
使用Linux的Mutex,实现一个FCFS Error-Checking的读写锁。


In this lab, you are asked to implement a First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) Error-
Checking Read/Write Lock using pthread mutexes and condition variables.


An RW lock allows concurrent access for read-only operations, while write
operations require exclusive access. This means that multiple threads can read
the data in parallel but an exclusive lock is needed for writing or modifying
data. When a writer is writing the data, all other writers or readers will be
blocked until the writer is finished writing.
By a First-Come First-Server (FCFS) Read/Write lock, we mean that when a
writer thread (a thread who wants a write lock) is blocked because one or more
threads currently hold read locks, new requests for read locks should also be
blocked and be served only after the writer thread has obtained and released
the write lock.
By an Error-Checking Read/Write lock, we mean that your implementation should
return an error code when a thread who tries to obtain a lock already has read
or write lock, and a thread who calls read or write unlock does not hold the
corresponding type of lock. When such an error situation occurs, your thread
should return without having to wait for any other thread calling unlock.
In your implementation, you are only allowed to use pthread mutexes and
pthread condition variables for synchronization primitives. Usage of
semaphores, read/write locks, and other synchronization primitives is not


You should implement the following C++ class.
class RWLock {
static const int ERROR_NOT_HOLDING_READ_LOCK = 3;
static const int ERROR_NOT_HOLDING_WRITE_LOCK = 4;
static const int LOCK_BUSY = 5;
/* Initialize the RWLock object. /
The calling thread acquires the read lock if a writer does not
hold the lock and there is no thread blocked on the lock.
Return 0 when the calling thread has obtained a read lock.
If the calling thread already holds read (resp., write) lock on
this RWLock, it should indicate this error by returning 1
(resp., 2). In the error case, the calling thread should not be
blocked to wait for other threads calling lock unlock. /
int read_lock();
If read_lock would have succeeded, obtain the read lock and
return 0. Otherwise, if read_lock would have returned an error
code, return the same error code. If read_lock() would have
been blocked to wait for some other thread to call unlock,
return 5. /
int try_read_lock();
If the calling thread does not hold read lock, return 3.
Otherwise, release the read lock and return 0. /
int read_unlock();
If the calling thread already holds read (or write) lock,
return 1 (or 2) without waiting for other threads to call
unlock. Otherwise, if no other thread holds either read or
write lock, acquire the write lock and return 0. Otherwise, the
thread shall be blocked until it can acquire the lock. /
int write_lock();
Behave as write_lock() if write_lock() would have returned
without being blocked to wait for another thread to call unlock.
Otherwise, return 5 to show that the lock is busy. /
int try_write_lock();
If the calling thread does not hold write lock, return 4.
Otherwise, release the write lock and return 0. /
int write_unlock();
If the calling thread does not hold write lock, return 4.
Otherwise, release the write lock and obtain a read lock for the
current thread, and return 0. */
int write_to_read();


Ten test cases are provided with the lab. Expected output are also provided.
Your implementation should generate identical output as the given output on
corresponding test cases. Your submission receives 10% of lab 4 grade for each
test case that your implementation is able to provide identical output. No new
test cases will be used in grading.

Provided Files.

You are provided with the following files:

  • src/Makefile Do not edit.
  • src/TestRWLock.cc Do not edit. Code for testing implementation of RWLock.
  • src/script.h Do not edit. Script of last test case.
  • src/RWLock.h Edit to add private fields and methods.
  • src/RWLock.cc Edit to replace the current trivial implementation.
  • test/out01.txt to test/out10.txt Expected output for the 10 test cases, generated by running TestRWLock against the reference implementation.
    Generate executable lab4. Run lab4 n > tmp.txt , where n is from 1 to 10.
    Then run “diff tmp.txt outn.txt” to see whether your output is identical as
    desired output.

APIs to Use

You are allowed to use pthread_mutex and pthread_cond_var . No other
synchronization primitives are allowed. If you want to use add any header
files other than the ones already included in the source file, please check
with the instructor first.

Understand the implementation and the questions. This implementation of RWLock
there uses two mutexes m1, m2, and a semaphore sem. The mutex m2 ensures that
accessing internal data of the lock is atomic. The mutex m1 is used to enable
a waiting writer thread to block all later reader threads (so as to achieve
FCFS). The semaphore is used to block out writers when readers are holding the
lock. Note that this implementation uses a semaphore (which is not allowed in
this lab), is not error checking, and does not support all required functions.
Second, implement your RWLock using the code. This should suffice to pass test
cases 1 to 4. After this is done, replace the use of semaphore with a
condition variable, and make sure that you can pass test cases 1 to 4.
Third, add the logic to handle error checking. To do this, you need to use the
following pthread APIs.
pthread_t pthread_self(void);
returns the ID of the calling thread.
int pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2);
If the two thread IDs are equal, pthread_equal() returns a
nonzero value; otherwise, it returns 0.
You need to remember which thread(s) are holding the lock, and perform checks
inside each function. Note that you should always use pthread_equal to compare
two thread ids. It is required that if an error occurs, the function should
return without waiting for another thread to call unlock. This means that
while it is okay to block on the mutex m2 while performing error checks, your
implementation should not block on m1 or the condition variable (semaphore in
the sample implementation). Whenever m2 is not available, it means that
another thread is in critical section, and given a little bit more time, m2
will become available. However, waiting on m1 or the condition variable (or
semaphore) means waiting for some other threads call certain unlock methods,
which may never happen.
Hint. It is okay to separate the logic for error checking and the logic to
obtain a lock so that other threads get interleaved between the two steps. The
error status depends only on the current thread and cannot be changed by other
threads’ actions.
After adding error checking logic, you should be able to pass test case 5 and
Fourth, add the logic for handling try_read_lock() , try_write_lock()
, and write_to_read() .

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