
代写并设计min heap,用于排序算法,整体作业偏简单。


  • Determine the sorting algorithms optimal for a specific number of elements.
  • Design and implement a minHeap algorithm to sort an array of numbers.
  • Get in the habit of dividing larger projects into smaller parts.
  • Use EGit features such as commit and clone to write and read from your repository.


Assume we are given the task of sorting a large amount of data stored in
files. However, our data is too large to fit in memory. So, we cannot directly
take advantage of the nifty sorting algorithms we learned in class. In this
project your job is to sort multiple files, whilst requiring minimum storage
and run time.
You’ll read the plain text files that contain unsorted numbers. Then, sort the
data by dividing them into multiple chunks, where the size of each chunk is
limited by the size of memory we are simulating. Finally, write the result in
an output file.

class SimulateChunks

Reads the numbers from file and puts them in an array. Then splits the array
according to the given memory size and adds the chunks to the chunks array.
Defines the static splitFileIntoArrayChunks() method to have as argument:

  • a final int for the simulated memory size,
  • a String object for the name of the input file,
  • an ArrayList of Integer[] objects for the array list that holds chunks of arrays of integers.

class BasicSorter

Sorts an individual chunk in place using the static sortChunk() method which
receives an Integer[] object as argument. The sorting algorithm should depend
on the number of elements.

NOTE: In place means that the sorted result is stored in the argument

class SortFileData

An instance of class SortFileData sorts the files in two phases and outputs
the result of all sorted numbers.
The two phases are:

  1. void sortChunk(Integer [] array) ­ Sorts each individual chunk.
    To determine the sorting algorithm to use, first look at the chunk size. Then
    based on the number of elements choose the sorting algorithm in the modules
    that is optimal for the given size.
  2. Uses min heap sorting techniques to sort all chunks with respect to each other.
    * Sort each array by using minHeap via the method mergeSortedArrays() defined in class MinHeapArrayMerger.
    Suggestion: Take advantage of the logic from our heap sorting algorithm we
    studied in modules.

class MinHeapArrayMerger

  • static void mergeSortedArrays(Integer[] inputChunks, HeapTuple[] minHeap, String outfile) ­ Uses the minHeap technique to sort the various
    chunks with respect to each other and writes the output to a file called

    Note: In class MinHeapArrayMerger we are NOT explicitly calling the
    FHsort.heapSort() method.
    Use the array of HeapTuple objects called minHeap to hold the current
    NOTE: Assume the number of chunks can be greater than available MEM_SIZE. In
    this case the challenge is keep track of which array you grabbed the current
    minimum in this pass. Remember, it doesn’t matter how many chunks we have,
    our only goal is to run through all the chunks until MEM_SIZE many minimums
    are grabbed. Write these out to a file. Then, we reset our array holding the
    mins and restart for the next pass.
    In your RUN.txt file show a sample number of iterations.
    The format of the inputs files “numbers01.txt”, “numbers02.txt”, etc in CSV
    shown in the example below:
    Output of example:
    In total you will have two output files:

  • Files produced by main called “result_using_bin_heap.txt”. The output should be a comma delimited list of all sorted numbers with respect to each other. For example: If you had four input files with the following:
    numbers01.txt file:
    numbers02.txt file:
    numbers03.txt file:
    numbers04.txt file:
    Then, for example result_using_min_heap.txt should look as follows:

    NOTE: Do NOT edit the output file result_using_bin_heap.txt.

  • File RUN.txt where you will copy and paste the output of your program.


FAQ: Should our MinHeapArrayMerger class extend FHbinHeap?
No, MinHeapArrayMerger class should not extend FHbinHeap class. The approach
in FHbinHeap uses extra memory, which is not necessary.
Take a look at FHsort class heapSort() method from the modules.
FAQ: Can I have instance fields in my MinHeapArrayMerger class?
No, a static method cannot refer to an instance field (i.e. a non­static
variable of the class). Your implementation of static mergeSortedArrays()
method should not rely on any instance fields. In the same respect, design
your implementation such that it does not rely on any static fields as well.
FAQ: Will our implementation be evaluated based on the algorithm efficiency or
just the program output? Let us say the input files are much bigger than the
ones we have for the assignment.
No, Your implementation will not be graded based on the runtime of your
However, your implementation should be taking advantage of the logN­time
needed to remove the min value and run within a reasonable amount of time. For
example, for a couple of thousand entries (small in comparison with algo’s
big­oh), it should complete within a few mili­seconds.

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