用Java Swing代写作业,绘制多个国家的国旗。
This project will give you some practice with loops and methods, and also
introduces the notion of having multiple classes working together in a single
The project consists of several classes working together – most of them are
provided for you – only one class (the one named FlagMaker) will be written by
you. The final product will draw flags of different countries and at different
sizes as selected by the input from the console.
Color Class
One of the classes you will use for this project is provided in one of the
available Java graphics packages. It is the “Color” class, and it is part of a
package called “java.awt”. That means that any class that wants to use Color
objects must begin with the following statement at the top of the file:
import java.awt.Color;
If you wanted to create your own Color object you could use a statement like
the one below:
Color myColor = Color.BLACK; // myColor now refers to the color “black”
There are other ways to generate just about any color you could imagine, but
the simple syntax shown above works for the following built-in colors that are
needed for the flags: BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW. In real
life some flags are made from different variations of these colors for example
one flag might have a dark green and another might have a light green - for
ease on this project we will use the built in green for both.
MyGrid Class
The MyGrid class has been written for you. It is part of a package called
“GridTools”. That means that any class that wants to use MyGrid objects must
begin with the following import statement at the top of the file:
import GridTools.MyGrid;
A MyGrid object is a window that you can draw on. In the center of the window
there is a rectangular grid (twice as wide as it is high). You can color in
each region of the grid with any color you want. Below is an example of an
“empty” MyGrid object of size 8 (that means 8 high and 16 wide).
Creating a DrawingGrid Object
A MyGrid object is created in the example driver provided for you in your CVS
repository. You do NOT need to ever create a grid yourself in order to
complete this assignment. But if you ever wanted to create a grid for your own
purposes, you could use a statement like this one:
MyGrid aGrid = new MyGrid(8); //aGrid will refer to a 8 by 16 drawing grid
This statement will create a MyGrid object named aGrid where each of the 128
squares are already colored grey.
Coloring the Squares on the Grid
Once you have a MyGrid object, you can color in any of the squares you want
using any color you want. To do this, you use the method of the MyGrid class
called setColor. The setColor method of the MyGrid class takes three
parameters. The prototype for the method appears below.
public void setColor(int row, int col, Color color)
The parameters “row” and “col” specify the location of the square on the grid
that you would like to color in; the parameter “color” refers to the color you
want to use. Note that the first row is row number 0 (not row number 1), and
the first column is column number 0. For example, below is a picture of what
you would see if you executed the code fragment that follows.
MyGrid aGrid = new MyGrid(6); // creates the 6 by 12 MyGrid object
aGrid.setColor(3, 3, Color.RED); // colors in the square at row 3, col 3, using red
aGrid.setColor(0, 2, Color.BLUE); // colors in the square at row 0, col 2, using blue
If a particular square on the grid has already been colored, there is no harm
in re-coloring that same square – the previous color will simply be replaced
with the new color. This will be a very useful fact when you look for
similarities between the flags so you can reuse code you have already written.
Determining the size of the MyGrid object
There is are two other methods of the MyGrid class that you will need. Suppose
you have a variable called “aGrid” that refers to an existing MyGrid, and you
want to know how big it is. You can use the methods “getHt” and “getWd” to
find out. For example, if the variable “aGrid” refers to an existing grid, the
following statements could be used to store the dimensions of the grid in two
helpful variables:
int height = aGrid.getHt();
int width = aGrid.getWd();
Be careful - DO NOT USE getWidth() and getHeight() - these are defined but
will not give you the numbers you are looking for.
FlagMaker Class
OK, this is where YOU come in! We have provided a skeleton for this class that
you must complete. There is basically just one method that you must fill in,
although it is okay for you to create other methods in this class if you find
it useful to do so. You may find that writing additional methods can help to
eliminate duplicative code. Since we will not be creating any FlagMaker
objects, any methods you choose to write in this class should be declared
using the keyword “static”. Since these other methods should only be called
from another method in the one class you are writing, it should also have the
keyword private.
The method that you must write has the following prototype:
public static void drawFlag(MyGrid grid, int countryCode)
Remember that the two parameters (grid and countryCode) are provided to your
method by whoever called it. Those parameters contain the information that
your method needs in order to do its job.
The parameter “grid” will refer to an existing MyGrid object that has already
been created by someone else. Your method should not create a MyGrid object
anywhere within the methods of this class, it is already there! Your method
will draw on the grid that is passed in via this parameter. You may assume
that the grid starts off empty (all grey squares).
The parameter “countryCode” will be an integer. The number should correspond
to one of the country flags listed in the menu of the example driver provided
for you in your CVS repository (also corresponding to the numbers of The Flag
Information Pages). If it is not one of these values, it should display “the
error flag” - more description of this below. If the height specified by the
user is invalid (as described for that flag) for the flag corresponding to
that country code, the error flag should be displayed. If it is a valid
countryCode and a valid height for that country, the drawFlag method should
display the flag indicated by that countryCode in the grid that was passed as
a parameter to the method.
The style for this flag must conform exactly to the examples and descriptions
below using the basic colors of the Color class (even though some are not
exactly the accurate shade for the flag chosen). Note that the size of the
grid can be determined by calling the “getHt” and “getWd” methods of the
MyGrid class. The size of the grid dictates how big a flag you are supposed to
draw (the flag must fill up the entire grid, as in the examples shown below.)
The size typed by the user when it is requested in the console corresponds to
the height of the flag - the width is always twice the height.
Examples and descriptions of flags
For examples and further descriptions of the flags click here. These are the
exact style that you must use for drawing your flags. The hyperlinked file
shows two examples of different sizes for each flag. Your flag must conform
exactly to the styles below. The flag must take up the entire MyGrid, no
matter what size the grid is. Your drawFlag method must be capable of drawing
flags of any size that is appropriate for that country’s flag (as defined
here). If the grid size given is not appropriate for the flag selected, an
error flag should be drawn instead. The smallest flag size allowed will be 4
high by 8 wide; if a size smaller than 4 is requested, the example driver
creates a MyGrid object of size 4x8 in which you must display the error flag.
The maximum size for any flag is one with a height of 30; if a size larger
than 30 is requested, an the example driver creates a MyGrid object of size
4x8 in which you must display the error flag. These limits are taken care of
in the exampleDriver and you do not have to check it again in your code (read
the exampleDriver for more explanation) - the example driver simply passes an
invalid country code so you know that the error flag should be displayed.
Please note that the ExampleDriver class is not really part of the project
assignment! It is only provided to help you test out your code. In fact, when
we test your FlagMaker class ourselves, we will be using a completely
different driver class. Feel free to write your own driver class to test your
FlagMaker class a different way, if you want to.
Getting Started
Begin the project by “checking out” the project called “131Spring17Proj2”. In
order to help you get started, we have included a FlagMaker class with a
skeleton version of the “drawFlag” method, which you must complete.
If you write the project from scratch, without checking out the
“131Spring17Proj2” files from your CVS repository, you will not be able to
submit your work.
- You may not create any new classes on your own.
- You may not use any static variables unless they are declared “final”. You may not use instance variables. (If you don’t know what these are, don’t worry about it.) If you write methods of your own you will probably need to pass the grid as an argument to those methods.
- You must use meaningful variable names and good indentation.
- You must used named constants where appropriate to assist in readability.
- You should not get creative and modify the project specifications. For example, do not add extra behavior or output.
- We use an automated system to grade projects and you will not pass our tests if you do not follow the project specifications precisely. In particular, the coloring and sizes of your Flags must match the examples shown in the linked file EXACTLY. Pay particular attention to how the edges where the color changes look. You are not allowed to be “off-by-one-square” or deviate in any way from the examples.
- Just in case you know what an array is – you may not use arrays (or any Java collections of any kind) while implementing this project.
- Your program must terminate without using anything like System.exit(). (Don’t worry if you don’t know what that is.)
- You may assume that the user will type the correct type of input when requested. For example, if an integer is requested, the user will not type a string.
- If the countryCode is not one that is given in the list, the Error Flag should be displayed.
- If the flag height requested is not appropriate for the countryCode given, the Error Flag should be displayed.
- If the flag height requested is not between 4 and 30, the main method that we have provided will create a 4 by 8 grid and pass an illegal country code to your method. This should cause your method to display the error flag on the 4 by 8 grid.