Over the course of the three phases, we will construct an interpreter for a
small imperative language. For the current phase you will construct the
evaluator module.
Scanner Specification
There are five types of tokens in our language, defined by the following
regular expressions.
IDENIFIER = ([a-z] | [A-Z])([a-z] | [A-Z] | [0-9])*
NUMBER = [0-9]+
PUNCTUATION=+ | - | * | / | ( | ) | := | ;
KEYWORD=if | then | else | endif | while | do | endwhile | skip
The following rules define how separation between tokens should be handled.
- White space is not allowed in any token, so white space always terminates a token and separates it from the next token. Except for indicating token boundaries, white space is ignored.
- The principle of longest substring should always apply.
- Any character that does not fit the pattern for the token type currently being scanned immediately terminates the current token and begins the next token. The exception is white space, in which case the first rule applies.
Parser Specification
Grammar of the language is defined as follows:
statement → basestatement { ; basestatement }
basestatement → assignment | ifstatement | whilestatement | skip
assignmet → IDENTIFIER := expression
ifstatement → if expression then statement else statement endif
whilestatement → while expression do statement endwhile
expression → term { + term }
term → factor { - factor }
factor → piece { / piece }
piece → element { * element }
element → ( expression ) | NUMBER | IDENTIFIER
Note that statement is the starting nonterminal.
Abstract syntax trees
Consider the following details regarding the generated abstract syntax tree.
- All binary operations (numerical, sequencing and assignment) must denote a tree with two subtrees, and the operator at the root.
- All parentheses must be dropped in the abstract syntax trees.
- If-statements must be represented by a tree with three subtrees, where the first subtree is correspond- ing to the expression, the second subtree is corresponding to the statement after then keyword, and the third subtree is corresponding to the statement after else keyword. The root of the tree must indicate that this is an if-statement. Therefore, the keywords if, then, else, and endif must be dropped in the generated abstract syntax tree.
- While-statements must be represented by a tree with two subtrees, where the first subtree is corre- spoding to the expression, and the second subtree is corresponding to the statement within the while loop. The root of the tree must indicate that this is a while-statement. Therefore, the keywords while, do, and endwhile must be dropped from the abstract syntax tree.
- All of the nonterminals must also be dropped in the abstract syntax tree.
Consider the following program in this language. Let’s call this program prog:
z := 0;
x := 3;
y := 0;
while x-y do
z := z + y;
y := y + 1
Evaluator Specification
Evaluator consists of two major data structures:
- a tree that represents the partially evaluated program, t
- a mapping that represents the memory (i.e., it maps identifiers to values), m
The AST resulted from the parsing phase must be passed to the evaluator,
initially. Evaluator studies this tree in pre-order fashion, and in each step
modifies the tree. Along with the modification of the tree, the memory is
updated (through assignments). Memory can be implemented by dictionaries,
where the dictionary keys are the identifiers and the dictionary values are
the mapped values.
Consider the following for the implementation of the evaluator:
- Each subtree representing an expression must be evaluated to return a value. That value must be substituted with the whole subtree that corresponds to the expression.
- Identifiers retain the value at the time of assignment (when they appear on the RHS of the assign- ment).
- Identifiers must be held in the memory.
- Memories are maps or dictionaries from identifiers to values.
- IdentifiersareaddedtothememorywhentheyappearforthefirsttimeontheLHSofanassignment.
- The mapped value for an identifier (retained in memory) is set by an assignment.
- There is not any scoping in this language, i.e., all identifiers are global (i.e., they are accessible from any point in the program).
- Values evaluate as expected, e.g., 56 evaluates to number 56, and 26 evaluates to number 26.
- Identifiers get their value from look-up in the memory.
- Operators are applied to the values, returned by their subtrees.
- Operators evaluate as expected2, i.e.,
* denotes numerical addition.
* denotes numerical multiplication.
* denotes numerical subtraction. There are no negative numbers in this language. Refer to lexical structure for clarification.
- / denotes division on nonnegative integers, e.g., 3/2 evaluates to 1.
- Statements are evaluated as follows:
- Assignment: Evaluate RHS expression, store result in memory entry for the LHS identifier. Assignment adds an entry to the memory if there does not exist any memory entry for the LHS identifier. Finally, remove the subtree that corresponds to the assignment.
- If statement: Evaluate the expression first. If the expression evaluates to a positive number then evaluate subtree that corresponds to the statement after then. If the expression evaluates to 0 then evaluate subtree that corresponds to the statement after else. Finally, remove the subtree that corresponds to the if statement.
- While loop: Clone the subtree that corresponds to the expression, as an independent tree. Eval- uate that cloned subtree.
- If it evaluates to a positive number then substitute the whole while loop subtree with a sequencing subtree, where the left child corresponds to the statement in the body of the while loop, and the right child of sequencing operator corresponds to the original while loop.
- If it evaluates to 0 then remove the whole subtree that corresponds to the while loop. Finally remove the cloned subtree.
- Skip: Remove the subtree that corresponds to skip. (There is nothing to do for this statement).
- Sequencing: First evaluate the statement on the LHS of sequencing operator ;. Next, evalu- ate the statement on the RHS of the sequencing operator ;. Finally, remove the subtree that corresponds to sequencing.
Example evaluation
Refer to the document that discusses a step-by-step evaluation for prog.
Language Selection
- You can build your interpreter in any language that you like.
- For more obscure languages, you will be responsible for providing instructions detailing how the program should be compiled or interpreted. Check with the instructor for the level of detail necessary for a particular language.
Input and Output Requirements
Your full program (scanner module, parser module and evaluator) must read from
an input file and write an output file. These files should be passed to the
program as an argument in the command line. For example, if your parser is a
python program in parser.py, we will test it using a command like:
python interpreter.py test_input.txt test_output.txt
The interpreter’s output should be sent to the output file. The output should
- The list of tokens produced by the scanner.
- The abstract syntax tree produced by the parser.
- The state of the memory at the end of the interpreted program. There is no need to output the state of memory in each intermediary step. Final state of the memory suffices.
Example output of interpreter
KEYWORD endwhile
Error Handling Requirements
If your scanner encounters an error while processing an input line, it should
abort in a graceful manner. An error message and the input line that caused
the error should be printed in the output file. After the error is reported,
the program should shut down.
If the parser encounters an error, it should abort in a graceful manner. An
error message and the token that caused the error should be printed in the
output file. After the error is reported, the program should shut down.
If the evaluator encounters an error, e.g., when it wants to evaluate 2 / 0,
it should report a simple error message and shut down. There is no need to be
explicit about the reason for error.
Submission Format Requirements
Your submission should include the source code for your scanner module, parser
module and test driver, along with a text file containing instructions for
building and running your program. Every source code file should have your
name and the phase number in a comment at the top of the file. The instruction
file must at least identify the compiler that you used for testing your
Submit an archive file (.zip) containing the code and instruction file.