在对弈类游戏中, Minimax
In this programming assignment, you are asked to implement programs to play a
two-player game similar to tic-tac-toe: two players, X and O, take turns
marking the spaces in a 4×4 grid. The player who succeeds in placing 3 of
their marks consecutively in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the
You may form a team of up to three people. The team can be different from that
for the HW#2. One solution is submitted by each team electronically in
Blackboard. You may use any programming language in your implementation.
Part I. Beginner
Implement a simple player, called Beginner, who places marks sequentially in a
blank square in increasing order of row number and then column number, i.e.,
(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), …, unless it or the opponent wins
the game immediately. Its algorithm is as follows:
function Beginner-Decision (state) returns an action
if the player has an open 2-in-a-row
return marking the position to get a 3-in-a-row // “Win”
if the opponent has an open 2-in-a-row
return marking a position next to the 3-in-a-row to block the opponent
return marking sequentially a blank square in increasing order of row number and then column number.
“open 2-in-a-row” means that there is a blank space at one end of the 2-in-a-
row, making it possible to become a 3-in-a-row.
- a) A brief description of your implementation.
- b) Step-by-step of one game played between you (human) and the player Beginner. Beginner plays first.
- c) Your code with appropriate comments.
Part II. Advanced
Implement a minimax player, called Advanced, who runs the minimax algorithm on
a 2-ply game tree, i.e., looking ahead 2 moves (one move by the player and one
move by the opponent). The heuristic evaluation function for cutoff nodes is
h(n) = [# of open 2-in-a-row for me] - [# of open 2-in-a-row for opponent].
For example, for player ‘x’, the value of the following state is
h = (2-1) = 1
When h values are the same, the search breaks tie randomly.
- a) A brief description of your algorithm and implementation.
- b) Step-by-step of one game played between Beginner and Advanced. Beginner plays first. For every step played by Advanced, print the # of expanded nodes and the CPU execution time in milliseconds.
- c) Same as (b) except Advanced plays first.
Part III. Master
Implement a player, called Master, who runs the minimax algorithm on a 4-ply
game tree, i.e., looking ahead 4 moves (2 moves by the player and 2 moves by
the opponent). The heuristic evaluation function for cutoff nodes is the same
as in part II.
- a) Step-by-step of one game played between Advanced and Master. Advanced plays first. For every step played by Advanced and Master, show the # of expanded nodes and the CPU execution time in milliseconds.
- b) Same as (b) except Master plays first.
- c) Your code with appropriate comments.
Your submission should be a single pdf file with file name containing your
name and assignment number. For example, firstnameInitial_lastname_hw4.pdf for