatically
If too many ingredients are chosen and they cannot fit into the container, no
ice is added and the amount of waste should be shown. For example:
Smoothie ingredients:
Apple (49ml)
Coconut (73ml)
Apple (50ml)
Milk (100ml)
Milk (100ml)
Container: Plastic cup (300ml)
Wasted 72ml!
Note there it is also possible that the amount of ingredients is exactly the
capacity of the container. Then no ice is added and there is no waste.
The program should then terminate.

Part (a) requirements

You program must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Model all possible ingredients and containers as objects. Allow easy expansion to the program by adding more ingredients that may or may not be used as a container.
  • Define abstract classes for classes that are supposed to be inherited but not instantiated directly.
  • All instant variables must be private. Define getters to access these variables only if necessary.
  • is the main program that controls the program flow and user interaction only. You are encouraged to define the program logic in other classes. The size of the main program,, including comments and JavaDoc, must not exceed 4k bytes (4096 bytes).

Part (b) requirements

Part (b) of the assignment will be released after you have submitted part (a).

  • You will be asked to define some new ingredients that may or may not be used as a container.
  • You may also be asked to remove an ingredient from the shop.
  • You will have to submit the new classes for the new ingredients, as well as a new main program (in place of These files must work with your files submitted in part (a).
  • You are not allowed to modify the files submitted in part (a) when you submit part (b).

Marking (65% for part a)

35% marks are given to the program design.

  • You will be awarded all the marks if you are implementing the ingredients and containers by making use of inheritance and polymorphism.
  • You must use abstract class for classes that an object of such class should not be instantiated.
  • You must make use of interface in your program
  • You can check them by avoiding code duplication as much as possible.
  • Economy is valuable in coding: the easiest way to ensure a bug-free line of code is not to write the line of code at all.
    15% marks are given to the functionality of your program.
  • Your program output must be identical to what is described in this document, with the exception of the trailing spaces at the end of each line of output.
  • Please ask us on Moodle or by email if you are not sure about any of the requirements stated in this specification.
    15% marks are given to your JavaDoc. A complete JavaDoc includes documentation
    of every classes, member fields and methods that are not private. JavaDoc for
    the main method may be omitted.
  • You should know the JavaDoc requirements clearly now. So you will either get all marks or none for the JavaDoc written for this assignment.


Please submit all source files (*.java) in a single compressed file (in .zip
or .7z) to Moodle. Late submission is not allowed.
Do not submit .class file.

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