

Section 1: Learning Objectives

  • To demonstrate your ability to interpret object-oriented Application Programming Interface (API) documentation.
  • To develop your skills in writing classes in an object-oriented programming language.
  • To develop your skills in designing a suite of unit tests and implement them in JUnit.
  • To demonstrate your ability to develop program code that interfaces with code written by others.
  • To demonstrate your ability to write clear, understandable program code.

Section 2: Your Tasks

You must obtain the incomplete source tree from the assignment 1 repository on
BitBucket. The link to obtain the repository is listed above.

  • You will need to provide a solution to a problem using the Java programming language. (Coding solutions to difficult, practical and unfamiliar problems is the principal responsibility of a software developer.)
  • You will be supplied with some existing code that provides a partial/incomplete solution. You must develop the additional classes necessary to make the system work. (Developing software that must interface properly with code produced by other programmers is a typical situation in largescale software development.)
  • The necessary functionality of the classes to be produced is described in a ‘Javadoc’ Application Programming Interface specification. (Precisely matching a given technical specification is an essential skill in meeting your client’s requirements and being able to understand such documentation is an essential skill in software engineering.)
  • You must develop comprehensive test suites in JUnit for the classes you produce and well as some of the provided code. (In large-scale software development, test suites are essential not only for convincing yourself and others that your program works, but also for helping manage future changes to your code.)

Section 3: Scenario

Your friend Sarah is a really big fan of association football (also known as
soccer). She regularly reads the results of major competitions online. She
also plays for her local soccer club. They play each Saturday night, and each
Sunday, Sarah updates her competition’s league tables in order to track her
team’s performance against other teams. This is a very time consuming manual
process. Sarah would like a way to automatically update her competition’s
league tables after each game is played. Sarah would like her solution to be
flexible, so that it could be applied to other sports in the future. Luckily,
Sarah completed CAB302 in 2016 and so knows that writing a Java program will
help her solve her problem. Sarah has begun writing her program and wants you
to help finish the coding and to test it.

Section 4: Downloading Code

You need to download some pre-existing code from a pre-existing repository on
BitBucket. The link for the repository is provided on the first page. You
should import the repository into Eclipse using the steps outlined in the
GitForPracs document available on Blackboard. You can find this document using
the following steps: Blackboard-]Learning Resources-] Help Guides and Other

Section 5: Problem Details

Your task is to help Sarah by implementing a solution to her problem and
thoroughly testing your solution. The task itself has certain complexities
which you much address. Some of you may be unfamiliar with the problem
context. But understanding a practical problem and then designing, coding and
testing a solution is the principal task of professional software developers.
Here, we provide a high-level summary of the problem context. This is to
provide you with enough information to help you understand the problem and to
start designing a solution and some suitable tests. However, the material
presented here is not an exhaustive list of requirements. More specific
specifications are provided in the supplied API documents. In particular, the
API provides specifications for each class and method. You must adhere to the
API specifications. We have strived to make sure that there are no
contradictions between the summary presented here and the detailed API
specifications. However, if there are contradictions then you should follow
the API specifications.

  1. A soccer competition consists of one or more soccer leagues. The leagues are ranked, so the higher the rank the better the league.
  2. Competitions consist of a soccer season and an offseason.
  3. Before the start of a season, soccer teams are registered to a league in a competition. Once the season starts, additional teams cannot be registered.
  4. During the season, teams in the same league play each other in a weekly match. The team that scores the most goals in a match is declared the winner and the other team is declared the loser. If both teams score the same number of goals, then the match is a draw.
  5. Matches are played at one of the teams home ground.
  6. At the end of the match, points are awarded to teams. Teams are awarded three points if they win, one point if they draw and zero points if they lose.
  7. At the end of each match the goal difference for each team is calculated. The goal difference is the number of goals the team scored minus the number of goals scored by the other team. The seasonal goal difference is the total goal difference for a team across all matches played so far in a season.
  8. Each league contains a table. The table ranks the teams on their performance during the season. Primarily, teams are ranked by descending league points. If teams have the same number of league points, then they are ranked by seasonal goal difference. Finally, teams with the same number of league points and the same goal difference are ranked alphabetically.
  9. At the end of a season, the highest ranked team in each league is declared the champion of that league. The team that comes last is declared the wooden spooner of the league. If a competition contains more than one league, then promotions and relegations occur. The champions of all leagues, except for the highest ranked league, are promoted to the next higher ranked league. The wooden spooners of all leagues, except for the lowest ranked league, are relegated to the next lower ranked league.
  10. Before the start of the next season, the statistics for teams are reset to their default values.

Section 6: Example Scenarios

This section presents some example data to help better explain how your
solution should work.

Case 1 - A Competition with One League

Here, we have a competition with one league containing four teams. At the
start of the season the statistics for all teams are set their default values
(mostly zero) as shown in Figure 1. Since all teams have the same number of
competition points and goal difference (zero for both), they are ranked
alphabetically by their official name.
Once the season starts several matches are played. An updated table, after
three matches is presented in Figure 2. Here, teams are ranked by competition
Over the course of the season several more games are played. The updated table
at the end of the season is presented in Figure 3. Here, the teams ranked in
positions 2 and 3 are on equal points and therefore, are ranked by goal
Next, the season ends. For the start of the next season the teams’ statistics
are reset as shown in Figure 4.

Case 2 - A Competition with Two Leagues

Here, we have a slightly more complex case, where we have two leagues
(referred to as League 1 and League 2) in the same competition. As before, at
the start of the season the statistics for the teams are set to their defaults
and are ranked aphetically as shown in Figure 5.
Over the course of the season six games are played. At the end of the season,
the teams are ranked as shown in Figure 6.
During the offseason, the team that was ranked last in League 1 is relegated
to League 2, while the team that was ranked first in League 2 is promoted to
League 1. The rankings for the start of the next season is shown in Figure 7.

Case 3 - A Competition with Three Leagues

Finally, we have the case of a competition with three leagues (League 1,
League 2 and League 3). As before, the teams start with default statistics and
are ranked alphabetically, as shown in Figure 8.
Again, games are played throughout the season resulting in teams being ranked
as shown in Figure
During the offseason relegation and promotion occur. The team that came last
in League 1 is relegated to League 2 and the team that came last in League 2
is relegated to League 3. The team that came first in League 2 is promoted to
League 1 and the team that came first in League 3 is promoted in League 2.
This is shown in Figure 10.

Section 7: Interacting with Existing Code

We have provided you with some pre-existing code. One of your tasks is to
interact with this code. Some of you might find this a challenge, however,
interacting with people’s code is an everyday situation in medium to large
scale software development. This could be anything from teams of four or five
in small software development companies to teams of hundreds or thousands in
large multinational companies.
You will be supplied with an existing system that reads in details about a
soccer competition and the results of an entire season of soccer matches from
a data file. With your help, the system will output to the standard console
league tables that show the rank of teams at the start of the season, end of
the current season and start of the next season. You have been provided with
three data files (scenario1.txt, scenario2.txt, scenario3.txt) which
correspond to the three scenarios described in Section 6.
When you have completed the tasks for the assignment, you will be able to test
the complete system by adding your code to the existing system. Note that this
is should only be used as a secondary test. You main testing, and the only
testing that will be marked, will be through your developed unit test.
You can implement your code as you choose, however, you must not change the
given specification so that your code can interface with the existing code. In
particular, this means that you must maintain the given class names and
methods signatures (method names, return type, parameters visibility and
exception thrown). Marks will be deducted if you change the specification and
you run the risk of receiving zero marks for the functionality and testing
portion of the assignment.

Section 8: Detailed Tasks

The source tree for the assignment includes the packages shown in Figure 11.
The key subdirectories are:

  • src: This directory contains all the source code. Your work will include completing selected classes from the asgn1SoccerCompetition package, and writing tests for these and other classes, with these test classes residing in asgn1Tests.
  • doc: This directory contains the API. It has been generated using the Javadoc tool on the complete system.
  • libs: This directory contains the libraries for JUnit and Hamcrest.
    You will obtain the incomplete source tree from the assignment 1 repository on
    BitBucket using the link supplied on the Page 1/Blackboard. Your
    responsibilities for each class are discussed below and in the API.

Tasks by Package

Please Note: For all packages and classes carefully check carefully that you
have spelt the file’s name correctly, otherwise it will not work correctly
with our automated marking software.
PACKAGE: asgn1SportsUtils: (general purpose classes)
This package contains a single class:

  • asgn1SportsUtils.WLD: This is an enum which contains three constants (WIN, LOSS, DRAW)and three associated characters (‘W’, ‘L’, ‘D’). It is primarily used in the SportsTeamForm class but you can also use it in other classes. You do not need to make any changes to this enum nor do you need to provide any tests.
    PACKAGE: asgn1SoccerCompetition: (This is the main package you need to
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SportsTeamForm: This class represents the results (win, loss and draw) for a number of recent sports matches. This class will require an instance of Java’s collection framework, using the asgn1SportsUtils.WLD Enum as the associated element type. You may use any collection you like but a java.util.LinkedList is probably the easiest to implement. You must complete the implementation of this class for A suitable SportsTeamForm constructor as well as the addResultToForm , toString, getNumGames and resetForm methods. You must also provide unit tests for all public methods, which are to be saved in asgn1Tests.SportTeamFormTests.
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SportsTeam: This is an interface which is implemented by asgn1Compeition.SoccerTeam. This file must remain unchanged, and you cannot test it directly.
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SoccerTeam: This class represents a soccer team, containing its name, nickname and season statistics. You must complete the implementation for the SoccerTeam constructor to test for exceptions, as well as providing the implementation of the playMatch method. This class contains a method called displayTeamDetails which we will not be testing, but that you may find useful (and has already been implemented). You must also provide unit tests for all public methods (except displayTeamDetails), to be saved in asgn1Tests.SoccerTeamTest.
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SportsLeague: This is an interface which is implemented by asgn1Compeition.SoccerLeague. This file must remain unchanged, and you cannot test it directly.
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SoccerLeague: This class represents a soccer league, including setting up the league before the season begins, playing matches between teams, ranking teams after each match and handling relegations and promotions after the end of a season. This class will require an instance of Java’s collection framework, using asgn1Compeition.SoccerTeam as the appropriate element type. You may use any collection you like but a java.util.ArrayList is probably the easiest to implement. You will need to implement suitable SoccerLeague constructor as well as the following methods: registerTeam, removeTeam, getRegisteredNumTeams, startNewSeason, endSeason, getTeamByOfficalName, playMatch, sortTeams, getTopTeam, getBottomTeam, containsTeam. Note: the implementation of asgn1SoccerCompetition.SoccerTeam.CompareTo should be a great help to you in your implementation of asgn1SoccerCompeition.SoccerLeague.sortTeams method. This class contains a method called out displayLeagueTable which we will not be testing, but that you may find useful to implement. You must also provide unit tests for all public methods (except for displayLeagueTable), to be saved in asgn1Tests.SoccerLeagueTest.
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SportsCompetition: This is an interface which is implemented by asgn1Competition.SoccerCompetition. This file must remain unchanged, and you cannot test it directly.
  • asgn1SoccerCompetition.SoccerCompetition: This class represents a soccer competition which consists of one or more leagues. It mainly acts as a bridge between the main program SoccerCompetitionWizard and the rest of the system. This class will require an instance of Java’s collection framework, using asgn1Compeition.SoccerLeague as the appropriate element type. You may use any collection you like but a java.util.ArrayList is probably the easiest to implement. Using its collection, it can access a specific league and perform all of the public methods available from asgn1Compeition.SoccerLeague. You will need to implement suitable SoccerCompetiton constructor as well as the following methods: getLeague, startSeason and endSeason. This class contains a method called displayCompetitionStandings that we will not be testing, but that you may find useful to implement. You must also provide unit tests for all public methods, to be saved in asgn1Tests.SoccerCompetitionTest.
    PACKAGE: asgn1Tests: (JUnit test classes)
    For this package, you will need to supply Junit test classes. These MUST have
    the following names, where the corresponding classes being tested are listed
    in brackets.
  • asgn1Tests.SportsTeamFormTests (asgn1Tests.SportsTeamForm)
  • asgn1Tests.SoccerTeamTests (asgn1Tests.SoccerTeam)
  • asgn1Tests.SoccerLeagueTests (asgn1Tests.SoccerLeague)
  • asgn1Tests.SoccerCompetitionTests (asgn1Tests.SoccerCompetition)
    Note the naming convention is to use the plural form (i.e.
    rather than the singular form (i.e.
    These tests must comprehensively exercise all of the particular class’
    methods, including normal, exceptional and boundary cases. Make sure that you
    check that appropriate exceptions are thrown when and where they are specified
    in API. The most commonly overlooked issue is that people do not test that a
    particular method throws the specified exception when there is an error
    condition. As much as possible you should isolate the error at the source
    rather than letting it propagated throughout your system (i.e. by rethrowing
    the exception in a calling method). Finally, you should also only test for the
    conditions that we specify, even if you think it should be more general.
    Note that tests NOT in this package will simply not be marked. You should not
    provide any additional tests classes.
    PACKAGE: asgn1Exceptions: (exceptions generated by your code)
    This package contains classes to handle different exceptions handled by your
    code. You do not need to modify or test any of the classes in this package.
    They are to be used to deal with exceptions, both in the code you develop as
    part of the asgn1SoccerCompetition package and the tests in the asgn1Tests
  • asgn1Exceptions.TeamException. This class should handle exceptions thrown by the class.
  • asgn1Exceptions.LeagueException. This class should handle exceptions thrown by the class.
  • asgn1Exceptions.CompetitionException. This class should handle exceptions thrown by the class.
    PACKAGE: asgn1Wizards: (entry point to Java program)
    This package contains a single class:
  • asgn1Wizards.SoccerCompetitionWizard. This class is the ‘entry point’ to the rest of the system and provides a public static void main method. The program requests from the user the name of a text file. The text file contains details about a soccer competition and a series of results. The class reads in the text file and processes an entire competition via an instance of asgn1SoccerCompetition.SoccerCompetition. The class prints out the tables for the competition, before the start of the season, after the end of the season and before the beginning of the next season. This class can be used to test your system as a whole.

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