
使用primary/backup replication架构,实现 fault-tolerant 服务。


In the previous lab, you guaranteed exactly-once execution of RPCs despite
unreliable network conditions. Your server maintained state, but it was not
fault-tolerant. Lab 2 is a first step towards fault tolerance for services
with state.

Road Map for Labs 2-4

In the next 3 labs you will build several systems for replicating stateful
services. The labs differ in the degree of fault tolerance and performance
they provide:

  • Lab 2 uses primary/backup replication, assisted by a view service that decides which machines are alive. The view service allows the primary/backup service to work correctly in the presence of network partitions. The view service itself is not replicated and is a single point of failure.
  • Lab 3 uses the Paxos protocol for replication with no single point of failure and handles network partitions correctly. This service is slower than a non-replicated server would be, but is fault tolerant.
  • Lab 4 is a sharded, transactional key/value database, where each shard replicates its state using Paxos. This key/value service can perform operations in parallel on different shards, allowing it to support applications that can put a high load on a storage system. Lab 4 has a replicated configuration service, which tells the shards for what key range they are responsible. It can change the assignment of keys to shards, for example, in response to changing load. It also supports transactions, allowing atomic update of keys held on different shards. Lab 4 has the core of a real-world design for thousands of servers.
    In each lab you will have to do substantial design. We give you a sketch of
    the overall design, but you will have to flesh it out and nail down a complete
    protocol. The tests explore your protocol’s handling of failure scenarios as
    well as general correctness and basic performance. You may need to re-design
    (and thus re-implement) in light of problems exposed by the tests, or even by
    future labs; careful thought and planning may help you avoid too many re-
    design cycles. We don’t give you a description of the test cases (other than
    the code); in the real world, you would have to come up with them yourself.

Overview of Lab 2

In this lab you’ll make a fault-tolerant service using a form of
primary/backup replication. In order to ensure that all parties (clients and
servers) agree on which server is the primary, and which is the backup, we’ll
introduce a kind of master server, called the ViewServer . The ViewServer monitors whether each available server is alive or dead. If the
current primary or backup becomes dead, the ViewServer selects a server to
replace it. A client checks with the ViewServer to find the current
primary. The servers cooperate with the ViewServer to ensure that at most
one primary is active at a time.
Your service will allow replacement of failed servers. If the primary fails,
the ViewServer will promote the backup to be primary. If the backup fails,
or is promoted, and there is an idle server available, the ViewServer will
cause it to be the backup. The primary will send its complete application
state to the new backup, and then send subsequent operations to the backup to
ensure that the backup’s application remains identical to the primary’s.
It turns out the primary must send read operations ( Get ) as well as
write operations (Puts/Appends) to the backup (if there is one), and must wait
for the backup to reply before responding to the client. This helps prevent
two servers from acting as primary (a “split brain”). An example: S1 is the
primary and S2 is the backup. The ViewServer decides (incorrectly) that S1
is dead, and promotes S2 to be primary. If a client thinks S1 is still the
primary and sends it an operation, S1 will forward the operation to S2, and S2
will reply with an error indicating that it is no longer the backup (assuming
S2 obtained the new view from the ViewServer ). S1 can then return an
error to the client indicating that S1 might no longer be the primary
(reasoning that, since S2 rejected the operation, a new view must have been
formed); the client can then ask the ViewServer for the correct primary
(S2) and send it the operation.
Servers fail by crashing. That is, they can fail permanently but not restart.
However, other servers (including the ViewServer ) do not have access to a
reliable failure detector. There is no way to distinguish between a failed
server and one which is temporarily unavailable.
The design outlined in the lab has some fault-tolerance and performance

  • The ViewServer is vulnerable to failures, since it’s not replicated.
  • The primary and backup must process operations one at a time, limiting their performance.
  • A recovering server must copy the complete application state from the primary, which will be slow, even if the recovering server has an almost-up-to-date copy of the data already (e.g. only missed a few minutes of updates while its network connection was temporarily broken).
  • The servers don’t store the application data on disk, so they can’t survive simultaneous crashes.
  • If a temporary problem prevents primary to backup communication, the system has only two remedies: change the view to eliminate the backup, or keep trying; neither performs well if such problems are frequent.
  • If a primary fails before acknowledging the view in which it is primary, the ViewServer cannot make progress—it will spin forever and not perform a view change. This will be explained in more detail in part 1.
    We will address these limitations in later labs by using better designs and
    protocols. This lab will make you understand what the tricky issues are so
    that you can design better design/protocols. Also, parts of this lab’s design
    (e.g., a separate ViewServer ) are uncommon in practice.
    The primary/backup scheme in this lab is not based on any published protocol.
    In fact, this lab doesn’t specify a complete protocol; you must flesh out the
    protocol. The protocol has similarities with Flat Datacenter Storage
    (the ViewServer is like FDS’s metadata server, and the primary/backup
    servers are like FDS’s tractservers), though FDS pays far more attention to
    It’s also a bit like a MongoDB replica set (though MongoDB selects the leader
    with a Paxos-like election). For a detailed description of a (different)
    primary-backup-like protocol, see Chain Replication . Chain Replication
    has higher performance than this lab’s design, though it assumes that the ViewServer never declares a server dead when it is merely partitioned. See
    and Viewstamped
    for a detailed
    treatment of high-performance primary/backup and reconstruction of system
    state after various kinds of failures.

A Note About Search Tests

Now that the solutions are more complex, you may find your code failing either
the correctness or the liveness search tests.
If your code fails a correctness test, the next step is relatively easy: the
checker provides you the counterexample, and you can use the debugger to
visualize it. However, note that our model checking is incomplete - your code
might have an error but we don’t find it. For example, the sequence of
messages that triggers the problem may be longer than our search depth. This
is a fundamental problem for these types of tests.
The liveness tests have the opposite problem: if they pass then your code can
produce the right result, but they will flag an error if they can’t find a
valid event sequence in the time allowed. This is also a fundamental problem
for these types of tests. It is why we include both correctness and liveness
tests - you have more assurance if you pass both than if you pass only one.
For example, the null solution that does nothing can sometimes pass a
correctness test - it doesn’t do anything wrong! - but it will not pass the
liveness test. Similarly, passing a liveness test alone doesn’t imply that
your solution is bug free.
If your code does flag a liveness error, here are some steps to take:

  1. ./run-tests --checks will check that your handlers are deterministic, etc. If not, try fixing those issues first and rerunning the tests. By allowing faster search, this may also allow the model checker to find a liveness example, but it may also allow it to find additional correctness counterexamples. That’s a good thing, in our view.
  2. If you believe your solution is live, you can use the visual debugger to create by hand a sequence of messages that achieves the stated goal. You may find doing that that your code doesn’t behave as you expected, ie., that there is a bug you need to fix.

Part 1: The View Server

First you’ll implement a view service ( ViewServer ) and make sure it
passes our tests; in Part 2 you’ll build the PBServer . Your ViewServer won’t itself be replicated, so it will be relatively straightforward. Part 2
is much harder than part 1, because the primary-backup service is replicated,
and you have to flesh out the replication protocol.
The ViewServer goes through a sequence of numbered views, each with a
primary and (if possible) a backup. A view consists of a view number and the
identity of the view’s primary and backup servers.
Valid views have a few properties that are enforced:

  • The primary in a view must always be either the primary or the backup of the previous view. This helps ensure that the key/value service’s state is preserved. An exception: when the ViewServer first starts, it should accept any server at all as the first primary.
  • The backup in a view can be any server (other than the primary), or can be altogether missing if no server is available (i.e., null).
    These two properties – a view can have no backup and the primary from a view
    must be either the primary or backup of the previous view – lead to the view
    service being stuck if the primary fails in a view with no backup. This is a
    flaw of the design of the ViewServer that we will fix in later labs.
    Each key/value server should send a Ping message once per PING_MILLIS
    PingTimer for this purpose on the PBServer s). The ViewServer
    replies to the Ping with a ViewReply . A Ping lets the ViewServer know that the server is alive; informs the server of the current
    view; and informs the ViewServer of the most recent view that the server
    knows about. The ViewServer should use the PingCheckTimer for deciding
    whether a server is alive or (potentially) dead. If the ViewServer doesn’t
    receive a Ping from a server in-between two consecutive PingCheckTimer s,
    it should consider the server to be dead. Important: to facilitate search
    tests, you should not store timestamps in your ViewServer ; your
    message and timer handlers should be deterministic .
    The ViewServer should return STARTUP_VIEWNUM with null primary and
    backup when it has not yet started a view and use INITIAL_VIEWNUM for the
    first started view. It then proceeds to later view numbers sequentially. The
    view service can proceed to a new view in one of two cases:
  1. It hasn’t received a Ping from the primary or backup between two consecutive PingCheckTimer s.
  2. There is no backup and there’s an idle server (a server that’s been pinging but is neither the primary nor the backup).
    An important property of the ViewServer is that it will not change views
    (i.e., return a different view to callers) until the primary from the current
    view acknowledges that it is operating in the current view (by sending a Ping with the current view number). If the ViewServer has not yet
    received an acknowledgment for the current view from the primary of the
    current view, the ViewServer should not change views even if it thinks
    that the primary or backup has died.
    The acknowledgment rule prevents the ViewServer from getting more than one
    view ahead of the servers. If the ViewServer could get arbitrarily far
    ahead, then it would need a more complex design in which it kept a history of
    views, allowed servers to ask about old views, and garbage-collected
    information about old views when appropriate. The downside of the
    acknowledgment rule is that if the primary fails before it acknowledges the
    view in which it is primary, then the ViewServer cannot change views,
    spins forever, and cannot make forward progress.
    It is important to note that servers may not immediately switch to the new
    view returned by the ViewServer . For example, S1 could continue sending Ping(5) even if the ViewServer returns view 6. This indicates that the
    server is not ready to move into the new view, which will be important for
    Part 1 of this lab.
    The ViewServer should not consider the view to be acknowledged until the
    primary sends a ping with the view number (i.e., S1 sends Ping(6) ).
    You should not need to implement any messages, timers, or other data
    structures for this part of the lab. Your ViewServer should have handlers
    for Ping and GetView messages (replying with a ViewReply for each,
    where GetView simply returns the current view without the sender
    “pinging”) and should handle and set PingCheckTimer s. Our solution took
    approximately 100 lines of code.
    You should pass the part 1 tests before moving on to part 2; execute them with --lab 2 --part 1 .


  • There will be some states that your ViewServer cannot get out of because of the design of the view service. For example, if the primary fails before acknowledging the view in which it is the primary. This is expected. We will fix these flaws in the design in future labs.
  • You’ll want to add field(s) to ViewServer in order to keep track of which servers have pinged since the second-most-recent PingCheckTimer ; you’ll need to differentiate between servers which have pinged since the most recent PingCheckTimer and servers which have not.
  • Add field(s) to ViewServer to keep track of the current view.
  • There may be more than two servers sending Ping s. The extra ones (beyond primary and backup) are volunteering to be backup if needed. You’ll want to track these extra servers as well in case one of them needs to be promoted to be the backup.

Part 2: The Primary/Backup Key/Value Service

Next, you will implement the client and primary-backup servers ( PBClient
and PBServer ).
Your service should continue operating correctly as long as there has never
been a time at which no server was alive. It should also operate correctly
with partitions: a server that suffers temporary network failure without
crashing, or can talk to some computers but not others. If your service is
operating with just one server, it should be able to incorporate an idle
server (as backup), so that it can then tolerate another server failure.
Correct operation means that operations are executed linearizably. All
operations should provide exactly-once semantics as in lab 1.
You should assume that the ViewServer never halts or crashes.
It’s crucial that only one primary be active at any given time. You should
have a clear story worked out for why that’s the case for your design. A
danger: suppose in some view S1 is the primary; the ViewServer changes
views so that S2 is the primary; but S1 hasn’t yet heard about the new view
and thinks it is still primary. Then some clients might talk to S1, and others
talk to S2, and not see each other’s operations.
A server that isn’t the active primary should either not respond to clients,
or respond with an error.
A server should not talk to the ViewServer for every operation it
receives, since that would put the ViewServer on the critical path for
performance and fault-tolerance. Instead servers should Ping the ViewServer periodically (once every PING\\_MILLIS ) to learn about new
views. Similarly, the client should not talk to the ViewServer for every
operation it sends; instead, it should cache the current view and only talk to
the ViewServer (by sending a GetView message) on initial startup, when
the current primary seems to be dead (i.e., on ClientTimer ), or when it
receives an error.
When servers startup initially, they should Ping the ViewServer with ViewServer.STARTUP\\_VIEWNUM . After that, they should Ping with the
latest view number they’ve seen, unless they’re the primary for a view that
has not yet started.
Part of your one-primary-at-a-time strategy should rely on the ViewServer
only promoting the backup from view i to be primary in view i+1 . If
the old primary from view i tries to handle a client request, it will
forward it to its backup. If that backup hasn’t heard about view i+1 ,
then it’s not acting as primary yet, so no harm done. If the backup has heard
about view i+1 and is acting as primary, it knows enough to reject the old
primary’s forwarded client requests.
You’ll need to ensure that the backup sees every update to the application in
the same order as the primary, by a combination of the primary initializing it
with the complete application state and forwarding subsequent client
The at-most-once semantics of AMOApplication (which you should once again
wrap your application in) should handle the backup receiving duplicate
operations from the primary. However, you will need to keep some state on the
primary to ensure that the backup processes operations in the correct order.
You will have to define your own messages and timers for this part of the lab.
Our solution took approximately 200 lines of code.
You should pass the part 2 tests; execute them with --lab 2 --part 2 .


  • You’ll probably need to create new messages and timers to forward client requests from primary to backup, since the backup should reject a direct client request but should accept a forwarded request.
  • You’ll probably need to create new messages and timers to handle the transfer of the complete application state from the primary to a new backup. You can send the whole application in one message.
  • Even if your ViewServer passed all the tests in Part 1, it may still have bugs that cause failures in Part 2.
  • Your PBClient should be very similar to the SimpleClient from lab 1

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