

代写一个包含AI的5x5的 Tic-Tac-Toe 游戏,相比基础的3x3的Tic-Tac-


Your team has been assigned to write an Android video game for “5-Toe,” a 5 by
5 tic-tac-toe game. (Note: You do not have to have an Android phone, since
this will be done on an emulator.) The human user plays against the computer,
which uses an AI search to choose its moves, either minimax with alpha-beta
pruning or A*.
The usual rules of tic-tac-toe apply: X (which is the computer) goes first,
players take turns, and the game ends when one player wins by filling 5
squares in a row, column, or diagonal, or when all squares are filled (a tie,
commonly referred to as “the cat got the game”).
When the game starts, the user selects the level of difficulty: easy, medium,
or hard, and which AI to play against, minimax or A*. Then the computer places
an X in the center (hard), in a corner (medium), or on an edge but not a
corner (easy level). The square selected should be different each time the
same level is selected; either cycle through the choices or pick a square at
random. Each time the user clicks a square, place an O there and check for end
of game. If the game is not over, run the chosen AI algorithm, display an X,
and check for end of game.
Use XML to specify the GUI in the Android subset of Java. Follow the style
guide for Java at
, and also
follow these three rules:

  1. No more than one statement per line.
  2. No function longer than 24 lines (one terminal window).
  3. No line longer than 80 characters.
    For the minimax search with alpha-beta pruning you may need some way of
    limiting the depth to avoid running out of memory or time. (The computer
    should move in 5 seconds or less.) The utility function X wants to maximize
    could be something like
    f = (# of lines with 5 X’s - # of lines with 5 O’s) * 16 ^ 4 +
    (# of lines with 4 X’s and a blank - # of lines with 4 O’s and a blank) * 16 ^ 3 +
    (# of lines with 3 X’s and 2 blanks - # of lines with 3 O’s and 2 blanks) * 16 ^ 2 +
    (# of lines with 2 X’s and 3 blanks - # of lines with 2 O’s and 3 blanks) * 16 +
    (# of lines with 1 X and 4 blanks - # of lines with 1 O and 4 blanks)
    since there are 12 winning lines (rows, columns, and diagonals) and 16 > 12.
    O’s utility function would then be -f, so f + (-f) = 0, a zero-sum game.


For A* you need to devise a heuristic function h(n) which comes as close as
possible to the number of additional moves required to win without exceeding
the actual number required. If a win cannot be guaranteed no matter how O
moves, then h(n) is the estimated number of additional moves to tie, without
exceeding the actual number of moves required. If neither a win nor a tie can
be guaranteed for X, then h(n) is the estimated number of additional moves
till the game ends with O winning.
Here are some ideas to get you started on A*:

  1. For each move, start A* over by using the current board state as the initial A* state. Generate the successor states (legal X moves) as possible values of n and calculate f(n) = g(n) + h(n). This makes g(n) always 1, since it takes 1 move to get from the initial state to n.
  2. If there are 4 X’s and a blank in 2 rows, columns, or diagonals, and there are no lines with 4 O’s and a blank, then you can win in 2 more moves guaranteed, namely, O moves and then X wins, so h is 2.
  3. If there are 3 X’s and 2 blanks in a row, column, or diagonal, then it will take at least 4 more moves. However, you must also consider how close O is to winning and whether blocking O is more urgent. For example,
    X | X | | | X
    | X | | |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    O | O | | O | O
    will end in a tie (assuming both players make the best move), so h would be 17
    (the number of blanks). Thus you need to consider not only the squares which
    need X’s to make 5 in a row, but also the squares which need X’s to block O’s
    moves; some squares may do both.
    If a node (board state) n would allow O to win in 1 move, then assign a “too
    big” value to h(n), e.g., 25, to insure that A* will not move to state n
    unless X cannot win or tie.
    There are numerous 3 by 3 tic-tac-toe Android apps on the Internet, which you
    can use for ideas if you cite them. However, if you are going to make your
    million with this game :-), you should not use any code or code ideas from
    others or you could be liable for copyright infringement and spend all your
    profits on lawyers and fines :-(. Note that some of these claim to use AI but
    really don’t!
    This is a team project, with three or four students per team. (Teams of four
    will have an additional task.) Your assigned team should immediately meet and
    exchange all contact information and schedule at least one meeting per day.
    Choose a clever team name (but keep it clean :-)), discuss your strengths in
    Android, Java, C++, threads, GUI’s, XML, learning new IDE’s quickly,
    debugging, report writing, etc., and elect a team leader to coordinate the

    Note: If you were a team leader on Project 2, you cannot also be a team
    leader for Project 3.
    Choose one person to have the primary responsibility for each of these tasks
    (although you will need to help the other two on their tasks as well):

  4. Choose a free Android emulator (Android Studio recommended, but you might want to look at MIT’s “invention machine”) and install it where all team members can use it. Write an XML GUI and the main part of the game in the Android subset of Java and find out how to call a C++ function from it.
  5. Write a minimax search with alpha-beta pruning in C++ and interface it to the main Java program.
  6. Write an A* search in C++ and interface it to the main Java program.
  7. (Team of four only) A clever way to get more time for the AI search is to use the human’s “think time” (which doesn’t count against the 5-second limit for the computer to move) in a separate thread. In other words, as soon as the computer places an X, the second thread immediately starts searching ahead. Then when the human “finally” enters a move, the 5-second clock starts, the main thread tells the second thread to take O’s move and only continue searching that subtree. If the search has not completed in 4.5 seconds, tell the second thread to stop when the current ply is finished, then make the best move and start the second thread over searching ahead.
    Follow the Agile methodolgy as described in the slides, including:
  • a master burn-down list of remaining tasks and estimated time for each task
  • at least 2 “weekly” meetings to assign tasks from the burn-down list
  • at least 10 “daily” scrums (15-minute meetings) to report progress and problems and update the burn-down list items and time still needed
  • a graph of projected and actual burn-down rate
    If the game is complete then consider adding sound (like a meow for a tie),
    color, motion, blinking screen for “You beat the computer!!!”, etc.


Create a team project 3 repository on github and grant access to the
instructor and the TA in addition to your team members. Identify all the tasks
in the project that you can and post that to your repository as the initial
project task burn-down list, with the estimated number of days for each task.
Add new items you discover are needed and delete items when they are finished.
Each team must maintain a development log (wiki page in github titled
“Development Log”) updated by the team members. This log will be graded. There
is no designated format, except that you need to time stamp, write down the
name, and write a brief description of the activity, as in Project 2. We will
check your daily progress.
Major routines should include unit testing. Demo in the lab may be required.

Design documents

Follow the guidelines in Scott Hackett’s “How to Write an Effective Design
Document (Writing for a Peer Developer)” at [
document/) . Include all four sections described in the guide. Set up your
design document (named “Design Document”) as a wiki page in github. The design
document should cover all 3 tasks (4 for a team of 4).

Test session log

This is a human-readable transcript of at least two complete games, one using
minimax and one using A*, showing the board in graphical form, the number of
nodes expanded, and the time required (user plus system) to calculate the AI
move. For example,
Game begins
Difficulty: Easy
AI algorithm: A*
| | | |
X | | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
X | | | |
| | O | |
| | | |
| | | |
345678 nodes expanded in 4.321 seconds
X | | | |
X | | | |
| | O | |
| | | |
| | | |
and so on.

Post production notes

This is a wiki page with changes you had to make to your design and why,
difficulties, solutions, lessons learned, etc.
Final printed report should include the three preceding items and a printout
of all source code. Use the “Download ZIP” feature in github and upload the
resulting zip file of all source code (team leader only). For the wiki
documents we will check the github repository.
The report must include the consensus individual work load distribution
(percentage, must add up to 100%). Include this in the “Post production
notes”. Formula for individual score calculation is as follows: individual
score = min(sqrt(your percentage * number of team members / 100) *
team_score,110). For example, if you are on a team of 4 and your team agrees
your contribution was 20% and your team score was 85, your individual score is
min(sqrt(20 / 25) * 85, 110) = 76. Note that 25% is the baseline (equal
contribution by all four members). If your contribution was 30% and your team
score was 85, your individual score is min(sqrt(30 / 25) * 85 ,110) = 93.

文章作者: SafePoker
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 SafePoker !