


Note that the specifications for this project are subject to change at anytime
for additional clarification.


The goal of this project is to understand the idea of threads, by implementing
a basic user-level thread library for Linux. Your library will provide a
complete interface for applications to create and run independent threads
Similar to existing lightweight user-level thread libraries, your library must
be able to:

  1. Create new execution threads
  2. Schedule the execution of threads in a round-robin fashion
  3. Provide a thread synchronization API, namely semaphores
  4. Be preemptive, that is to provide an interrupt-based scheduler
    A working example of the thread library can be found on the CSIF.

Skeleton code

The skeleton code that you are expected to complete is available in the
archive uthread.zip. This code already defines most of the prototypes for the
functions you must implement, as explained in the following sections.
The code is organized in two parts. At the root of the directory, there are
some test applications which make use of the thread library. You can compile
these applications and run them. In the subdirectory libuthread, there are the
files composing the thread library that you must complete. The files to
complete are marked with a star (you normally should not have to touch any of
the files which are not marked with a star).

Phase 1: queue API

In this first phase, you must implement a simple FIFO queue. The interface to
this queue is defined in libuthread/queue.h and your code should be added into
The constraint for this exercise is that all operations (apart from the
iterate and delete operation) must be O(1). This implies that you must choose
the underlying data structure for your queue implementation carefully.


Complete the file libuthread/Makefile in order to generate a library archive
named libuthread/libuthread.a .
This library archive must be the default target of your Makefile, because your
Makefile is called from the root Makefile without any argument.
Note that at first, only the file libuthread/queue.c should be included in
your library. You will add the other C files as you start implementing them in
order to expand the API provided by your library.


Add a new test program in the root directory (e.g. test-queue.c) which tests
your queue implementation. It is important that your test program is
comprehensive in order to ensure that your queue implementation is as
resistant as possible. It will ensure that you don’t encounter bugs when using
your queue later on.
A few tests can be to create queues, enqueue some items, make sure that these
items are dequeued in the same order, delete some items, test the length of
the queue, etc.
For example, make sure to try your implementation doesn’t crash when receiving
NULL pointers as arguments:
assert(queue_destroy(NULL) == -1);
assert(queue_enqueue(NULL, NULL) == -1);

Phase 2: thread API

In this second phase, you must implement most of the thread management (some
is provided to you for free). The interface to this thread API is defined in
libuthread/uthread.h and your code should be added into libuthread/uthread.c.
Note that the thread API is actually composed of two sets: a public API and a
private API, as explained below.

Thread definition

Threads are independent execution flows that run concurrently in the address
space of a single process (and thus, share the same heap memory, open files,
process identifier, etc.). Each thread has its own execution context, which
mainly consists of:

  1. a state (running, ready, blocked, etc.)
  2. the set of CPU registers (for saving the thread upon descheduling and restoring it later)
  3. a stack
    The goal of a thread library is to provide applications that want to use
    threads an interface (i.e. a set of library functions) that the application
    can use to create and start new threads, terminate threads, or manipulate
    threads in different ways.
    For example, the most well-known and wide-spread standard that defines the
    interface for threads on Unix-style operating systems is called POSIX thread
    (or pthread). The pthread API defines a set of functions, a subset of which we
    want to implement for this project. Of course, there are various ways in which
    the pthread API can be realized, and existing libraries have implemented
    pthread both in the OS kernel and in user mode. For this project, we aim to
    implement a few pthread functions at user level on Linux.

Public API

The public API of the thread library defines the set of functions that
applications and the threads they create can call in order to interact with
the library.
From the point of view of applications, threads are designated by a number of
type uthread_t. Think of it as the equivalent of pid_t for Unix processes.
The first function an application has to call in order to initialize your
library is uthread_start(). This function must perform three actions:

  1. It registers the so-far single execution flow of the application as the idle thread that the library can schedule
  2. It creates a new thread, the initial thread, as specified by the arguments of the function
  3. The function finally execute an infinite loop which
    * When there are no more threads which are ready to run in the system, it stops the idle loop and exits the program.
    * Or it simply yields to next available thread
    Once the initial thread created, it can interact with the library to create
    new threads, exit, yield execution, etc.
    For this step, we expect the library to be non-preemptive. Threads must call
    the function uthread_yield() in order to ask the library’s scheduler to
    schedule the next available thread. In non-preemptive mode, a non-compliant
    thread that never yields can keep the processing resource for itself.

Private API

The private API of the thread library defines the set of functions that can
only be accessed from the code of the library itself, and not by applications
using the library.
In order to deal with the creation and scheduling of threads, you first need a
data structure that can store information about a single thread. This data
structure will likely need to hold, at least, information mentioned above such
as the state of the thread (its set of registers), information about its stack
(e.g., a pointer to the thread’s stack area), and information about the status
of the thread (whether it is running, ready to run, or has exited).
This data structure is often called a thread control block (TCB) and will be
described by struct uthread_tcb.
At this point, the functions defined in the private API could theoretically be
only defined in libuthread/uthread.c and not exported to the rest of the
library. But with the implementation of the semaphore API, semaphores will
need to have access to these functions in order to manipulate the thread when

Internal context API

Some code located in libuthread/context.c, and which interface is defined in
libuthread/context.h, is accessible for you to use. The four functions
provided by this library allow you to:

  • Allocate a stack when creating a new thread (and conversely, destroy a stack when a thread is deleted)
  • Initialize the stack and the execution context of the new thread so that it will run the specified function with the specified argument
  • Switch between two execution contexts


Two applications can help test this phase: - test1: creates a single thread
that displays “hello world” - test2: creates three threads in cascade and test
the yield feature of the scheduler

Phase 3: semaphore API

Semaphores are a way to control the access to common resources by multiple
Internally, a semaphore has a certain count, that represent the number of
threads able to share a common resource at the same time. This count is
determined when initializing the semaphore for the first time.
Threads can then ask to grab a resource (known as “down” or “P” operation) or
release a resource (known as “up” or “V” operation).
Trying to grab a resource when the count of a semaphore is down to 0 adds the
requesting thread to the list of threads that are waiting for this resource.
The thread is put in a blocked state and shouldn’t be eligible to scheduling.
When a thread releases a semaphore which count was 0, it checks whether some
other threads were currently waiting on it. In such case, the first thread of
the waiting list can be unblocked and run.
As you can now understand, your semaphore implementation will make use of the
functions defined in the private thread API.
The interface of the semaphore API is defined in libuthread/semaphore.h and
your implementation should go in libuthread/semaphore.c .


Three testing programs are available in order to test your semaphore

  • test3: simple test with two threads and two semaphores
  • test4: producer/consumer exchanging data in a buffer
  • test5: prime sieve implemented with a growing pipeline of threads
    (this test really stresses both the thread management and the semaphore part
    of the library)

Phase 4: preemption

Up to this point, uncooperative threads could keep the processing resource for
themselves if they never called uthread_yield() or never blocked on a
In order to avoid such dangerous behaviour, you will add preemption to your
library. The interface of the preemption API is defined in
libuthread/preempt.h and your code should be added to libuthread/preempt.c.
The function that sets up preemption, preempt_start(), is already provided for
you to call when you start the thread library. This function configures a
timer which will fire an alarm (through a SIGVTALRM signal) a hundred times
per second.
Internally, you must provide a timer handler which will force the currently
running thread to yield, so that another thread can be scheduled instead.
The other functions that you must implement deal with: - enabling/disabling
preemption - saving/restoring preemption (saving means that the current
preemption state must be saved and preemption must be disabled; restoring that
the previously saved preemption state must be restored) - checking if
preemption is currently disabled

About disabling preemption…

Preemption is a great way to enable reliable and fair scheduling of threads,
but it comes with some pitfalls.
For example, if the library is accessing sensitive data structures in order to
add a new thread to the system and gets preempted in the middle, scheduling
another thread of execution that might also manipulate the same data
structures can cause the internal share state of the library to become
Therefore, when manipulating shared data structures, preemption should
probably be temporarily disabled so that such manipulations are guaranteed to
be performed atomically.
However, avoid disabling preemption each time a thread calls the library. Try
to disable preemption only when necessary. For example, the creation of a new
thread can be separated between sensitive steps that need to be done
atomically and non-sensitive steps that can safely be interrupted and resumed
later without affecting the consistency of the shared data structures.
A good way to figure out whether preemption should be temporarily disabled
while performing a sequence of operations is to imagine what would happen if
this sequence was interrupted in the middle and another thread scheduled.
As a hint, in the reference implementation, the preempt API is used in the
following files:
$ grep -l preempt* libuthread/*.c | uniq



Your library must be written in C, be compiled with GCC and only use the
standard functions provided by the GNU C Library. It cannot be linked to any
other external libraries.
Your source code should follow the relevant parts of the Linux kernel coding
style and be properly commented.


Your submission should contain, besides your source code, the following files:
AUTHORS: full name, student ID and email of each partner, one entry

文章作者: SafePoker
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