


Having read in the files for project 1, you’d like to do something
constructive with these data. Inspired by our work on the presidential
speeches, you decide you want to try to see if there are patterns implicit in
the data that reveal underlying geographic or demographic realities. This is
generally the purview of machine learning, and, in particular, cluster
analysis. If you imagine each country being represented by a vector of values
corresponding to these educational data, then each country can be mapped to a
point in a multidimensional space. Countries that match to similar points
would then be considered similar in terms of their underlying educational
systems. If, for example, there were only two variables involved, each country
would be mapped onto a plane, and points that were located near each other in
the plane would then be considered similar.
Before you can use these data for clustering or any other similarity based
method you have a lot of work to do. First, you must implicitly be able to
measure distance between two points in many dimensions: but the variables you
have aren’t given in the same units. How can you compute distances when some
variables are, e.g., percentages and other variables are, e.g., population
counts? Second, as some of you noted previously, some of the data points
correspond to real countries, while others correspond to collections of
countries or other similar administrative units. You’d really like to be able
to see if there are consistent patterns on a nation-to-nation comparison
basis. Third, if we are to use a vectorbased method (like the presidential
speeches) how are we to decide which of the many variables to include in the
vector measure? Finally, as our purpose becomes clearer, this proves to be an
opportune time to refactor our code to improve its overall structure and
(human) interpretability.

Code Refactoring

In this part of the project, we will restructure our code electing to adopt an
object-oriented view of the system. Our code will be organized among three
objects: vectors, datasets, and analyses. The Vector object is one we have
already studied and used in our presidential speech discussion, and the code
for Vector has been provided to you on ICON. The Dataset object is the new
organizing object for much of the code you wrote for the first part of the
project. Since we are now adopting an object-oriented paradigm, you will need
to make some changes to your existing code to integrate it into the new object
(n.b, you may elect to start with the solution to part 1 provided rather than
your own code; you will still need to make the same set of modifications).
Finally, the Analysis object will be used to organize and represent an
individual test of similarity think along the lines of defining which
variables are actually present in the vector itself.


The Vector object is provided in the template file on ICON. Aside from some
utility methods that compute the magnitude of the vector and normalize a
vector to make it a unit vector, the original Vector object contains a single
method to compute the dot product (also called the scalar produce) of two
You will need to extend Vector to include a new method that returns the
Euclidean distance between two vectors. The Euclidean distance between two
n-dimensional vectors x and y.
You may use the Vector.dproduct() method as a model for how to define Vector.
edistance(), which should return a single floating point value.
Of course, Euclidean distance really doesn’t mean anything unless the n axes
are expressed in comparable units. To see why this is so, imagine a two
dimensional plot that represents height in centimeters against age in years
for a sample of college students. Now consider three students: student A (180
cm, age 20), student B (150 cm, age 19) and student C (178 cm, age 23).
According to the Euclidean distance formula given above, the distance between
A and B is 30.02, while the distance between student A and C is about one
tenth of that, or 3.6. Are these differences meaningful? More on this issue


The Dataset object is where we organize most of the data we managed to read
and parse in the first part of the project. At the very least, Dataset should
contain four dictionaries, D, C, V and P, corresponding to the dictionaries
constructed by its methods Dataset. readCodes(), Dataset. readData(), and
Dataset. readDefinitions(). These methods are based on your solutions from the
first part of the project, but must be modified to fit object-oriented ideas.
The constructor Dataset. init(self , codefile, defnfile, datafile) should
take three filenames corresponding to three csv files. and should invoke
Dataset. readCodes(), Dataset. readData(), and Dataset. readDefinitions()
Your existing readDefinitions() function can be incorporated as a Dataset
method with only minimal changes that reflect the object-oriented structure.
In particular, the dictionary D is no longer the constructed and returned as
the value of Dataset. readDefinitions(), but rather is incorporated as a
variable Dataset. D (that is, self . D within the Dataset object). Note that
the readDefinitions() function provided in the solution to the first part of
the project correctly handles the ill-formed definition file from the World
Bank discussed in class.
The second method, Dataset. readCodes(), is a new method that reads in the
specified codefile.
The final method, Dataset. readData() should be largely based on your existing
readData() function (or the one provided), but with several important
differences. First, Dataset. readData() need not be responsible for
constructing C (that is now the responsibility of Dataset. readCodes()) and so
it can simply ignore unrecognized country codes. Second, we no longer require
readData() (or makeProfiles()) to remove or prune unusable country codes from
C: we’ll allow Dataset. C to contain all of the codes in the codefile even if
a country has no associated values. Third, like C, dictionary V now becomes a
variable within the Dataset object rather than a value returned by a function.
Fourth, we incorporate the functionality similar to makeProfiles() in the
first part of the project here by making Dataset. readData() responsible for
construction Dataset. P, which now will represent a dictionary of country
counts for each variable (as opposed to the first part of this project’s
dictionary of variable counts for each country). And, finally, we will need to
postprocess the values produced so as to support the comparisons of apples to
oranges, as described in the next section.

Z Scores

As noted previously, because the values in the data file are expressed using
different units, it is difficult to imagine a vector space method where each
axis has a different semantics. One solution is to express every variable in
terms of a dimensionless value called a “Z score” or “standard score.” A Z
score expresses a measurement in terms of its relation to other measurements
of the same value. Starting with a collection of measurements for a given
variable, we can express each measurement value v as a function of the mean
and the sample standard deviation (ssd) of the distribution of measurements
observed as follows.
What are the properties of these Z scores? Well, a Z score of 0 occurs when
the value is exactly the mean value of the sample; a negative Z score occurs
when a value is smaller than the sample mean, and a positive Z score occurs
when a value is larger than the mean. If there is only one value in the sample
(e.g., only one country has this particular datapoint), then the corresponding
Z score is necessarily 0. A larger positive (or larger negative) Z score
corresponds to a value that is “more of an outlier” from the other values in
the sample, assuming a normal distribution. Finally, note that these
characteristics suggest a simple way of handling a missing value: just assume
the missing value is 0, which is the mean of the distribution!
Computing the mean is simple; the mean is defined as the sum of the values
divided by n, the number of values in the sample. Computing the sample
standard deviation is only slightly more complicated. The ssd the square root
of the variance, which can be computed as follows. First, subtract the mean
you just computed from each value in the set, and square each resulting
difference. Second, add these squared differences together and divide the
resulting sum by n 1, where n is the number of values in the sample.
The square root of this quotient, the variance, is the sample standard
deviation. Once you have computed the mean and ssd, we can recast each of our
original measurements as a Z score; see
for an example.
Once you’ve read in the data file, your Dataset. readData() method should make
a final pass over each variable in the Dataset. V dictionary and compute the
appropriate Z score. Recall that Dataset. V looks something like.


Because implementing a clustering algorithm is beyond the scope of this class,
and because if we were to truly want to perform a clustering analysis of these
data extensive Python libraries such as scikitlearning already contain
implementations of common clustering algorithms, we only implement one simple
similarity based search routine in our Analysis class. The method, Analysis.
KNN (), when provided a country code and an integer parameter k, returns the
names of the k countries most like the target country within the vector space
of the Analysis. Each Analysis object represents the particular vector space
used to perform a similarity search.
The Analysis class constructor takes two arguments, a Dataset object, D, and a
vector length, j (5 by default). Recall from our presidential speech project
that we selected the j most frequently occurring terms (words or word stems,
ignoring stop words) with which to construct our vectors. Here, we will do the
same thing, using the Dataset. P dictionary to select the j most common
variables from which to form our unit vectors (ties in Dataset. P may be
broken at random). The constructor should then create two internal dictionary
values, Analysis. U and Analysis. E, where U is a dictionary of all the non-
zero magnitude unit vectors computed from the Z scores for the j most common
variables indexed by country code (recall countries with no data for these j
variables will return a vector with magnitude 0, which should not be included
in U). The Analysis. E dictionary consists of ordered lists of tuples, also
indexed by country code, where each tuple is of the form (distance, other
country code) and the ordering is by distance (ascending) for every country
code having a vector in U.
We next turn our attention to implementing Analysis. KNN (self , target, k), a
K-nearest neighbor search algorithm that takes two parameters, a target
country code target and an integer count k (again, 5 by default) and returns a
list of k tuples (distance, country code, country, region) representing, in
decreasing order of similarity, the k closest countries to the specified
target. This would be pretty simple to implement if we created target as a
dictionary with keys corresponding to other countries and values corresponding
to distance from target. All one would have to do is to return the country
codes and distances (augmented by corresponding country name and region)
corresponding to the k smallest (“closest”) values in target. Of course, such
an implementation would not be particularly efficient. To see why this is so,
consider that each time you query an Analysis object via Analysis. KNN () for
a specified target country you will need to sort a “row” (a dictionary) of
Analysis. E. Repeated queries with the same target but presumably differing
values of k would repeatedly resort the same dictionary.
Thus a much more efficient implementation provided this Analysis will be
frequently queried would result if we simply presorted each “row” Analysis. E
once and for all at construction time. Then, the implementation of Analysis.
KNN () would simply need to return the first k values in the sorted
representation (again, augmented by country name and region) without having to
continually resort. Thus Analysis. E should be implemented as a dictionary of
tuples, where each tuple or “row” of E is just a sorted list of (distance,
country code) tuples arranged in ascending order by distance as shown above.

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