For this assignment, you will be writing code that supports a simple Pokemon
finding game. The basic idea of the application is that you explore multiple
levels in search for Pokemon, which are then registered in your Dex. Rather
than using functions, like assignment 1, you will be using Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP). Further, you will be using the Model View Controller (MVC)
design pattern. Your task is to write the Model. The View and Controller are
provided, along with support code.
As is typical with projects where more than one person is responsible for
writing code, there needs to be a way of describing how the various components
interact. This is achieved by defining an Application Programming Interface
(API). For this assignment, you must implement your classes according to the
API that has been specified, which will ensure that your code will interact
properly with the supplied View/Controller code.
One benefit to adhering to MVC is that the model can be developed and tested
independently of the view or controller. It is recommended that you follow
this approach. This means testing your model iteratively as you develop your
Assignment Tasks
Download files
The first task is to download and The file is for
your assignment. Do not modify the assignment file outside the area provided
for you to write your code.
Important Definitions
While Pokemon is an irregular plural (meaning that its plural takes the same
form as its singular, like sheep and fish), for the purposes of this
assignment, multiple Pokemon are referred to as Pokemons for clarity.
Positions & Coordinates
A position is represented by a (row, column) pair of numbers.
A cell position is a position where the row and column are both integers. It
represents the position of where an object in the game could be located.
A wall position is a position where either the row or column value is a float
ending in .5 and the other is an integer. The .5 represents that the wall is
located at a boundary betweeen two cell positions for that row or column.
Expecting, Registering, & Catching
Catching a Pokemon refers to the player adding it to their collection. Whilst
moving around the game world, the player catches a Pokemon by moving onto a
cell in which that Pokemon exists. When a Pokemon is caught, it is removed
from the game world.
A Pokedex, henceforth abbreviated as Dex, maintains a registry of Pokemon that
the player is expected to catch. A Pokemon is registered in a Dex when the
player catches that Pokemon. Registering a Pokemon that has already been
registered has no effect.
Game Data
Game data can be loaded using either load\game_file(file) or
load_game_url(url) from the support file. These functions will raise errors if
the file/url do not exist or provide invalid JSON, as specified in their
docstring comments. Game data consists of the following structure, comments
added for clarity:
levels: [ # List of levels in game
terrain: str, # Name of the terrain type
rows: int, # Number of rows
columns: int, # Number of columns
player: (int, int), # Player’s starting position
pokemons: [ # List of pokemon existing in level
{name: str, position: (int, int)},
walls: [ # List of walls existing in level
(int, int),
For example, game data is a dictionary, containing the string “levels” as a
key, whose value is a list of level data. Further, level data is a dictionary
with multiple keys. The string “terrain” is one key that has a value that is a
string indicating the name of the terrain. The string “walls” is another key
that has a value that is a list of pairs of integers, each representing the
location of a wall in the level.
Write the code
There are several classes you need to write and these are described below. It
is highly recommended that you review the support file,, before
writing your code, as this contains many useful constants and functions. Do
not use global variables in your code.
Each class and method that you write must have a suitable docstring comment,
as specified in the course notes.
The GameObject Class
GameObject is the superclass for objects that exist in the game grid.
Instances of GameObject are to be constructed with GameObject(name, position),
where name is a string representing the name of the object and position is a
grid position. Further, the following methods are to be implemented:
- set_position(self, position) Sets the position to position, which either is a cell position or None.
- get_position(self) Returns the current position of the instance.
- set_name(self, name) Sets the name to name.
- get_name(self) Returns the name of the instance.
- str(self) Returns a human readable representation of this instance, according to GAME_OBJECT_FORMAT in the support file.
The Pokemon Class
Pokemon inherits from GameObject and is used for managing the name and
position of Pokemon within the game.
Instances of Pokemon are to be constructed with Pokemon(name, position,
terrain), where name and position are as they are for GameObject, and terrain
is a string representing the terrain in which the Pokemon exists.
Further, the following methods are to be implemented:
- set_terrain(self, terrain) Sets the terrain to terrain.
- get_terrain(self) Returns the terrain of the instance.
- str(self) Returns a human readable representation of this instance, according to POKEMON_FORMAT in the support file.
mew = Pokemon(“Mew”, (20, 20), “Mountain”)
‘Mew @ (20, 20) from Mountain’
‘Mew @ (20, 20) from Grass’
The Wall Class
Wall inherits from GameObject and implements no additional functionality. It
is used for representing a wall in the game.
The Player Class
Player inherits from GameObject and is used for representing a player within a
Instances are to be constructed with Player(name), where name is as it is for
A Player must contain the following:
- A Dex to register all the Pokemon that the Player encounters.
- A list of Pokemon that the Player has caught, in the order they were caught.
The following methods are to be implemented: - get_pokemons(self) Returns a list of all Pokemon that this Player has caught, in the order they were caught.
- register_pokemon(self, pokemon) Catches the pokemon and adds to the Player’s Dex, where pokemon is a Pokemon, provided it is expected by the Player’s Dex. Otherwise, this method should raise an UnexpectedPokemonError.
- str(self) Returns a human readable representation of this instance, according to PLAYER_FORMAT in the support file.
mew = Pokemon(“Mew”, (20, 20), “Grass”)
d1 = Pokemon(“Dragonite”, (1, 1), “Mountain”)
d2 = Pokemon(“Dragonite”, (1, 3), “Mountain”)
‘Ash @ None has caught 0’
Traceback (most recent call last):
… # truncated for brevity
a2_support.UnexpectedPokemonError: Mew is not expected by this Dex.
brock.get_dex().expect_pokemons([‘Mew’, ‘Dratini’, ‘Dragonair’, ‘Dragonite’])
‘Brock @ (1, 1) has caught 3’
for pokemon in brock.get_pokemons(): print(pokemon)
Mew @ (20, 20) from Grass
Dragonite @ (1, 1) from Mountain
Dragonite @ (1, 3) from Mountain
2 Registered: Dragonite, Mew
2 Unregistered: Dragonair, Dratini
‘Brock @ (1, 1) has caught 0’
0 Registered:
0 Unregistered:
The Dex Class
The Dex class manages a registry of Pokemon that have been encountered. For
the Dex class, pokemon refers only to the name of a pokemon, and not an
instance of the Pokemon class.
Instances are to be constructed using Dex(pokemon_names), where pokemon_names
is a list of poke- mon names to be expected by this Dex. In order for a Dex to
be complete, all the Pokemon that are expected must also be registered.
A Dex must contain a dictionary whose keys are pokemon names that are expected
by this Dex, and whose values indicate whether the corresponding pokemon is
registered in this Dex (True: registered; False: unregistered).
Further, the following methods must be defined for the Dex class.
- expect_pokemons(self, pokemon_names) Instructs the Dex to also expect all pokemon in the list of pokemon_names (that are not already expected).
- expect_pokemons_from_dex(self, other_dex) Instructs the Dex to also expect all pokemon that other_dex expects (that are not already expected).
- register(self, pokemon_name) Registers the pokemon (name) in the Dex. Returns True if the pokemon was already registered, else False. This method raises an UnexpectedPokemonError if the pokemon is not expected by this Dex.
- register_from_dex(self, other_dex) Registers each pokemon from another Dex, other_dex, provided it is expected by this Dex and registered in the other Dex. This method must never raise an UnexpectedPokemonError.
- get_pokemons(self) Returns a list of (name, registered) pairs for each pokemon expected by this Dex, where name is the name of the pokemon, and registered is True if the pokemon is registered, else False. This list must be sorted alphabetically by name.
- get_registered_pokemons(self) Returns an alphabetically sorted list of names of pokemon registered in this Dex.
- get_unregistered_pokemons(self) Returns an alphabetically sorted list of names of pokemon unregistered in, but expected by, this Dex.
- len(self) Returns the total number of pokemon expected by this Dex.
- contains(self, name) Returns True iff pokemon with name is registered in this Dex, else False.
- str(self) Returns a human readable string representation of this Dex, according to DEX_FORMAT in the support file. The string contains two lines, which are of the format “number status (capitalised): pokemon names separated by comma, sorted alphabetically”, with the first being for registered and the second being for unregistered. For example, if Squirtle and Charmander were registered, but Bulbasaur was unregistered.
dex1 = Dex([‘Lugia’, ‘Mewtwo’, ‘Latios’, ‘Latias’])
‘0 Registered: \n4 Unregistered: Latias, Latios, Lugia, Mewtwo’
for pokemon in dex1.get_unregistered_pokemons(): print(pokemon)
for pokemon in dex1.get_registered_pokemons(): print(pokemon)
dex2 = Dex([‘Entei’, ‘Suicune’, ‘Raikou’, ‘Lugia’, ‘Ho-Oh’])
‘Lugia’ in dex2
‘Lugia’ in dex2
‘3 Registered: Latias, Latios, Lugia\n1 Unregistered: Mewtwo’
4 Registered: Latias, Latios, Lugia, Suicune
4 Unregistered: Entei, Ho-Oh, Mewtwo, Raikou
The Level Class
The Level class manages data pertaining to an individual level in the game. A
Level is considered complete when its Dex has no unregistered pokemon. N.b. It
is possible to complete a level without having caught all pokemon that exist
in that level, since there may be duplicate Pokemon.
Instances are to be constructed with Level(player, data), where player is an
instance of Player, and data is a dictionary of a single level’s data. When
initialised, a Level should instruct the player’s Dex to expect all the
Pokemon that could be encountered in the current level. If a level contains an
invalid position (player start, pokemon, wall, etc.), it must raise an
A Level must contain the following:
- A dictionary whose keys are cell positions and whose values are Pokemon instances that exist at the corresponding position.
- A dictionary whose keys are wall positions for every wall that exists in the level (value can be anything). This includes walls positions for each boundary wall (on the edge of the grid), which are not necessarily specified in the level data.
- An instance of Dex that recognizes exactly all of the pokemon in this level.
Further, the following methods must be defined: - get_size(self) Returns the size of the level grid.
- get_terrain(self) Returns the terrain type of this level.
- get_dex(self) Returns the Dex for this level.
- get_starting_position(self) Returns the player’s starting position for this level.
- is_obstacle_at(self, position) Returns True iff an obstacle exists at given position, else False.
- get_obstacles(self) Returns a list of positions of all obstacles (walls) that exist in this level, including boundary walls.
- get_pokemons(self) Returns a list of all Pokemon that exist in this level.
- get_pokemon_at(self, position) Returns the Pokemon that exists at the given position, else None.
- catch_pokemon_at(self, position) Catches and returns the Pokemon that exists at the given position. If no pokemon exists at the given position, this method raises an InvalidPositionError.
- is_complete(self) Returns True iff this Level is complete, else False.
player = Player(DEFAULT_PLAYER_NAME)
data = load_game_file(‘game1.json’)
level = Level(player, data[‘levels’][0])
(10, 10)
(1, 1)
0 Registered:
4 Unregistered: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Pikachu, Squirtle
‘Ash @ None has caught 0’
[(5, 9.5), (6, 9.5), (9, -0.5), (9.5, 1), (3, -0.5), …] # truncated for brevity
level.is_obstacle_at((5, 9.5))
level.is_obstacle_at((0.5, 0))
for pokemon in level.get_pokemons(): print(pokemon)
Bulbasaur @ (2, 7) from Ice
Charmander @ (7, 7) from Ice
Squirtle @ (7, 2) from Ice
Pikachu @ (2, 2) from Ice
level.get_pokemon_at((2, 6))
level.get_pokemon_at((2, 7))
<__main__.Pokemon object at 0x10622ae10>
print(level.get_pokemon_at((2, 7)))
Bulbasaur @ (2, 7) from Ice
level.catch_pokemon_at((2, 7))
<__main__.Pokemon object at 0x10622ae10>
level.get_pokemon_at((2, 7))
for pokemon in level.get_pokemons(): print(pokemon)
Charmander @ (7, 7) from Ice
Squirtle @ (7, 2) from Ice
Pikachu @ (2, 2) from Ice
for pokemon in level.get_pokemons(): level.catch_pokemon_at(pokemon.get_position()) … # truncated for brevity
‘Ash @ None has caught 4’
The Game Class
The Game class manages data pertaining to an entire game. Its constructor
requires no arguments.
- An instance of the Player class, which will be used when instantiating each Level.
- A list of Levels in the order in which they are loaded. This list will be empty until either the load_file or load_url method is called, but upon loading a game, this list must contain instances of the Level class, one for each level in the game data.
Further, the following methods must be defined: - load_file(self, game_file) Loads a game from a file, given by game_file, using load_game_file from the support file.
- load_url(self, game_url) Loads a game from a url, given by game_url, using load_game_url from the support file. The following applies to both load_file & load_url:
- The player’s Dex should not be reset by load_file/url.
- The player’s list of caught pokemon should not be reset.
- Errors raised by load_game_file/url or Level’s constructor should be ignored (i.e. reraised and not handled or suppressed).
- start_next_level(self) Attempts to start the next level of the game. Returns True iff the game is completed (i.e. already on the final level), else False. This method should raise an InvalidPositionError if the level contains any invalid positions. N.b. It can be assumed that this method will not be called unless the current level is completed.
- get_player(self) Returns the player of the game.
- get_level(self) Returns the current level, an instance of Level, else None if the game hasn’t started.
- len(self) Returns the total number of levels in the game.
- is_complete(self) Returns True iff no levels remain incomplete, else False.
- move_player(self, direction) Attempts to move the player in the given direction. Returns whatever the player would hit (an instance of GameObject) in attempting to move, else None. If direction is not one of NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, this method raises a DirectionError (see support file). N.b. It can be assumed that this method will not be called unless a level has been started.
game = Game()
wall = game.move_player(SOUTH)
print(wall)@ (1.5, 2)
pokemon = game.move_player(WEST)
Pikachu @ (2, 2) from Ice
Assessment and Marking Criteria
In addition to providing a working solution to the assignment problem, the
assessment will involve discussing your code submission with a tutor. This
discussion will take place in the practical session you have signed up to in
week 10. You must attend that session in order to obtain marks for the
In preparation for your discussion with a tutor you may wish to consider:
- any parts of the assignment that you found particularly difficult, and how you overcame them to arrive at a solution;
- whether you considered any alternative ways of implementing a given function;
- where you have known errors in your code, their cause and possible solutions (if known).
It is also important that you can explain to the tutor how each of the
functions that you have written operates (for example, if you have used a for
loop or a while loop in a function, why this was the right choice).
Marks will be awarded based on a combination of the correctness of your code
and on your understanding of the code that you have written. A technically
correct solution will not elicit a pass mark unless you can demonstrate that
you understand its operation.
A partial solution will be marked. If your partial solution causes problems in
the Python interpreter please comment out that code and we will mark that.
Please read the section in the course profile about plagiarism.