
分析 [ CSV ](
open-it/ “CSV”) 数据,实现List的各类操作。


This assignment consists of three parts:

  1. Highest and Lowest Annual Wage for Computer and Data Occupations
  3. and Occupations with Annual Wage > $200,000


  • create classes
    • implement magic methods
    • create an iterator
  • use list comprehensions
  • work with csvs
  • use a lambda function
  • preview working with tabular data in Python

Part 1 - Highest and Lowest Annual Wage for Computer and Data Occupations

This part uses a modified dataset from
. This data contains
occupations, their title, as well as the mean annual wage for each occupation.
The dataset contained in your repository has been modified:

  • columns have been removed
  • column names have been changed
  • long occupation titles have been truncated
  • some rows have been removed due to non numeric values in numeric columns
    In occupations.ipynb:
  1. do not use external libraries, such as numpy or pandas
  2. you SHOULD use the built-in csv module as the dataset we use has embedded commas
  3. do not use any regular loops (while, for)
  4. using list comprehensions, dictionary comprehensions and generators is okay (a for within these structures is ok)
  5. open the occupations-truncated.csv file in the data directory
  6. find both the Occupation title and Annual mean wage for the highest and lowest Annual mean wage in the dataset
    * only do this for rows that have detail value for the Level column
    * only do this for those occupations with an Occupation title that contains either the word computer or data in any casing
  7. print out your results in any format that you prefer (dict, tuple, str, etc.)
    Example output:
    # this example prints out the titles and wages as two tuples
    (‘Data Entry Keyers’, 35850) (‘Computer and Information Systems Managers’, 161730)

Part 2 -

Background Information

Working with tabular data as a two-dimensional Array is pretty common, but as
soon as you try to do some simple operations like filtering based on column
name, things get complicated quickly unless you throw in some additional
libraries or tools.
In this homework, we’ll being creating (a maybe over-engineered) module for
reading in csvs and filtering rows based on column values. You’ll have to use
some Python features in your implementation, like iter, list
comprehensions, etc.
For example, imagine we had a csv containing people’s names, the number of
fruits they eat weekly, and their favorite color (um idk?). This data is in a
csv called fruitarians.csv, and can be visualized as a table (note that row #
is not in the csv):
row # first last weekly_fruits_eaten fav_color
0 abe apple 0 red
1 bob banana 4 yellow
2 carol coconut 100 white
3 bob blueberry 9 blue
4 eve endive 20 green
5 frances fruit 5 ?
6 ann apple 23 green
What if we’d like to run some reports on this? For example:

  • read in the csv…
  • what do the first three columns look like?
  • how many people have the last name, apple?
  • what is the first name and number of fruits eaten / week of everyone that eats more than 10 fruits a week
  • how many people have a first name less than 4 letters eat less than 10 fruit / week?
    We’ll create a module to do this and it’ll look something like this:
    import nelta as nt

    read in the csv

    t = nt.read_csv(‘fruitarians.csv’)

    what do the first three columns look like?

    first last weekly_fruits_eaten fav_color
    0 abe apple 0.0 red
    1 bob banana 4.0 yellow
    2 carol coconut 100.0 white

    how many people have the last name, apple?

    t[t[‘last’] == ‘apple’].shape()[0]

    what is the first name and number of fruits eaten / week of everyone that eats more than 10 fruits a week

    t[t[‘weekly_fruits_eaten’] > 10][[‘first’, ‘weekly_fruits_eaten’]]
    first weekly_fruits_eaten
    2 carol 100.0
    4 eve 20.0
    6 ann 23.0

    how many people have a first name less than 4 letters eat less than 10 fruit / week?

    def length_less_than(n):
    def is_length_less_than_n(s):
    return len(s) < n
    return is_length_less_than_n
    first_name_three = t[t[‘first’].map(length_less_than(4))]
    first_name_three[first_name_three[‘weekly_fruits_eaten’] < 10]
    first last weekly_fruits_eaten fav_color
    0 abe apple 0.0 red
    1 bob banana 4.0 yellow
    3 bob blueberry 9.0 blue


  1. You’ll be writing two classes:
    * LabeledList - kind of like a dict, but ordered, allows vectorized operations, and iterates over values instead of keys
    * Table - a table of data with column labels
  2. Open in a text editor of your choice
  3. Write the classes mentioned above
    * YOU SHOULD use the built-in csv module
  4. Using your previously implemented as a module, import it and use it in a notebook to do some very simple analysis on candy data!


A LabeledList acts like a dictionary but:

  • it’s ordered (note that 3.7 and greater has ordered dictionaries by default, though)
  • when you loop over it, you get values instead of keys
  • if you use a comparison operator with it and a scalar value (a number, for example), that comparison is done on each value, yielding a new LabeledList composed of only bool values
  • duplicate ‘keys’ are allowed
    Here’s how you might use it:
    ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’])
    ll[‘A’] # gives back value at label ‘A’
    ll[‘BB’] # gives back new LabeledList composed of labels ‘BB’ and their values
    ll[[‘A’, ‘D’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’]] # gives back new LabeledList composed of the labels specified in list… along with their values
    ll > 2 # gives back a new LabeledList composed of labels in original, along with boolean results of comparison
  • see the specs for properties and methods below!


  • self.values - contains the values in this LabeledList as a list
    • ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’])
    • ll.values # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • self.index - contains the labels in this LabeledList as a list
    • ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’])
    • ll.index # [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’]

init(self, data=None, index=None)

Creates a new LabeledList.

  • data - the values stored in self.values; represents all of the values in this LabeledList
  • index - the labels associated with each value
    data and index are assumed to be the same length (no error checking is
    necessary) and the order of the elements in each list determines which values
    are associated with which labels (if data is [0, 1] and values are [‘foo’,
    ‘bar’], then the label 0 is associated with the value ‘foo’
    You can assume that the labels and values are only str, int, float, and bool
    (no type checking is needed in the constructor). Duplicate labels are allowed.
    Note that if index is None then the labels should be from 0 to the length of
    the data - 1:
    list_with_default_labels = nt.LabeledList([‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’])
    0 foo
    1 bar
    2 baz
    list.index # [0, 1, 2]

However, if index is provided
ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’])
A 1
BB 2
BB 3
D 5

str(self) and repr(self)

These two methods will give the string representation of a Labeled List.
str is used for human readable format (such as when printing) and repr
is used for displaying what the object actually is (for example, debugging by
just typing the object name in the interactive shell).
For our purposes, these will return the same string (in fact, one can call the
The string should be a tabular format where labels are on the left and values
on the right. You can space this out any way you like, as long as it’s very
clear what the labels and columns are.
Using the earlier example, here’s a nicely formatted LabeledList:
ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’])
A 1
BB 2
BB 3
D 5
It will be useful to use dynamically padded strings to maintain consistent
widths for columns. This can be done with format strings and the format
specification mini language. For example:
s = ‘foo’
# print out ‘foo’ so that it’s padded with spaces and tis total length is 10
# results in:
# foo
The : signals that a format specifier is coming up. The > aligns right.
Finally, the 10 is the total width of the new string (spaces will pad the left
Of course, you may want the 10 to be variable
vals_max_len = m # imagine that this is the length of the longest label
label = s # imagine that this is a label whose length is shorter than the longest label
# we want to pad this thing ^^^^
# create a format specifier that right justifies and pads
format_spec = f’>{vals_max_len}’
# now add that format specifier to another formatted string by nesting curly braces!?
f’{label:{format_spec_two big parantheses_’
Note that if the variable in the format string is a boolean and a format
specifier is given, then the boolean will either be a 0 or 1 rather than True
or False which is ok for our purposes (a work-around is to convert the boolean
to a string first then format with f’’)
do your best to have dynamic widths, but grading will be generous for this

getitem(self, key_list)

getitem allows our object to be indexed / ‘keyed’ into as if it were a
dict. In LabeledList the label is the key. Our implementation’s key behavior
depends on the type of the key:

  1. if the key is another LabeledList then the key is the values property of that labeled list (which is, of course a list see below for how to handle list and a list of only bool values)
  2. if the key is a list, then that means that we’re retrieving multiple labels and values, so a new LabeledList is returned with each label specified and its associated value (if a label occurs more than once, add all occurrences)
  3. if the key is specifically a list of bool values, then give back a new LabeledList where the only label and value pairs given are the ones where the position matches the position of a True in the incoming key list (you can assume that the list of bool values must be the same length as the index of labels you can error handling if it makes it easier to debug your code, though!)
  4. given any single value as the label (such as str, int) you will get back: a. the value associated with that exact label if the label occurs only once b. a new LabeledList composed of that label repeated, along with its values
    Ok. So that’s pretty confusing. Here are some examples:
    ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [‘A’, ‘BB’, ‘BB’, ‘CCC’, ‘D’])
    # 1 (values are taken from LabeledList as a list…
    # more than one label yields all label and value pairs)
    ll[nt.LabeledList([‘A’, ‘BB’])]
    A 1
    BB 2
    BB 3
    # 2 (same as above, but with plain list)
    ll[[‘A’, ‘BB’]]
    A 1
    BB 2
    BB 3
    # 3 (only the last two label value pairs have the same positions as True
    ll[[False, False, False, True, True]]
    CCC 4
    D 5
    # 4a (value is returned as is… just like a dict)
    # 4b (new LabeledList is returned even though only single value key)
    ll[‘BB’] #
    BB 2
    BB 3
    Use the built-in function, isinstance to check if a value is a particular
    isinstance(key_list, LabeledList)
    isinstance(key_list, list)


Implement iter so that it returns a new object that has a next method
for this, simple return self.values so that iterating over a LabeledList gives
back values instead of keys:
# using the previous version of ll
for val in ll:

eq(self, scalar), ne(self, scalar), gt(self, scalar),

lt(self, scalar)
These methods all correspond to an associated comparison operator (==, >,
etc.). They should return a new LabeledList of bool values corresponding to
the operation specified for every value compared to the scalar passed in.

  • if the value being compared to the scalar is None, return False.
  • although the parameter name is scalar, you can let this work with any compatible types
  • you don’t have to deal with any TypeErrors (just let them occur)
  • if there is an index present, keep that index
  • this might be a good place to get in your four list comprehensions

    compares every element in the labeled list to 2 using >

    nt.LabeledList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) > 2
    0 False
    1 False
    2 False
    3 True
    4 True

    compares every element in the labeled list to 1 using ==

    ll = nt.LabeledList([1, 2], [‘x’, ‘y’])
    ll == 1
    x True
    y False

    note that you can allow these operations to work on different types

    here, we have strings compared with ==

    nt.LabeledList([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘b’, ‘b’]) == ‘b’
    0 False
    1 True
    2 False
    3 True
    4 True

    if a value in the labeled list is None, then always return False

    nt.LabelledList([None, 0, 2]) > 1
    0 False
    1 False
    2 True

map(self, f)

Gives back a new LabeledList with all of the values transformed to the result
of calling f on that value.
def squared(n):
return n ** 2
nt.LabeledList([5, 6, 7]).map(squared)
0 25
1 36
2 49


A Table represents tabular data with row labels (index) and column names
(columns) along with 2 dimensional grid of data (data).
It supports operations for filtering by values in a column as well as
selecting specific columns.


  • self.values - contains the values in this Table as a list
    • t = Table([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]],[‘a’, ‘b’], [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’])
    • .values # [[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]
  • self.index - contains the row labels in this Table as a list
    • t = Table([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]],[‘a’, ‘b’], [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’])
    • t.index # [‘a’, ‘b’]
  • self.columns - contains the column names in this Tabled as a list
    • t = Table([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]],[‘a’, ‘b’], [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’])
    • t.index # [‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’]

init(self, data, index=None, columns=None)

If either index or columns are not included, then default to numeric values
from 0 up to length of index - 1 or columns - 1
t = Table([[‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’],[‘qux’, ‘quxx’, ‘corge’]])
0 1 2
0 foo bar baz
1 qux quxx corge
Otherwise, adding the index and columns as arguments will explicitly set the row labels and column names
t = Table(d, [‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘bazzy’, ‘qux’, ‘quxx’], [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’])
a b c d e foo 1000 10 100 1 1.0 bar 200 2 2.0 2000 20 bazzy 3 300 3000 3.0 30
qux 40 4000 4.0 400 4 quxx 7 8 6 3 41 `

str(self) and repr(self)

Again, these two methods will give the string representation of an object.
str is used for a human readable format (for example, used with print),
and repr is used for displaying what the object actually is (for example,
typing the object name Jupyter). Both of these methods return strings, and for
our purposes, these can be the same string.
For a Table object, create a string representation in any way such that rows
and columns can be clearly distinguished. See the example below for a
potential format (it’s ultimately up to you how you’d like to format it,
though as long as the grader can read it and determine which rows and columns
are aligned).
Please read the notes for the LabeledList str and reper methods for
info on setting a consistent width for cells using string formatting
(f’{foo:{format_spec_two big parantheses_’).
t = Table([[‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’],[‘qux’, ‘quxx’, ‘corge’]])
0 1 2
0 foo bar baz
1 qux quxx corge

getitem(self, col_list)

getitem allows our Table to be indexed / ‘keyed’ into as if it were a
dict. The behavior of indexing or retrieving by key depends on the type of the
value used as a key!
Essentially, most keys result in selecting all rows, but specifying which
columns to include in a new Table (for example t[‘a’] selects column a from
all rows, and t[[‘a’, ‘b’]] selects column a and b from all rows. The main
exception is a list or LabeledList of bool values which specifies which rows
to include based on position of the bool value and the position of the row
(for example, if t has 2 rows, then t[[True, False]] will only give back the
first row as a new Table.
If there’s ever only one column returned, give back a LabeledList. Otherwise,
give back a Table.
For exact details, see below:

  1. if the key is a LabeledList, then the key is the values property of that labeled list (which is a list) and a Table consisting of only the columns contained in the LabeledList is returned (note that all rows are returned) note that if the LabeledList values are all bool, then follow the procedure for dealing with a list of bool values as shown below
  2. if the key is a list, then that means that we’re retrieving multiple columns, so a new Table is returned including only the columns specified by the elements in the key list passed in. If a key list has repeated column names, duplicate the column. If a column name matches more than one column, add both columns in the resulting Table.
  3. if the key is specifically a list of bool values, then give back a new Table where the only rows given are the ones where the position matches the position of a True in the incoming key list (you can assume that the list of bool values must be the same length as the total number of rows in the Table object)
  4. given any single value as the label (such as str, int) you will get back: a. that column for all rows as a LabeledList if there is only one occurrence of that column name b. a new Table composed of that column repeated if there are duplicate column names
# Remember... if only one column is given back, return a LabeledList  
# ...but if there's more than one column, give back a Table  
# 1 (using a LabeledList to select columns)  
t = Table(d, ['foo', 'bar', 'bazzy', 'qux', 'quxx'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])  
t[LabeledList(['a', 'b'])]  
         a    b  
  foo 1000   10  
  bar  200    2  
bazzy    3  300  
  qux   40 4000  
 quxx    7    8  
# 2 (the first two columns are selected using a list of columns...  
# notice that repeat columns are allowed)  
t = Table([[15, 17, 19], [14, 16, 18]], columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])  
t[['x', 'x', 'y']]  
   x  x  y  
0 15 15 17  
1 14 14 16  
# 3 (select only the first and third rows by using a list of booleans)  
t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8 , 9]], columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])  
t[[True, False, True]]  
  x y z  
0 1 2 3  
2 7 8 9  
# 4a (using a column name that matches only a single column gives  
# back a LabeledList... note no column names, but there are labels!)  
t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], columns=['a', 'b', 'a'])  
0 2  
1 5  
# 4b (however, if more than one column matches column name, include  
# all matched columns in the resulting Table object)  
t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], columns=['a', 'b', 'a'])  
  a a  
0 1 3  
1 4 6  


head(self, n) and tail(self, n)

Returns a Table showing the first or last n row respectively.
t = Table([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]], columns=[‘x’, ‘y’])
x y
0 1 2
1 3 4
x y
2 5 6
3 7 8


Gives back a tuple containing the number of rows and columns:
t = Table([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]], columns=[‘x’, ‘y’])
(4, 2)


Finally, in, write a function that reads in a csv file and gives back
a Table object:

  1. assume that the first row is the header (it can be treated as column names)
  2. there can be commas embedded in the actual data, so you’ll have to use the built in csv module
  3. convert numeric values to floats (use try/except and look for ValueError specifically)
    when creating a Table object, use a generated auto-incrementing index (do not
    use the first column as the index as in the example of the fruitarians.csv
    file where “row” is not actually included in the file)
    To test your code, you can try to open a csv from your module. Once
    you’re finished testing, you can comment out the code (or alternatively, you
    can wrap your test code in if name == ‘__main__‘: to only run it when the
    module isn’t being imported)

Part 3 - and Occupations with Annual Wage > $200,000

In this part, we will use the same occupations-truncated.csv file in the data
directory, and continue using your notebook, occupations.ipynb. Start off by

  1. importing your module: import nelta as nt
  2. use read_csv in your module to read the occupations data
  3. When you open your data file:
    * do your best to make sure you use a relative path (simply nt.read_csv(‘name_of_file.ext’) should be sufficient)
    * if you are having issues doing this, add a comment before your line that says: TODO: modify the path
    Once you’ve read in your file as a Table using your nelta module, and saving
    it to a variable:
  4. display the number of rows and columns for your Table (you can use shape to do this) (1034, 5)
  5. show the columns in your Table [‘Occupation code’, ‘Occupation title’, ‘Level’, ‘Employment’, ‘Annual mean wage’]
  6. display the first 4 rows of the dataset
  7. save the last 4 rows of the data set into a variable called last_four
  8. show only the label (“index”) and Employment column of last_four as a LabeledList (no column name needed)
  9. loop over the Employment column as a LabeledList and print out each value
  10. show the label (“index”) and both the Occupation title and Employment columns of last_four as a Table (include column names)
  11. using your original, unaltered Table, find all rows with Level detail and save to a variable called details
  12. find the number of rows in your details Table:
  13. using your details Table, use the column Employment use the less than operator ([) to compare with 500 save this to a variable called my_filter
  14. get the type of my_filter using the function type (it should be a LabeledList)
  15. index into your my_filter with 3 (you should get False)
  16. use your my_filter variable as the index to your details Table - this translates to showing all occupations in your details Table that have Employment less than 500
  17. perform the same calculation as above, but save your resulting Table into a variable called rare_occ
  18. using your rare_occ table, transform the Occupation title to uppercase by using map on the column (that is, index into the Table first, and then use map)
  19. this is a tricky one! combine some of the functionality from the previous steps to find the occupation data that have an Annual mean wage greater than 200,000 (hint, you’ll have to convert the wage to a numeric type)


Add a that links to the lines of code (see this link for
instructions how) where you have:
Use this exact markdown format in your to add links (including []’s
and ()’s):
## 4 List Comprehensions
1. short description 1
2. short description 2
3. short description 3
4. short description 4
Additionally, to annotate the use of lambdas in your notebook, add a table of
contents at the top of your notebook as a markdown cell that contains links to
other parts of your notebook:
# Table of Contents
* first lambda
* second lambda
And then, before each cell that contains a require lambda, add a header. For
## first lambda
Note that the link to the cell above is the lowercase, “dashed”, version
prefixed with a hash.

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