


  • Continue to develop a Java GUI application using more than one Java class
  • Read and/or write from/to text files
  • Use search algorithms and/or sort algorithms
  • Use ArrayList or LinkedList or any other dynamic data structure

Assignment Details


Friendly Student Accommodation (FSA) is a real estate agent that rents
individual rooms and whole properties to students. They manage various types
of rental properties, ranging from wooden houses to apartment units in city
skyrises. You have been hired by FSA to develop a Java GUI application to help
manage their business.
This proposed software will allow FSA staff to enter the details of newly
acquired rental properties into the application. FSA staff will be able to
manage these rental properties, such as changing their rental prices, the
inclusions that come with these rental properties, and so on. The application
will also create periodic backups of the properties stored within.
There are 2 categories of rentals that FSA manages.

  1. Room Rental
    * a. These are rooms inside whole properties that are rented to individual students.
    * b. For example, a house has 5 rooms within and they can be rented to 5 different students separately.
  2. Whole Rental
    * a. These are rental properties that are rented as a whole to a student.
    Develop a Java GUI application using Swing components to implement the
    You are allowed to continue work on this assignment by yourself or in pairs.


We are moving onto Phase 2, which requires changes to be made to what we have

Phase 1 (Assignment 1) - Complete

  1. Enter 1 rental property into the application
  2. Edit and update the details of this rental property
  3. Display a list of previously entered rental properties in the system (should only display the 1 entered earlier)
  4. Exit the software safely

Phase 2 (Assignment 2)

  1. Enter the more than 1 rental property into the application
  2. Retrieve the details of rental properties previously entered
  3. Edit and update the details of rental properties previously entered
  4. Deleting rental properties from the application
  5. Display a list of available rental properties in the system
  6. Output the list of available rental properties into a file

Assignment 2 Tasks

For Assignment 2, you need to enter more than 1 rental property into the

Enter more than 1 rental property into the application

To be able to enter and store more than 1 rental property, you will need to
use a dynamic data structure to store them. An ArrayList or LinkedList of
Rental objects will work for this phase.
Back in Phase 1, you created an object (for Room or Whole property
respectively) to store the details that the user entered into the application.
What you should do for this phase is to take this same object and add it to
your ArrayList or LinkedList.
When the user enters another Room or Whole property into your application,
construct another and add it to the same list.

Retrieve the details of rental properties previously entered

This is similar to the previous task. In Phase 1, you extracted the stored
details from the 1 object you had in the application.
For this phase, you will need to:

  • Look into your list
  • Find the required rental property object
  • (Same as back in Phase 1) extract the stored details within and display on your GUI
    There are several ways that you can design this into your GUI.
    For all the following options, you will need to use the GUI interface you
    developed back in
    Phase 1 for editing the details of the 1 entered rental property.
  • Disable editing on all the fields.
  • Add the following navigation buttons to the buttons to your screen
    • [Next]
    • [Previous]
  • When this screen first loads, the details of the first Room or Whole property will be loaded into the fields.
  • When the user clicks the [Next] button, the details of the next property in your list will be loaded into the fields.
  • When the user clicks the [Previous] button, the details of the previous property in your list will be loaded into the fields.
    Something to think about
    This option is easy to use but it may take a long time to get to a specific
    rental property, especially if there are many rental properties
    You can add [First] & [Last] buttons to speed this up
  • The same as GUI Option 1 but instead of using navigation buttons, use one of the following
    • Use a JComboBox to select which rental property you want to view
      • The combo box should be populated with the RentalID of each entered rental property
      • This option is easy to navigate directly to the rental property you want to view
      • Might potentially be a problem if you have too many rental properties entered into the application
    • Use a JTextField. Let users enter the RentalID of the rental property they want to view. Your application will then search the rental properties in the list and display the details if found
      • Easiest to implement, GUI-wise
      • Requires additional code for searching
      • Users might enter incorrect or non-existing RentalID
        • How will you manage this?

GUI Option 3

  • Come up with your own design.
  • Please remember to check with your tutor before attempting this option.

Edit and update the details of rental properties previously entered

This is basically an extension of Task 2.
If you went with GUI Option 1 or 2, you can add an [Edit] and [Save] button to
the same GUI interface.
When users click the [Edit] button, the relevant GUI fields will have their
editing functionality turned on. Users can then make changes and click [Save]
to save the changes.
If you went with any other GUI design, you can still use this design above if
it suits. If you are going to use any other design, remember to make it easy
for the user to understand and use.
NOTE: Do not forget to perform input validation again before committing the
changes permanently.

Deleting rental properties from the application

This requirement can be implemented similarly to Task 3.
You can add a [Delete] button to your view/editing screen to allow users to
delete the current rental property from your application.

Deletion confirmation

Deleting data is usually considered a major action in most applications. Make
sure you implement some form of confirmation by the user before permanently
deleting the relevant data from the application.
A simple confirmation dialog box works well enough.
You can also consider other creative ways to verify the user’s choice. For
example, you can ask the user to re-enter the RentalID of the rental property
and verify it before deletion.

Display a list of available rental properties in the system

This task requires an update to the same function we completed in Phase 1,
except instead of displaying the details of 1 rental property, the application
will now need to display the details of all the rental properties stored
There is no need to sort the output in any order at this stage.

Something to consider

What about the future? Will it make sense to add some sort of sorting to the
list of properties?

Output the list of available rental properties into a file

Every so often, FSA needs to print out their list of available rental
properties. To make things easier for this stage of the development, you were
asked to output the list of rental properties in the application to a text
The file is to be named FSA_Availability.csv
Data structure of the output file (FSA_Availability.csv)

  • Each line represents 1 rental property
  • On each line, the individual bits of data are separated using a comma (,)
  • This type of file is called a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file
    Example of how the stored data in this file might look like
    R1251,Room 1 123 George Street. Brisbane City QLD 4000,180.00,true,A lovely furnished room in a city apartment,true,true
    W3352,57 Canary Lane Ascot QLD 4007,350.50,false,A perfect little home for a family,4,2,true,true
    W2251,124a Henson Drive Emerton NSW 2770,375.00,true,Home overlooking the sea,3,2,true,false
    NOTE: One way to test if your file was correctly created is to open it using a
    spreadsheet application (such as MS Excel). If all the details above are
    nicely displayed within individual cells, then your file was created
    correctly. Check if your tutor if you are unsure.
    To implement this function, for each rental property in your list
  • Extract all the relevant details
  • Combine them into a single String but insert a comma (,) between each bit of information
    • You will need to remove any existing commas in your data to avoid corrupting your file
    • Another way is to avoid saving any commas into your list in the first place
  • Write the newly formed String into the file
    File reading/writing was covered back in Week 11 in the pre-requisite course
    Programming Fundamentals. Additional material will be posted for your
    reference. Please check the Assignment 2 section on your course website
    regularly for updates.

Assignment Report (same as Assignment 1)

You will need to write a report that includes the following:

  • Cover page that shows the unit code and name, assignment number, your name and student ID number
  • “Screen Shots” section
    • Includes screen shots of your running application.
    • All relevant screens, error messages, and dialogs should be included.
    • Each screenshot should have a description (caption) of the respective screenshot written below.
  • “Reflection” section
    • In this section, you need to write about the following (paragraphs or in a list)
    • What difficulties did you encounter while working on this assignment? Eg. Took too long to revise file reading/writing
    • If you were able to complete all the required tasks
      • What do you think contributed to your success?
      • Is there anything you can do better in future?
    • If you were not able to complete all the required tasks
      • Which sections were you not able to complete?
      • What reasons do you think prevented you from completing them?
      • How can you avoid these in reasons in future?
  • “Task Breakdown” section (only needed if assignment was done in a pair)
    • Use a table or a list to show how you distributed the work among yourselves
  • Name this report “ReportAssign2.docx”


The assignment must be submitted in the following form:

  • A zip file containing all the Java source code files. If done using NetBeans, a zip of the entire project folder.
  • ReportAssign2.docx (a word file containing a cover page, screen shots showing various inputs, error messages and outputs from your application program when it is run).
  • If assignment is completed as a pair, both students must submit the same files.

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