Problem Description
M is a data matrix of n rows and k columns where, Mi represents ith row-vector
and Mj represents jth column-vector as the figure below. Each row-vector is of
sizek and each column-vector is of size n. Mij represents a data element from
row i and column j. The value of each data element Mij lies between 0 and 1.
Assume that there is no missing value in this n x k matrix M.
K is a vector of random and unique n large integers called keys. Each row-ID i
(1 ≤ i ≤ n) can be mapped to a separate key Ki from K which is also called
keys database. In other words, you can choose, or associate a unique key from
K for each row of M. No more than one row should be associated with a key in
K, and no more than one key in K should be associated with a row in M. You can
randomly choose a key for every row in M.
You will break down each column Mj into a number of blocks (as in the figure
below). Each column will/can result in different number of blocks. The process
of generating blocks from a column is described later in this project sheet.
Suppose there are 4 elements in a block (we are taking the number 4
arbitrarily here, this can vary, as explained later). All these elements will
come from the same column of M. Let us call these 4 elements as Muj, Mvj, Mwj,
and Mxj. Also, these four elements are from the four rows u, v, w, x of the
matrix M. Suppose the four keys that you have chosen for these four rows are
Ku, Kv, Kw, Kx. The sumKu+Kv+Kw+Kx is called the signature of this block.
Eventually, we want to match these blocks by matching their signatures across
columns to see which blocks from which columns are the same. We consider two
blocks as same if their signatures match. For example, in a 3-column example
below, two different blocks from columns M1, M2 and M3 match with each other
and appear in the final result. Also, we notice that columns M1 and M2 have
one block in common, and columns M2 and M3 have two blocks in common. Let us
say that when two blocks from different columns match with each other, a
collision happens. We want to detect all such collisions and produce the
results as fast as possible. The aim of this project is to speed-up the
matching process through parallelization.
Generating blocks
Each block is generated from a unique combination of 4 neighbouring data
elements from the same column. Two data elements Mxj and Myj from a column Mj
are within the same neighbourhood if |Mxj - Myj| < dia
, where dia is a
distance measure whose value lie between 0 and 1. Note that a block cannot
have elements from different columns, all should be from the same column.
In each column, you would need to find all possible combinations of four
elements which are within dia distance of each other. Each such combination
will be converted into a block.
One way is to first find all dia-neighbourhoods in a column and then create
4-element combinations out of it. For example, if in a column Mj, we find that
five elements M1j, M6j, M7j, M9j and M12j are within same dia-neighbourhood
then following distinct combinations are possible:
{M1j M6j, M7j, M9j}
{M1j M6j, M7j, M12j}
{M1j M6j, M9j, M12j}
{M1j M7j, M9j, M12j}
{M6j M7j, M9j, M12j}
However, a data element can belong to multiple neighbourhoods and therefore,
redundant combinations can be generated from overlapping dia-neighbourhoods.
Avoid generating two duplicate combinations with all same elements. The
combinations can be only partially overlapping or totally disjoint with each
other. You can think of other ways to generate such combinations from the
As explained above, each block actually represents a unique sum called
signature which is calculated by adding the mapped keys of each data element
from the block. In the example above, a block corresponding to the first
combination: {M1j, M6j, M7j, M9j} will contain the sum of 4 mapped keys: K1 +
K6 + K7 + K9 (as the Figure below). Each rowID is mapped to a separate key.
To match two blocks from different columns, we need to match their signatures.
Collision occurs when two blocks with the same sum or signature value exists
in different columns. As the same block can exist in 2 or more columns, we do
not have prior information about these column ids. The only way is to generate
blocks, find their sum and see if the same sum exists in other columns and
which columns. You can either generate one block and then match, OR generate a
couple of blocks, then do the matching, OR generate all possible blocks in all
columns first and then do the matching. You will need to figure out the
effective way of doing it in parallel.
So the task is to output those blocks which exist in more than 1 column such
that they represent same sum. And the task also involves identifying the
relative columns for each such block. As a post-processing step, you can merge
partially overlapping blocks which were found under the same subset of
columns. For example, if blocks {M1, M2, M3, M4} and {M1, M2, M8, M9} were
detected to be present in columns M1, M5 and M7 and neither of these blocks
exists in any other column, then they can be merged into {M1, M2, M3, M4, M8,
M9}. Only in this last post processing step, a block is allowed to have more
than 4 elements. Such merged blocks in their relevant subsets of columns
should ideally form the final result.
Data and Input Parameters
You should download the dataset data.txt and the keys keys.txt. The data.txt
file contains 4400 x 500 matrix of real numbers between 0 and 1. There are
4400 keys in the keys.txt file and each key is 14-digit long. Remember, we are
interested to know which rowIDs group together in a set of 4 (blocks) and
under which subsets of columns. dia = 1.0e-6 which is 0.000001.