
代写OS作业,熟悉OS知识点,包括Process Creation, Critical Section, Semaphore三大部分。


The goals of this assignment are the following:

  • Get hands-on experience in developing mutual exclusion / semaphore / critical section techniques/algorithms.
  • Gain more experience with the C programming language from an OS’s mutual exclusion / semaphore / critical section perspective.

Assignment Description

Using C programming language, you will be developing a mutual exclusion
algorithm for a given process synchronization problem. You need to make sure
that your mutual exclusion algorithm ensures that only one process can access
the critical section portion of your code at a given point in time. You are
not allowed to use any mutual exclusion / semaphore related C systems calls.

Part I: Process Creation

Create a total of ten processes: 1 parent process, and 9 children processes.
Each of the process will eventually enter into the critical section part of
your code.

Part II: Critical Section

Implement the following function which you can consider as the critical
section of your code:
int critical_section (int loop_limit, int who_called)
for (loop limit)
printf (who_called, loop index);
printf (“returning to caller process x”); //x is the caller process
return 0;
Conceptually, you can consider the above function critical_section(int, int)
as the critical section portion of your code. In this function, loop_limit is
the number of iterations and who_called represents the unique process number
of the caller process.

Part III: Semaphore

You need to implement a semaphore (i.e., flag / mutual exclusion) mechanism to
implement the mutual exclusion that will be needed to allow no two processes
access the critical section simultaneously. The value of consider a simple
semaphore technique (0 or 1) that could be used as a flag so that the
processes that are willing to enter into the critical section (i.e., executing
the critical_section function) will either wait or execute (wait if flag is 1,
and execute if flag is 0).


You should make two versions of your code for testing purpose. Initial version
and the final version. In the initial version, you should exclude critical
section and semaphore. When you run the initial version, you will notice that
the processes are often pre-empted before they finish their task (i.e., before
completing the for() loop). This is normal and expected as CPU switches
between processes (i.e., context switching). When you run the full version
(with mutual exclusion implemented through semaphore and critical section) you
should be able to see the clear difference between the initial version and the
final version by looking at their output. In the final version, there should
not be any process preemption because once a process enters into the critical
section it will complete the for loop before any other process can access the
critical section.

Please visit the course website for specific technical instructions and
relevant materials. Also, consult TAs, and Instructor for any question you may
have regarding this assignment.

文章作者: SafePoker
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