实现输入文本框的 Autocomplete
Exercise 1. (Comparable Six-sided Die)
Implement a comparable data type called Die that represents a six-sided die
and supports the following API:
Die | Description |
Die() | constructs a die |
void roll() | rolls this die |
int value() | returns the face value of this die |
boolean equals(Die other) | returns true if this die is the same as other, |
and false otherwise | |
int compareTo(Die other) | returns a comparison of this die with other, by |
their face values | |
String toString() | returns a string representation of this die |
Exercise 2. (Comparable Geo Location)
Implement an immutable data type called Location that represents a location on
Earth and supports the following API:
Location | Description |
Location(String name, double lat, double lon) | constructs a new location |
given its name, latitude, and longitude | |
double distanceTo(Location other) | returns the great-circle distance |
between this location and other | |
boolean equals(Object other) | returns true if this location is the same as |
other, and false otherwise | |
String toString() | returns a string representation of this location |
int compareTo(Location other) | returns a comparison of this location with |
other based on their respective distances to the origin, Parthenon (Greece) @ | |
37.971525, 23.726726 | |
See Exercise 1 of Project 1 for formula. |
& ~/workspace/project3
$ java Location 2 XYZ 27.1750 78.0419
Seven wonders , in the order of their distance to Parthenon ( Greece ):
The Colosseum ( Italy ) (41.8902 , 12.4923)
Petra ( Jordan ) (30.3286 , 35.4419)
Taj Mahal ( India ) (27.175 , 78.0419)
Christ the Redeemer ( Brazil ) (22.9519 , -43.2106)
The Great Wall of China ( China ) (40.6769 , 117.2319)
Chichen Itza ( Mexico ) (20.6829 , -88.5686)
Machu Picchu ( Peru ) ( -13.1633 , -72.5456)
wonders [2] == XYZ (27.175 , 78.0419)? true
Exercise 3. (Comparable 3D Point)
Implement an immutable data type called Point3D that represents a point in 3D
and supports the following API:
Point3D | Description |
Point3D(double x, double y, double z) | constructs a point in 3D given its |
x, y, and z coordinates | |
double distance(Point3D other) | returns the Euclidean distance between this |
point and other | |
String toString() | returns a string representation of this point |
int compareTo(Point3D other) | returns a comparison of this point with other |
based on their respective distances to the origin (0, 0, 0) | |
static Comparator xOrder() | returns a comparator to compare two points by |
their x-coordinate | |
static Comparator yOrder() | returns a comparator to compare two points by |
their x-coordinate | |
static Comparator zOrder() | returns a comparator to compare two points by |
their x-coordinate | |
The Euclidean distance between the points (x1 , y1 , z1 ) and (x2 , y2 , z2 ) | |
is given. |
$ java Point3D
How many points ? 3
Enter 9 doubles , separated by whitespace : -3 1 6 0 5 8 -5 -7 -3
Here are the points in the order entered : ( -3.0 , 1.0 , 6.0) (0.0 , 5.0 , 8.0) ( -5.0 , -7.0 , -3.0)
Sorted by their natural ordering ( compareTo ) ( -3.0 , 1.0 , 6.0) ( -5.0 , -7.0 , -3.0) (0.0 , 5.0 , 8.0)
Sorted by their x coordinate ( xOrder ) ( -5.0 , -7.0 , -3.0) ( -3.0 , 1.0 , 6.0) (0.0 , 5.0 , 8.0)
Sorted by their y coordinate ( yOrder ) ( -5.0 , -7.0 , -3.0) ( -3.0 , 1.0 , 6.0) (0.0 , 5.0 , 8.0)
Sorted by their z coordinate ( zOrder ) ( -5.0 , -7.0 , -3.0) ( -3.0 , 1.0 , 6.0) (0.0 , 5.0 , 8.0)
The purpose of this assignment is to write a program to implement autocomplete
for a given set of n strings and nonnegative weights. That is, given a prefix,
find all strings in the set that start with the prefix, in descending order of
Autocomplete is an important feature of many modern applications. As the user
types, the program predicts the complete query (typically a word or phrase)
that the user intends to type. Autocomplete is most effective when there are a
limited number of likely queries. For example, the Internet Movie Database
uses it to display the names of movies as the user types; search engines use
it to display suggestions as the user enters web search queries; cell phones
use it to speed up text input.
In these examples, the application predicts how likely it is that the user is
typing each query and presents to the user a list of the top-matching queries,
in descending order of weight. These weights are determined by historical
data, such as box office revenue for movies, frequencies of search queries
from other Google users, or the typing history of a cell phone user. For the
purposes of this assignment, you will have access to a set of all possible
queries and associated weights (and these queries and weights will not
The performance of autocomplete functionality is critical in many systems. For
example, consider a search engine which runs an autocomplete application on a
server farm. According to one study, the application has only about 50ms to
return a list of suggestions for it to be useful to the user. Moreover, in
principle, it must perform this computation for every keystroke typed into the
search bar and for every user !
In this assignment, you will implement autocomplete by sorting the queries in
lexicographic order; using binary search to find the set of queries that start
with a given prefix; and sorting the matching queries in descending order by
Problem 1. (Autocomplete Term)
Implement an immutable comparable data type called Term that represents an
autocomplete term: a string query and an associated real-valued weight. You
must implement the following API, which supports comparing terms by three
different orders: lexicographic order by query; in descending order by weight;
and lexicographic order by query but using only the first r characters. The
last order may seem a bit odd, but you will use it in Problem 3 to find all
terms that start with a given prefix (of length r).
Term | Description |
Term(String query) | constructs a term given the associated query string, |
having weight 0 | |
Term(String query, long weight) | constructs a term given the associated |
query string and weight | |
String toString() | returns a string representation of this term |
int compareTo(Term that) | returns a comparison of this term and other by |
query | |
static Comparator byReverseWeightOrder() | returns a comparator for |
comparing two terms in reverse order of their weights | |
static Comparator byPrefixOrder(int r) | returns a comparator for comparing |
two terms by their prefixes of length r |
- The constructor should throw a NullPointerException(“query is null”) if query is null and an IllegalArgumentException(“Illegal weight”) if weight < 0.
- The byPrefixOrder() method should throw an IllegalArgumentException(“Illegal r”) if r < 0.
Performance Requirements
- The string comparison methods should run in time T (n) n, where n is number of characters needed to resolve the comparison.
$ java Term data / baby - names . txt 5
Top 5 by lexicographic order :
11 Aaban
5 Aabha
11 Aadam
11 Aadan
12 Aadarsh
Top 5 by reverse - weight order :
22175 Sophia
20811 Emma
18949 Isabella
18936 Mason
18925 Jacob
Directions: - Instance variables:
- Query string, String query.
- Query weight, long weight.
- Term(String query) and Term(String query, long weight)
- Initialize instance variables to appropriate values.
- String toString()
- Return a string containing the weight and query separated by a tab.
- int compareTo(Term other)
- Return a negative, zero, or positive integer based on whether other.query.
- static Comparator byPrefixOrder(int r)
- Return an object of type ReverseWeightOrder.
- Term::ReverseWeightOrder
- int compare(Term v, Term w)
- Return a negative, zero, or positive integer based on whether w.weight.
- int compare(Term v, Term w)
- Term::PrefixOrder.
- Instance variable:
- Prefix length, int r.
- PrefixOrder(int r)
- Initialize instance variable appropriately.
- int compare(Term v, Term w)
- Return a negative, zero, or positive integer based on whether a is less than, equal to, or greater than b, where a is a substring of v of length min(r, v.query.length()) and b is a substring of w of length min(r, w.query.length()).
- Instance variable:
Problem 2. (Binary Search Deluxe)
When binary searching a sorted array that contains more than one key equal to
the search key, the client may want to know the index of either the first or
the last such key. Accordingly, implement a library called BinarySearchDeluxe
with the following API:
BinarySearchDeluxe | Description |
static int firstIndexOf(Key[] a, Key key, Comparator c) | returns the index |
of the first key in a that equals the search key, or -1, according to the | |
order induced by the comparator c | |
static int lastIndexOf(Key[] a, Key key, Comparator c) | returns the index |
of the last key in a that equals the search key, or -1, according to the order | |
induced by the comparator c |
Corner Cases
- Each method should throw a NullPointerException(“a, key, or c is null”) if any of the arguments is null. You may assume that the array a is sorted (with respect to the comparator c).
Performance Requirements
- Each method should should run in time T (n) log n, where n is the length of the array a.
- static int firstIndexOf(Key[] a, Key key, Comparator c)
- Modify the standard binary search such that when a[mid] matches key, instead of returning mid, remember it in, say index (initialized to -1), and adjust hi appropriately.
- Return index.
- static int lastIndexOf(Key[] a, Key key, Comparator c) can be implemented similarly.
Problem 3. (Autocomplete)
In this part, you will implement a data type that provides autocomplete
functionality for a given set of string and weights, using Term and
BinarySearchDeluxe. To do so, sort the terms in lexicographic order; use
binary search to find the set of terms that start with a given prefix; and
sort the matching terms in descending order by weight. Organize your program
by creating an immutable data type called Autocomplete with the following API:
Autocomplete | Description |
Autocomplete(Term[] terms) | constructs an autocomplete data structure from |
an array of terms | |
Term[] allMatches(String prefix) | returns all terms that start with prefix, |
in descending order of their weights. | |
int numberOfMatches(String prefix) | returns the number of terms that start |
with prefix |
Corner Cases
- The constructor should throw a NullPointerException(“terms is null”) if terms is null.
- Each method should throw a NullPointerException(“prefix is null)” if pref ix is null.
Performance Requirements
- The constructor should run in time T(n) ~ nlogn, where n is the number of terms.
- The allMatches() method should run in time T(n) ~ logn + mlogm, where m is the number of matching terms.
- The numberOfMatches() method should run in time T(n) ~ logn.
- Instance variable:
- Array of terms, Term[] terms.
- Autocomplete(Term[] terms)
- Initialize this.terms to a defensive copy (ie, a fresh copy and not an alias) of terms.
- Sort this.terms in lexicographic order.
- Term[] allMatches(String prefix)
- Find the index i and j of the first term in terms that starts with prefix.
- Find the number of terms (say n) in terms that start with prefix.
- Construct an array matches containing n elements from terms, starting at index i.
- Sort matches in reverse order of weight and return the sorted array.
- int numberOfMatches(String prefix)
- Find the indices i and j of the first and last term in terms that start with prefix.
- Using the indices, compute the number of terms that start with prefix, and return that value.
The data directory contains sample input files for testing.
The first line specifies the number of terms and the following lines specify
the weight and query string for each of those terms.
Visualization Program
The program AutocompleteVisualizer accepts the name of a file and an integer k
as command-line arguments, provides a GUI for the user to enter queries, and
presents the top k matching terms in real time.
This project is an adaptation of the Autocomplete Me assignment developed at
Princeton University by Matthew Drabick and Kevin Wayne.
Files to Submit
- Die.java
- Location.java
- Point3D.java
- Term.java
- BinarySearchDeluxe.java
- Autocomplete.java
- report.txt