



The previous two assignments concerned data processing and analysis. In this
assignment we will study the emergent behaviour in social networks by
simulation. Understanding the dynamics of social networks such as Facebook and
twitter is an important research topic with many applications including
improving online experience (personalised advertising and search), optimising
network bandwidth (pre-delivery of content), tracking world events (social
media), etc. The same techniques can be applied to modelling networks in the
physical world, such as traffic flows, communication networks, and disease
One way to simulate social networks (and physical) is via agent based
modelling. In such a model many agents are programmed with their own simple
rules. The interaction of the agents then produces complex patterns of
behaviour. This is the computational framework that we will be using in this
To make the problem tractable in the time available for this assignment we
will make some simplifying assumptions. We will assume that our social network
consists of a number of users (agents), who interact by sending messages to
each other.

  • Each user has a fixed set of friends and can only send messages to users in this set. The entire social network is modelled by a graph. A user is represented by a node in the graph, and edges between nodes indicate friendship relations.
  • If user A is friends with user B then user B is also friends with user A (in the language of graph theory we say that the social network is undirected).
  • Each user has a personality type, which can be CHATTY or QUIET. The personality type controls how frequenty a user sends new messages or forwards old messages.
  • Users can only send message to adjacent nodes in the graph, i.e., their friends.
  • Messages have an id and a content type—we do not care about the exact content of the message, only its type. There are three content types: Recreational (RED), Gossip (GREEN), and Business (BLUE).
  • The simulation proceeds in a series of epochs:
    • At each iteration a user can choose to broadcast a new message to all of its friends. A user can only broadcast one new message per epoch.
    • At each iteration a user can choose to send (forward) a previously received message to one or more of its friends. Multiple different messages can be forwarded within an epoch.
  • A user may receive multiple copies of the same message (identified by the message id). However, a user should never send a message back to the same friend who sent the message.
  • A user should never send the same message to the same friend twice.
  • The user’s decision to send a new message and the message’s content type is a random decision governed by the user’s personality type.
  • The user’s decision to forward a message is a random decision governed by (i) the user’s personality type, (ii) the friend’s personality type, and (iii) the message’s content type.
  • A user can only forward a message within the same epoch in which the message was received.
  • Messages are delivered one epoch after they are sent.
    The output of a simulation on an example network is shown below with
    statistics on the number of messages sent. CHATTY and QUIET nodes are shown as
    circles and squares, respectively. The colour of a node indiciates its
    preferrence for sending messages of a given type, i.e., the greener the node
    the more likely it is to send gossip messages.

Getting and Submitting the Assignment

The assignment is entirely managed from within the School’s GitLab server. You
will fork and clone the assignment to work on it and then commit your changes
and push them back to the GitLab server to submit your solutions. You should
push back often. The latest version of your code available at the due date
will be considered as your assignment submission.

Technical Description of the Code

The code for this assignment is organised into five different files.

  • implements user functionality in a class called Agent. The Agent class must contain five methods, which you will need to implement. See comments inside the code for details.
  • contains useful constants for defining the user personality types and message types.
  • contains the Engine class, which holds the graph defining the social network and manages message sending between agents. The class implements a so-called event processing model—each sent message triggers an event, which the engine processes in turn. An event is also triggered at the end of each epoch. The Engine class also keeps track of message statistics.
  • implements the main simulation code (using the Engine class) and visualisation.
  • contains unit tests for the Agent class. You should make sure that your code passes the unit test associated with each task. Note, however, that just because your code passes a unit test does not mean that it is completely correct. You may need to develop your own additional tests.
    The event processing model implemented by the Engine class polls each agent to
    determine the action the agent wants to make in response to certain events.
    For example, when the engine wants to simulate a message being broadcast by
    the agent it will call the agent’s broadcast_new_message member function.
    For most of the assignment (tasks 2–6) you will only need to modify code in
    the file, but you should look at the code in other files. For the
    advanced task you may need to modify code in other files.

Your Tasks

You are required to implement the functionality of the agent class in the
Python 3 programming language. You are free to use additional Python libraries
to complete the task as long as they are bundled with the Anaconda 3
distribution. Individual tasks are shown below. Each task is associated with a
GitLab issue, which you must close when completing the task. TODO comments in
the source code will also help guide your work. A break down of marks is given
next to each task.

  1. Demonstrated use of GitLab (5%)
    * Inclusion of file
    * Commit history and issue tracking
  2. Implement the Agent constructor init (5%)
  3. Implement the Agent method get_personality (5%)
  4. Implement the Agent method receive_message (10%)
  5. Implement the Agent method broadcast_new_message (25%)
  6. Implement the Agent method forward_message (25%)
  7. Test the simulation on different network types and briefly describe the different behaviours in your file. If you are not sure what to write, consider writing about how chatty the different agents are relative to one another, or whether certain types of message are more prevalent in some regions of a network than others, or how the topology of the network affects the flow of certain message types. (15%)
  8. (Advanced) Plot message longevity by message type, i.e., how long (on average) messages persist in the network. (10%)

文章作者: SafePoker
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