In this assignment, you may use your knowledge of the following concepts:
- Loops (do-while) and condition flows (if-else if-else)
- Calling methods and sending arguments, methods with return types
- Creating menu: Reading from console (using Scanner to read from System.in)
- Enumeration
- Testing for equality of objects
- Exception handing using InputMismatchException (you wont need IOException since we are not dealing with external streams to files)
- Random number generation
Create a project and package called Hw4FirstLastName.java.
In this assignment you will be creating a system to manage patient
appointments with Doctors for just one day at a clinic. We will simulate the
creation of doctors, patient and appointments. We will make many assumptions
in order to simplify the project,
The clinic will have 5 doctors, whose specialties will be randomly picked from
among four options: internal medicine, cardiology, neurology and dermatology.
There are 15 patients that wish to make appointments on the given day. But
doctors can only see these patients between 9 and 12pm, with 3 potential
appointments each lasting one hour.
We will create all doctors and patients first, and then attempt to assign
patients one by one to open appointments.
Below I will give some information on the classes and methods that you will
This is an enumeration - a separate file which describes the four types of
Define the following fields. Note that they are private in visibility and some
are constants (final) and others are constant common to all Doctor objects
(static final):
private final int dID;
private Specialty dSpec = null;
private ArrayList
private boolean available = true;
private static final int MAXAPPT = 3;
private static int startTime = 9;
Create one constructor with two parameters that will be used to initialize dID
and dSpec.
Next, I provide you definitions for the methods:
public int getID() { }
public Specialty getSpecialty() { }
public boolean isAvailable() { }
public int addToSchedule(Patient patID) { } //this will be method that does the most work
public ArrayList
Create the following fields
private final int pID ;
private Specialty treat =null;
private Appointment appt = null;
Create on constructor with two parameters to initialize the values of pID and
Method definitions:
public int getID() { }
public Specialty getTreatment() { }
public void setAppt (Appointment info) { }
public Appointment getAppt () { }
Create the following fields
private int timeH; //to store the hour 9, 10, 11
private Doctor doctor;
private Patient patient;
Create one constructor with three parameters that will be used to initialize
timeH, doctor, and patient
Method definitions:
public String getApptInfo() { }
//create and return a String with apt time (hour), followed by doctor fields dID and specialty, and patient fields pID and treat
ManageAppt - the main class
Define two global constants that will determine how many doctors and patients
to simulate
final static int DOCSIZE = 5;
final static int PATSIZE = 15;
Method definitions
public static void main(String[] args) { }
create two ArrayLists, one for Doctors and one for Patients
This method will present a menu in a loop to the user and then call other
methods for each option. Catch InputMismatchException that could be generated
by the Scanner class’s nextInt() method.
Create menu options for the following:
1. Simulate
2. View doctors
3. View patients
4. View appointments for a particular doctor
5. View appointments for a particular patient
6. Exit
When user chooses option 4, ask the user to enter a doctor ID, saved in an
int. Then send both the ID entered and the ArrayList of Doctors to method
public static void simulate(ArrayList
This method will create doctors and patients. Then send them to another method
assignAppt(). Use the random class to randomly assign the Doctor’s specialty
and the Patient’s treat. Assign doctor IDs 101-105, and patient IDs 5001-5015
public static void assignAppt(ArrayList
To make an appointment, we will first attempt to match a patient to an
available doctor based on the doctor’s specialty and the patient’s treatment
specialty (which will both be assigned one of the four values). If a doctor of
the treatment specialty is found, check to see if the doctor is available, and
assign patient to the first available appointment. If that doctor is not
available, see if there is another doctor of the required specialty.
Keep track of the following: a) how many patients were assigned an
appointment, b) how many patients were rejected because no doctor with the
desired specialty is present, or c) rejected because all available doctors of
the specialty have no appointments available.
public static void printDocInfo(ArrayList
This is a simple method to print Doctor information, sID, specialty and number
of appointments booked.
public static void printPatInfo(ArrayList
This is a simple method to print Patient information, pID and treat
public static void viewDocAppt(int docIDToSearch, ArrayList
This method accepts an int as an input, ad searches through the list of
Doctors. If not found report that, if found, obtain and print the list of
appointments (timeH, doctor dID, doctor specialty, patient pID, patient treat)
Submit a zip file of your project folder Hw4FirstLastname.zip and send it
directly from the Canvas assignments area (NOT as an email attachment to me).
Happy simulating!
Sample output
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
There are no doctors in the system. Please simulate first.
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
There are no doctors in the system. Please simulate first.
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
Invalid selection. Try again
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
Bad input, please choose a menu option number 1-6
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
5 doctors have been created
15 patients have been created
patients rejected due to no doc found = 3
patients rejected due to no appt avaialble = 4
patients assigned an appointment = 8
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
printing list of simulated doctors
101 DERM appointments =3
102 CARD appointments =2
103 CARD appointments =0
104 INT appointments =3
105 CARD appointments =0
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
printing list of simulated patients
5001 DERM
5002 INT
5003 DERM
5004 INT
5005 CARD
5006 DERM
5007 DERM
5008 DERM
5009 INT
5010 NEUR
5011 NEUR
5012 INT
5013 CARD
5014 NEUR
5015 DERM
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
Enter doctor ID to view appointments: 110
sorry that doctor does not exist
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
Enter doctor ID to view appointments: 103
Doctor 103, specialty is CARD
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system
Enter doctor ID to view appointments: 102
Doctor 102, specialty is CARD
9am : doctor = 102 : CARD ; patient = 5005 : CARD
10am : doctor = 102 : CARD ; patient = 5013 : CARD
Please select from the following options:
1. Simulate
2. View Doctors
3. View Patients
4. View Appointments for a Doctor
5. Exit from system