Learning Outcomes
In this project you will demonstrate your understanding of arrays and
structures, and functions that make use of them. You will also extend your
skills in terms of program design, testing, and debugging.
The Story…
Most modern cryptography relies on doing arithmetic with very large numbers.
One example is the RSA algorithm, used by secure websites to prove that the
server really is who it’s claiming to be. RSA can also be used for encrypting
messages. Either way, its security relies on the assumption that it’s hard to
factorize a number that is the product of two large primes, where “large”
means hundreds of decimal digits.
The problem is, the data type int in C can only store values up to 2^31 - 1 = 2,147,483,647
. If larger values must be manipulated accurately, a
different representation for integers is required. Your task in this project
is to develop an integer calculator that works with extended-precision integer
values. The calculator has a simple interface, and 26 “variables” (or
memories) into which values can be stored. For example a session with your
calculator (where >
is the prompt from the system) might look like:
mac: ./ass1
> a = 2147483647
> a ?
> a + 1
> a ?
> b = 999999999999999
> c = 1000000000000000000
> c + b
> c ?
> b ?
> a ?
> ^D mac:
Note the extremely limited syntax: constants or other variables can be
assigned to variables using an “=” operator; or variable values can be altered
using a single operator and another variable or constant (and “+” is the only
one implemented in the skeleton; or variable values can be printed using “?”.
The variable in question is always the first thing specified on each input
line; then a single operator; and then (for most operators) either another
variable name, or an extended-precision integer constant.
To allow storage of very large integers, your calculator needs to make use
arrays of ASCII characters, with one decimal digit stored per character in the
array. You are to design a suitable structure and representation, assuming
that values of up to INTSIZE digits are to be handled. Other information might
also be required in each “number”, including a count of the number of digits,
and a sign.
The expected input format for all stages is identical - a sequence of simple
calculator commands of the type shown above.
Stage 1 - Getting Started
Obtain a copy of the skeleton file using the link on the LMS, and spend some
time (hours!) studying the way it is constructed, including compiling and
executing it. It only works with int variables at present, but is already
quite a complex program!
Note the use of the type longint t. Each of the longint t variables in the
array vars stores one integer, with 26 variables available in total, named ‘a’
to ‘z’ (and indexed from 0 to 25, via the function to varnum). These variables
are changed by various functions, depending on the commands read from the
input. There is no subtraction, but negative numbers are available via
negative constants:
> a = 10
> a + -20
> a ?
In this first stage you are to design and implement an alternative data
structure for longint t. You should use an array of INTSIZE characters for
each longint t, together with the other required information, all bound
together as a struct (Chapter 8).
You will need to make non-trivial changes in many of the functions (and
perhaps introduce new ones), and need to be highly systematic in the way you
approach this task. You should plan carefully, rather than just leaping in and
starting to edit the file. Then, before moving through the rest of the Stages,
you should test your program carefully, to make sure that you have retained
all of the existing functionality. And remember that if you truly scramble
things up, you can always recopy the skeleton and start again.
Stage 2 - User Friendly Input and Output
Alter the program so that numbers are always printed with commas (Australian-
style, every three digits), and can also (optionally) have (correctly or
incorrectly placed) commas in them when they are entered:
> a = 2147483647
> a ?
> b = 2,147,483,647
> b ?
> c = -21,47483647
> c ?
Stage 3 - Another Operator
Now add in a multiplication operator, *:
> a = 12,345,654,321
> a * 1,234,321
> a ?
You will need to think carefully about the algorithm that you will use in this
task. Best bet is to implement some functions that will allow you to carry out
the calculation the way that you learned to do long multiplication at school.
For example, a function times ten that multiplies a number by ten might be
useful; as might a function times digit, which takes a longint t and
multiplies it by a single-digit number.
There are also other ways (some of them much more efficient than the “school”
algorithm) to doing multiplication, and you can be inventive if you wish. Just
don’t try and do it by repeated addition.
Stage 4 - Yet More Operators
Of course, you know what is coming next - an integer “power of” operator, “^”:
> a = 2
> a ^ 100
> a ?
> 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376
If you are successful in this stage, you will be able to earn back one or two
of the marks you lost in the earlier stages (assuming that you lost some, you
can’t go past 15/15 in total). But please please please don’t start on this
task until your program through to Stage 3 is (in your opinion) perfect, and
is safely submitted, and is verified, and is backed up somewhere. (Still keen?
Add in division too, using “/“.)
The boring stuff…
This project is worth 15% of your final mark. You don’t have to do Stage 4 in
order to get 15/15.
You need to submit your program for assessment; detailed instructions on how
to do that will be posted on the LMS once submissions are opened. You will
need to log in to a Unix server and submit your files to a software system
known as submit. You can (and should) use submit both early and often - to get
used to the way it works, and also to check that your program compiles
correctly on our test system, which has some different characteristics to the
lab machines. Only the last submission that you make before the deadline will
be marked.
You may discuss your design/plans during your workshop, and with others in the
class, but what gets typed into your program must be individual work, not from
anyone else. So, do not give hard copy or soft copy of your work to anyone
else; do not “lend” your memory stick to others; and do not ask others to give
you their programs “just so that I can take a look and get some ideas, I won’t
copy, honest”. The best way to help your friends in this regard is to say “are
you out of your mind?” if they ask for a copy of, or to see, your program,
pointing out that your refusal, and their acceptance of it, is the only thing
that will preserve your friendship. A sophisticated program that undertakes
deep structural analysis of C code identifying regions of similarity will be
run over all submissions in “compare every pair” mode.
And remember, algorithms are fun!