
使用C++代写一个类似 Minesweeper


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grading. Do not submit a zipped up folder or any other type of file besides .h
and .cpp.
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are compiled on a different machine. Also be sure your code compiles and runs
on Visual Studio 2022.


This is kind of like a one-dimensional version of Mine Sweeper, if you ever
played that game it sometimes comes in pre-installed on Microsoft products.
The objective of this assignment is to get practice defining and implementing
classes. In the game, the user provides their name, the number of locations
they wish to play with, and the number of concealed mines. The user can then
play as much as they like with these configurations.
Within the game, the user selects a position to reveal. If the location does
not have a mine, they get 1 point; if the location has a mine, they get 0
points for the game; after a location has been revealed, the number of mines
adjacent to that location (0, 1, or 2) is revealed to help guide the user’s
next move (assuming they don’t blow themselves up with a mine).
They play until they either hit a mine (earning 0 points overall) or until
they choose to no longer reveal locations, in which case they earn as many
points as “safe” locations they have revealed. At the end of each game, the
placement of all mines is revealed.
After each game, the user may be told they have a new high score if they in
fact broke their prior record; otherwise they are told their overall
statistics and they are asked if they want to play another game. See the
example output for desired formatting.
In this homework, you will be writing several files…

  • Player.h, a header file that defines the Player class along with
  • Player.cpp that defines all of its member functions and constructor.
  • You will also write LineOfMines.h, a header file that defines the LineOfMines class, along with
  • LineOfMines.cpp that defines all of its member functions and constructor.
  • You will also write and submit Linesweeper.cpp that runs the game through the main routine (one is provided to you that prints the instructions but nothing else
    • feel free to download it and edit it).
      Thus, you will submit 5 files (not including the honesty statement) at the end
      of this homework! Be sure the files are named correctly!
      Before discussing the class requirements, here is a sample output. The game
      begins by listing the rules (you can download “Linesweeper.cpp” with those
      instructions written for you). The user is then asked for their name, the line
      length, and how many mines to be used (you can assume that will never exceed
      the number of spaces per line).
      After the initial prompts, the game begins by displaying the boarrd. The user
      is then repeatedly prompted with “What position would you like to reveal?” and
      “Would you like to reveal another location[y/n]?” to reveal locations and to
      determine if they are to continue playing (with ‘y’). After each location they
      select, the line should then be displayed again to display the outcome of that
      Note that after each round (when a mine is hit or when the user declines to
      reveal more spots), if the player has a new high score they are told “You have
      a new high score of [NEW HIGH SCORE]!” And if their high score has not
      improved then they are told “You scored [POINTS JUST EARNED], but your best
      score is [OVERALL BEST SCORE].”
      After every round, the user is asked “Would you like to play another game?
      [y/n]” and another round begins if they say ‘y.’ Otherwise, they are addressed
      with their name at the end with “[NAME], your top score was [OVERALL BEST
      A Player class should
  • have a std::string member variable, name storing the player’s name.
  • have an int member variable, bestScore, storing the player’s best score achieved.
  • have a constructor, that can be given a std::string input, assigning name to this input and bestScore to 0.
  • have a getName function that returns the player’s name.
  • have a getMaxScore function that returns the player’s best score up to that point.
  • have a checkRecord function that accepts an int for a recent score, updating the maximum score if this input is greater; it should also return true to indicate the new score is strictly better, if it is, and otherwise return false.
    A LineOfMines class should
  • have two size t variables, lineLength, to store the number of locations in the game, and numberOfMines, to store the number of mines.
  • have an int member, score, to store the game’s score.
  • have a std::vector member, locationDisplays, to store how each location should be displayed if revealed.
  • have a std::vector member, neighbouringMineCounts, to store the number of neighbouring mines for each position.
  • have a std::vector member, mineLocations, to store the locations of all mines in the game.
  • have a bool member, hitMine, to store whether or not a mine has been hit.
  • have a constructor that accepts two size t inputs for the number of locations and number of mines, respectively and
    • sets lineLength and numberOfMines appropriately,
    • sets score to 0,
    • sets locationDisplays to a std::vector of size lineLength all with value “_____“ (5 underscores),
    • sets neighbouringMineCounts to a std::vector[int] of size lineLength, all with value 0,
    • sets mineLocations to a std::vector[int] of size numberOfMines, all with value 0,
    • sets hitMine to false,
    • and then places the mines in the game and sets the counts.
  • a member function placeMines, to be called in the constructor body, to place numberOfMines mines in distinct locations from 1 to lineLength.
  • a member function setCounts, to be called in the constructor body, to set the values of neighbouringMineCounts appropriately.
  • a containsMine member function accepting an int for a position number (from 1 to lineLength), returning true if there is a mine there and otherwise false;
  • a display member function that displays the board: it should output each position from 1 to lineLength on one line and each value of locationDisplays on the next line (all of which must have a width of 5, each separated by a space, such that the position numbers align on the left of their corresponding locationDisplays value.
  • a grandReveal member function that modifies each locationDisplays value to __*__“ if there is a mine there, and subsequently calls display.
  • a hasHitMine member function that returns whether or not a mine has been hit; true if yes, false if not.
  • a getScore member function that returns the player’s score: 0 if they have hit a mine and otherwise the number of safe locations they have revealed.
  • a makeSelection member function, accepting an int for the position a user wishes to reveal, updating the corresponding locationDisplays value to “__*__“ if there is a mine present (and sets hitMine to true if there is a mine), and otherwise sets the value to one of 0, 1, or 2, depending on how many adjacent mines there are.


Do not worry about running the entire game to start with. Proceed as follows:

  1. Write the Player class and make sure that you can use it in a main.cpp file that you write. This should be pretty easy to test since there are very few data and functions.
  2. Write the LineOfMines class slowly, testing it along the way. If you follow these steps, it should be pretty simple. Do one step at a time where you write the declaration and definition only as needed at the given stage.
    * (a) First, write the constructor, but do not use or make reference to placeMines or setCounts. Ensure your code compiles if you try to call the constructor.
    * (b) Next, write getScore and make sure it works: at this point, it should return 0.
    * (c) Next, write hasHitMine and make sure it works: at this point, it should return false (0).
    * (d) Write display next. You may find the header useful for part of it. When you call display at this point, you should just see the position numbers on one line and each locationDisplays string should come out as “_____“ properly aligned, on the next.
    * (e) Write placeMines (the logic should be similar to the drawing from a deck of cards) and be sure to call it from your constructor.
    * (f) Write containsMine.
    * (g) Write grandReveal and test it. You should, for example, be able to see the mines displayed, and the number of mines present should match the number of mines you requested to be placed on the line.
    * (h) Write setCounts: as you iterate through the positions, you will need different logic depending on whether you are at the very left of the line, very right of the line, or somewhere in the middle. Be sure to call this function from your constructor once written.
    * (i) Write makeSelection.
  3. Now you’re ready to write a main routine to handle the full game logic.

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