


Step 1

In this lab we will create a multi-process program that uses a mutually
exclusive shared variable to perform parallel computation. The usage of the
program is
where filename is the name of a 1000 line long input file, with each line
containing a 9 digit number (plus a newline). There is no leading whitespace
before any value. The file is therefore 10001 characters long (10 chars per
line times 1000 lines plus an EOF marker). You may assume the file is
correctly formatted and do not have to error check for invalid data. An
example file is provided on the course web page.
Your program will spawn 5 processes. Each process will (simultaneously) read a
different 200 lines from the input file and compute the sum of these 200
lines. The processes then add the sum to a variable in shared memory (as well
as printing it to the screen) and terminate. The parent process (of all 5
children) waits until the 5 children have completed and divides the stored
value by 1000 to compute an average. The average is then printed to the screen
with 2 decimal places of precision.
Here is an example of use:
tami@cs:0~]./average testdata.txt
Child 1 sum is 47606451980
Child 2 sum is 48722283695
Child 3 sum is 46980337615
Child 4 sum is 49206486425
Child 5 sum is 47751953548
Average 381648245485.22

Step 2

Please ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • Your code must exist in your home directory on Bash in a file named $HOME/lab7/average.c and must compile to create an executable. The compilation command will be
    gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -o average average.c
  • Your program must perform error checking on the file name and command line parameters.
  • You must have a total of 6 processes (not threads). Do not use sleep() to synchronise your processes and instead, use wait() , synchronous system calls, or semaphores.
  • You must have a single variable in shared memory to hold the five sums and you must use the 5 child processes to add to that variable.
  • To function correctly, the shared variable must be a mutually exclusive resource and protected with a semaphore.
  • Your code must be well formatted, attractive, readable, and maintainable. Changing the number of lines in the file or number of processes used should be trivial.
    The C code you write must adhere to good programming practices. It should be
    indented, contain suitable comments, use preprocessor directives, and have
    intuitive variable names. Code that merely works and does not follow good
    practice DOES NOT meet the requirements. Marking and help during office hours
    will only be performed on code that executes on Bash.


Begin by writing a program that reads the command line arguments, forks off
the correct number of processes, and has each process print out its PID and
exit. Then, add shared memory and a semaphore to make the shared memory a
mutually exclusive resource. Have each process print a constant value into the
shared memory just to ensure that it is being used correctly. Get the parent
process to wait for the five child processes and then divide the value to
compute an average. Finish off by adding code to the children to read the
correct part of the file and add the values. As you are only storing a sum,
you do not need to store the file’s contents in memory.
Test your program on data other than the sample data. To do that, you may have
to write a program to generate data files (and compute the average of the
Please be aware that the values in the sample output are incorrect. The
purpose of the sample output is to demonstrate the format and use of the
program, not to give you values that you must duplicate. All source code must
be written from scratch.

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