
使用ANTLR代写一个Verification Condition Generator,实现语法的解析校验。


Write a Verification Condition Generator (VCG) for our simple imperative
language, IMP, using the
parser generator ANTLR. Use the Weakest (Liberal) Precondition Predicate
Transformer semantics. This allows you to use backward substitution over if-
statements. For while-loops, simply print intermediate verification conditions
instead of combining them into a single verification condition using universal
quantification. Use the ANTLR attribute grammar mechanism as far as possible
for generating the verfication conditions.

Reading Material

For information on ANTLR and the weakest precondition semantics see:
For using ANTLR, make sue you put antlr-4.6-complete.jar onto your CLASSPATH.
For details, see the Quick Start and Samples instructions on the ANTLR web
page or read the Makefile I provided.

Code Structure

For constructing the verifications conditions, you need to build a parse tree
data structure representing the verification conditions. Since expressions may
be be substituted for variables, and since boolean expressions are used in
assertions, you also need to build parse trees for all expressions in the
program. When traversing statements, you will then construct the verification
conditions using the weakest precondition predicate transformer. This may or
may not require building the parse trees for statements as well.
For building parse trees, use the Composite Design Pattern, i.e., use a class
hierarchy with an abstract superclass and subclasses corresponding to the
different language constructs, e.g.,
abstract class Node { … }
class Ident extends Node { … }
class IntLit extends Node { … }
class BinOp extends Node { … }
// etc.
For expressions, you will need methods for printing the expression and for
performing a substitution. If you decide to represent statements using parse
tree nodes as well, it would be best to group expressions and statements as
two separate parts of the class hierarchy, since you will likely need
different methods, e.g.,
abstract class Node { … }
abstract class Exp extends Node { … }
abstract class Stm extends Node { … }
class Ident extends Exp { … }
class IntLit extends Exp { … }
class BinOp extends Exp { … }
// etc.
class Assign extends Stm { … }
// etc.


Use the following grammar for the language IMP (in ANTLR syntax) with start
symbol program as a starting
point. You may need to restructure the grammar based on how you propagate
information using attributes.
: assertion statementlist assertion
: statement
| statementlist ‘;’ statement
: ‘skip’
| id ‘:=’ arithexp
| ‘begin’ statementlist ‘end’
| ‘if’ boolterm ‘then’ statement ‘else’ statement
| assertion ‘while’ boolterm ‘do’ statement
| ‘assert’ assertion
: ‘{‘ quantexp ‘}’
: boolexp
| ‘forall’ id ‘.’ boolexp
| ‘exists’ id ‘.’ boolexp
: boolterm
| boolterm ‘=>’ boolterm
| boolterm ‘<=>’ boolterm
: boolterm2
| boolterm ‘or’ boolterm2
: boolfactor
| boolterm2 ‘and’ boolfactor
: ‘true’
| ‘false’
| compexp
| ‘not’ quantexp
| ‘(‘ quantexp ‘)’
: arithexp ‘<’ arithexp
| arithexp ‘<=’ arithexp
| arithexp ‘=’ arithexp
| arithexp ‘!=’ arithexp
| arithexp ‘>=’ arithexp
| arithexp ‘>’ arithexp
: arithterm
| arithexp ‘+’ arithterm
| arithexp ‘-‘ arithterm
: arithfactor
| arithterm ‘‘ arithfactor
| arithterm ‘/‘ arithfactor
: id
| integer
| ‘-‘ arithexp
| ‘(‘ arithexp ‘)’
| id ‘(‘ arithexplist ‘)’
: arithexp
| arithexplist ‘,’ arithexp
: [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]

: [0]|[1-9][0-9]*
: [ \r\n\t] -> skip


The input to the VCG is a single Hoare triple. The output is a list of
verification conditions, without formatting, one VC per line. E.g., for the
{ true } x := (2 * 3) * (3 + 4) { x = 42 }
The VCG should print
true => 23(3+4)=42
Surround only the operators =>, <=>, and, and or with spaces, print a space
after not, and print parentheses only if the parent operator has higher
For loops, first print the exit condition, then the condition for the loop
body, followed by the condition for the code before the loop. E.g., for the
{ x >= 0 and y > 0 }
q := 0;
r := x;
{ x = qy + r and 0 <= r and y > 0 }
while r-y >= 0 do begin
q := q + 1;
r := r - y
{ x = q
y + r and 0 <= r and r < y }
the output should be:
x=qy+r and 0<=r and y>0 and not r-y>=0 => x=qy+r and 0<=r and r<y
x=q*y+r and 0<=r and y>0 and r-y>=0 => x=(q+1)y+r-y and y>0 and r-y>=0
x>=0 and y>0 => x=0
y+x and 0<=x and y>0

文章作者: SafePoker
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