


In this practical you will install and configure a Linux server, taking screen
shots at specific points during the process. The Fedora 26 server that you are
going to install has a terminal interface only.
NOTE Step 1 must be done on campus.

Practical procedure

  1. Download the Fedora 26 server ISO.
  2. Download the PowerPoint presentation for this practical from the FOL drop box for the practical. Place your screen shots on the indicated slide in this presentation. You will submit this presentation for marking.
  3. Create a new virtual machine in VMWare Workstation using this ISO with the information listed below.
    * a. On the ‘Guest Operating System Installation’ wizard page, select the radio button labelled ‘I will install the operating system later’.
    * b. On the ‘Select Operating System Type’ wizard page, select the radio button labelled ‘Linux’ and then select ‘Fedora 64-bit’ from the Version drop down box.
    * c. In the ‘Name the Virtual Machine’ wizard page, choose a name and disk location for your virtual machine. You can use whatever name and location you want.
    * d. On the ‘Specify Disk Capacity’ wizard page, set the disk size to 10 GB using multiple files.
    * e. Take a screen shot of the ‘Ready to Create Virtual Machine’ wizard page before clicking the Finish button and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as Slide 1.
    * f. Click ‘Finish’, to create the virtual machine.
  4. Start the VM (It will power on, but since there is no operating system yet it won’t be able to boot properly).
  5. From the VM menu select Removable Devices ->CD/DVD(IDE)->Settings. On the ‘Settings’ page, select the ISO radio button, then browse for and select the ISO file you downloaded.
  6. Click OK to close the settings dialog.
  7. From the VM menu select ‘Send Ctrl+Alt+Del’ to restart the VM. When the Fedora 26 installation menu comes up, use the up and down arrow keys to select ‘Install Fedora 26’ DO NOT PRESS ENTER
  8. Take a screen shot of the entire installation menu screen and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as Slide 2.
  9. Press enter to begin the installation process.
  10. Set the language to English (Canada).
  11. Using the clickable icons on the installation summary page, set the time zone to America/Toronto.
  12. Take a screen shot of the time zone screen and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 3.
  13. Click ‘Done’ to return to the installation summary screen.
  14. Select the Installation Destination item and immediately click ‘Done’ to accept the default installation destination.
  15. Use the Network & Hostname item to set the hostname to your FOL username followed by ‘- FC26’. If your FOL username has underscores in it replace the underscores with hyphens ‘-‘, underscores are not allowed in hostnames.
  16. Take a screen shot of the Network and Hostname page clearly shown the hostname you have entered and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 4.
  17. Use the Software Selection item to add the Basic Web Server option to the installation.
  18. Take a screen shot of the Installation Summary screen and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 5. The Localization, Software and System sections must be visible.
  19. Click ‘Begin Installation’
  20. On the User Settings screen, do not set a root password. Create a regular user as follows:
    * a. Put your first and last names in the Full Name field.
    * b. Put your FOL username in the username field.
    * c. The user is to be an administrator.
    * d. Enter and confirm a password. Make sure you know what this password is, you will need it. Pay attention to the messages and strength indicators, there are complexity rules.
    * e. Take a screen shot of the Create User screen after you have filled it in and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 6.
    * f. Click ‘Done’ to create the user and return to the User Settings screen.
  21. Click ‘Finish Configuration’ when it appears.
  22. Click ‘Reboot’ when it appears.
  23. Once the VM reboots, log in using the user account you created during the installation process.
  24. Use the appropriate command to obtain administrative (root) privileges.
  25. Use an appropriate command to display the currently logged on users.
  26. Take a screen shot of the output of steps 24 and 25 together and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 7
  27. Install the gcc software package, during the installation process you may see message about updated keys, respond with a ‘y’ to any of these messages.
  28. Take a screen shot of the last screen of output in step 27 and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 8
  29. Use the grep command to display any lines in the /etc/shadow file that contain the string ‘root’.
  30. Take a screen shot of the output in step 29 and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 9
  31. Exit from the privileged user’s session.
  32. Change directory to the user’s home directory.
  33. Create 2 new directories in the current directory named practical1 and practical2.
  34. Do a long directory listing of the current directory.
  35. Take a screen shot of the output in step 34 and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 10.
  36. Without changing directory, create two empty text files in the practical1 directory named file1.txt and file2.txt.
  37. Do a long directory listing of the current directory that will also show the contents of any subdirectories.
  38. Take a screen shot of the output in steps 36 and 37 together and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 11.
  39. Relocate file1.txt to the practical2 directory
  40. Rename file2.txt to myfile.txt
  41. Copy myfile.txt to the practical2 directory.
  42. Do a long directory listing of the current directory that will also show the contents of any subdirectories.
  43. Take a screen shot of the output in step41 and 42 together and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 12.
  44. Delete directory practical1 and all its contents using a single command.
  45. Do a long directory listing of the current directory that will also show the contents of any subdirectories.
  46. Take a screen shot of the output in steps 44 and 45 together and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 13.
  47. Change the permissions on the practical2 directory so that the user (owner) has full permissions to it, group members can do directory listing and change into the directory and everyone else can do a directory listing.
  48. Do a long directory listing of the current directory that will also show hidden files and directories.
  49. Take a screen shot of the output in steps 47 and 48 together and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 14.
  50. Display a list of mounted file systems in tabular form.
  51. Take a screen shot of the output in step 50 and put it in the PowerPoint presentation as slide 15.
  52. Save your PowerPoint presentation and upload it to the Practical drop box on FOL.
  53. Shut down your VM
  54. Exit VMWare Workstation.

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