General Instructions
The goal of this assignment is to learn and practice the concepts covered thus
far: function design, function calls, branching (i.e. if statements), strings,
forloops. We have a little more content to cover in class before you can
finish the assignment, but you should be able to do most of it right now.
Note that the examples provided in this handout are just some examples with
which you may test your code. These examples will be used to grade your
submission, as well as other inputs not in the examples (so don’t hard code
your programs to work for just the examples here). Therefore, when you test
your own code before submitting, be sure to test with different values which
you think I might test it with. When you’re satisfied with your code and your
tests, copy your test cases and their outputs into the relevant text file,
which also you are required to submit.
This assignment has two parts, each of which has to be addressed in a separate
python file. The solution to Part 1 should be in part1_xxxxxx.py and the
solution to Part 2 should be in part2_xxxxxx.py (where xxxxxx is your student
number). Similarly, the tests for part 1 should be in part1_tests.txt and the
tests for part 1 should be in part2_tests.txt. As practiced in Lab 1, put both
these files in a folder/directory called a2_xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is your
student number), and zip it into a2_xxxxxx.zip. You are required to submit
a2_xxxxxx.zip. Make sure that your files are named correctly - we will look
for those exact filenames, and disregard all others (this means that if you
name your file incorrectly, we will not consider it, and it will receive no
If you choose to answer the bonus question, put your solution to the bonus
question in part2_xxxxxx.py (where xxxxxx is your student number), and the
relevant test session in part3_tests.txt, and add these files to the zip file
as well.
If running a python file that you submit results in an error, then all
questions answered in that file will get a zero.
For all questions that involve user input, your code should be flexible/robust
enough to allow the user to input spaces/tabs before and after their actual
Since some students had trouble with Assignment 1, there is a bonus question
in Assignment 2. If you do the bonus question, add those files (see the
description of the bonus question below) to the folder which you zip and
Math Test Application
Your little cousin has just started learning some math in grade school, and
needs to practice for her tests. Being the ever helpful person that you are,
you’ve taken it upon yourself to write a little program to help her practice.
She already understands addition and multiplication. You are going to help her
with subtraction and exponentiation.
Write all the code for your submission to this question in a file called
part1_xxxxxx.py (where xxxxxx is your student number).
performTest(flag, n) (The Core Function)
To do this, you are going to write a function called performTest. performTest
takes two parameters, namely flag (which is supposed to be an int) and n
(which is also supposed to be an int). If flag is 0, performTest helps
practice subtraction. But if flag is 1, performTest helps practice
performTest then generates n math problems that your cousin must answer in
turn. For each question, it generates two random positive, single-digit
numbers (check out python’s random module to see if there’s a useful function
in there) and asks your cousin for the answer to the math problem with those
two numbers (either subtract the second number from the first, or raise the
first number to the power of the second number). performTest then prompts your
cousin for the answer, and checks if her answer is correct. At the end of n
questions, performTest returns the number of questions answered correctly.
The User Interaction
Now that you have a function that performs the core functionality, you want to
make it more user friendly for your cousin to use (after all, she doesn’t know
how to write code and call functions). While you are working on this, your
neighbors hear about your program, and ask if they can use it for their kids
as well (they bribe you with cookies - how could you possibly refuse?!). So
you decide to make it a little more user-friendly and ask for the user’s name
before calling performTest.
In the main part of your program, outside of the performTest function, write
some code that asks the user for their name, and whether they would like to
practice subtraction or exponentiation. Then ask how many practice questions
they’d like (if they say 0, then your code should not ask any math problems at
all - they’re ready for the test). Using their responses, call the performTest
function with the appropriate values. When it returns the number of correct
answers, display a message to the user (for the sake of the example, let’s
pretend the user’s name is Gamora):
- If she did 90% or better, display Congratulations Gamora! You’ll probably get an A tomorrow. Now go eat your dinner and go to sleep. Good bye Gamora! on screen.
- If she did 70% or better, but worse than 90%, display You did well Gamora, but I know you can do better. Good bye Gamora! on screen.
- If she did worse than 70%, display I think you need some more practice Gamora. Good bye Gamora! on screen.
We’ve provided you with some starter code. Do not change this code, as our
testing methodology depends on that code. If you change that code, we might
become unable to test your code, which will result in you losing marks.
Keep in mind that your little cousin is very young and doesn’t necessarily
follow best practices for user input. So, she might include spaces
before/after her name or any other input. Your code should be sufficiently
flexible to accept these inputs
Hint check out help(str.strip)
A Library of Functions
For this part of the assignment, you are required two write several functions
and save them in part2_xxxxxx.py.
(I don’t have a story for this question. But if you do it right, you’ll get
Write a function called seriesSum. This function prompts the user for a
nonnegative integer, but P the user might give you a negative integer. The
function n then returns 1000 if the user inputs a non-negative integer. If the
user inputs a negative integer, the function returns None.
catch(side, x, y) - 5 points
Your little brother has just gotten accepted to Carleton University (this is
going to make for a fun family reunion at Thanksgiving this year), and you’re
helping him pack. The two of you are in his room - he’s throwing his clothes
at you, and you’re trying to catch them in a box with a square bottom. But as
most little brothers are, yours is a mischievous little $#*(&^!. He throws his
clothes all over his room, and you have to run around with the box to make
sure his clothes fall into the box. Being the clever person that you are,
you’ve worked out a Cartesian coordinate system for his room, so that you can
predict exactly where his clothes are going to fall. Now, you just need to
figure out where to place the box, so that the clothes land exactly inside it.
Write a function called catch. catch takes three input parameters:
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
side | float | the length of the side of the box you’re carrying |
x | float | the x coordinate of where your brother’s clothes are going to |
land in his room | ||
y | float | the y coordinate of where your brother’s clothes are going to |
land in his room | ||
If side is zero or a negative number, catch should return None. Else, catch | ||
should return the tuple (x,y), the coordinates of the bottom left corner of | ||
the box, so that your brother’s clothes land exactly in the center of the | ||
bottom of the box. |
Pell numbers are a mathematical sequence of numbers that help approximate the
value of 2 (check out the Wikipedia page on Pell Numbers:
(ok this is really lame, but I couldn’t come up with a better story)
There is a list of extraordinary characters. These characters are the lower
case letters between e and j (inclusive), the upper case letters between Q and
X (inclusive), numerals between 2 and 6 (inclusive), and the exclamation point
(!), comma (,), and backslash ()
You are required to count how many times these characters appear in a string.
Write a function called countMembers that takes a single input parameter s, of
type str. countMembers then returns the number of characters in s, that are
extraordinary. Therefore, if there are two Xs in s, countMembers must count
two extraordinary characters (one for each occurrence of X in s).
Challenge See if you can write the body of this function in one line
You want to send a note to your friend in class, and because you want to be
respectful in class, you don’t want to whip out your phone and send a text or
an email (or any other digital communication). Instead, you choose to go old
school and write it out on a piece of paper and pass it along to your friend.
The problem is, you don’t want anyone else to read the note as they pass it
along. Luckily, your friend and you have come up with an encryption system so
that nobody else can understand your message. Here’s how it works: you write
out your message backwards (so, Hello, world becomes dlrow ,olleH). But you
don’t stop there, because that’s too easy to crack - anyone can figure that
out! Now that you’ve written in backwards, Then you start on either side of
the string and bring the characters together. So the first and the last
characters become the first and the second character in the encrypted string,
and the second and the second last characters become the third and the fourth
characters in the string, and so on. Thus, Hello, world ultimately becomes
dHlerlolwo , (notice how all punctuation, special characters, spaces, etc are
all treated the same) and 0123456789 becomes 9081726354.
Write a function called encrypt, which takes one parameter s, of type str.
encrypt returns a str, which is the encrypted version of s.
Fun fact in cryptography, s is called “clear text” and the encrypted version
you return is called “cipher text”
Challenge See if you can write the body of this function in one line
Strange communication has been intercepted between two alien species at war.
NASA’s top linguists have determined that these aliens use a weird numbering
system. They have symbols for various numeric values, and they just add all
the values for the symbols in a given numeral to calculate the number. NASA’s
linguists have given you the following table of symbols and their numeric
values. Since they have a lot of these numbers to compute, they want you to
write a function that they can use to automate this task.
Write a function called alienNumbers that takes one string parameter s, and
returns the integer value represented by s. Thus, alienNumbers(a!ya!U!NaU)
returns 1095.
Challenge See if you can write the body of this function in one line
NASA is very pleased with your proof-of-concept solution in the previous
question. Now, they’ve designed a small chip that runs a very restricted
version of python - it doesn’t have any of the string methods that you are
used to. They want you to now rewrite your alienNumbers function to run
without using any of those string methods you may have otherwise used.
Basically, you can use a loop of some sort and any branching you’d like, but
no string methods.
Write a function called alienNumbersAgain, that takes a single string
parameter s, and returns the numeric value of the number that s represents in
the alien numbering system.
Challenge See if you can write the body of this function in one line
(Sorry, no story for this one)
Write a function called oPify, that takes a single string parameter (s) and
returns a string. This function looks at the given string and considers every
pair of consecutive characters. It returns a string with the letters o and p
inserted between these pairs of characters. If the first character is
uppercase, it inserts an uppercase O. If however, it is lowercase, it inserts
the lowercase o. If the second character is uppercase, it inserts an uppercase
P. If however, it is lowercase, it inserts the lowercase p. If either
character is not a letter in the alphabet, it ignores the corresponding o or
p, but keeps the character itself. If either character is not a letter of the
alphabet (e.g. if it’s a number, or any other special character), then ignore
the O/o and P/p for that character (see examples below).
Hint check out help(str.isalpha) and help(str.isupper)
Diplomatic relations between the Jedi and the Sith are very tense right now,
and a battle is imminent. As the two armies march towards each other, the Jedi
High Council has asked you to predict the outcome of the battle. You note that
the Jedi use blue light sabers and the Sith use red light sabers, and that
each Jedi is on average 1.5 times as skilled as a Sith, so you can do some
simple algebra to figure out which side is going to win. You also realize that
it’s been a while the light saber technology has been open sourced, so
civilians who do not participate in the battle have green light sabers.
Write a function named battleOutcome, that takes a single string parameter s.
The string lists the colors red, green, and blue multiple times, separated by
spaces. battleOutcome has to count the number of occurrences of each color,
and report on the outcome of the battle.
- If the combined skill level of the Jedi army is at least twice the combined skill level of the Sith army, battleOutcome returns the string “The Jedi army destroys the Sith army”
- If the combined skill level of the Jedi army is at least 1.5 times (but not quite twice) the combined skill level of the Sith army, battleOutcome returns the string “The Jedi army defeats the Sith army”
- If the two armies are within 1.5 times each other’s skill level, battleOutcome returns the string “Ooh! this is going to be interesting”
- If the combined skill level of the Sith army is at least twice the combined skill level of the Jedi army, battleOutcome returns the string “The Sith army destroys the Jedi army”
- If the combined skill level of the Sith army is at least 1.5 times (but not quite twice) the combined skill level of the Jedi army, battleOutcome returns the string “The Sith army defeats the Jedi army”
Since the Jedi High Council are not familiar with python, write a function
called battleInterface, that takes no parameters.Use it to ask the user to
input a space-separated string of the three light saber colors mentioned.
Then, pass that string to battleOutcome and obtain the results. Finally,
display the string “This is what’s going to happen: “, followed by the results
from battleOutcome.
This is ninja-level programming for this course, which is why it’s worth twice
as much as a normal question. The actual solution is quite easy, but requires
a lot of thought and effort to realize
Write a function called callfunc that accepts two parameters, namely func and
args. func is a function (which itself takes three arguments) that you can
call with arguments, much like any other function you write. args is a tuple
with three elements in it. callfunc then calls the function func using the
elements in the tuple args as arguments to this function, returning its return
Therefore, if there is a function named add3 that takes three numbers and
returns their sum, then callfunc(add3, (1,2,3)) should call the function add3,
capture its return value, and return that captured return value. You do not
need to write a type contract for callfunc.