

In this assignment, each student is to write a program that provides a file
listing for the given directory. The program should list the filename, file
size, and time last modified for each file within the directory. The program
should provide the user with the option to sort the listing based on filename,
on file size, or on time last modified. The program should run once and quit
(it does not loop).
The syntax (usage) for the program should be:
prog_name [directory] [[-s][-t]]
where –s indicates sort by file size and –t indicates sort by time last
modified. These flags are optional but mutually exclusive. The directory is
also optional; if it is omitted than a default directory of “.” (the current
directory) should be assumed. Every possible combination of command line
arguments, from the above syntax, will be tested.


本题需要实现 文件系统 中,类似 ls 命令显示的结果。


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int arg;
int sort_by_size = 0;
int sort_by_time = 0;
while ((arg = getopt(argc, argv, “st”) != -1) {
switch (arg) {
case ‘s’:
sort_by_size = 1;
case ‘t’:
sort_by_time = 1;
printf(“bad argument: %c\n”, arg);
return 0;


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