


The Student Conversation online newspaper

Your software startup has been hired to design and build a new online
newspaper. The Student Conversation newspaper is modelled on
TheConversation.com, a website featuring content written by academics.
(However it is not identical to The Conversation – be careful to base your
model on the requirements in this document.) The purpose of the Student
Conversation is to provide a similar forum but with content written by
university students. Though only students will write articles, any member of
the public will be able to read and comment on them.
Your programmers will write the software for this new online newspaper. As the
data modeller, your job is to design a database that can handle the system’s
storage requirements. The required software and data storage features are
detailed in this document.


The website displays a number of stories, with about ten new stories published
each day. Each story is classified within one of seven sections (‘Local news’,
‘World news’, ‘Australia’, ‘Melbourne’, ‘Opinion’, ‘Education, ‘Technology’).
The content of each story consists of the main story text (maximum 10,000
characters long), as well as a headline (maximum 100 characters long), and a
short “lede”, which is a sentence of 10 to 20 words that summarizes the story.
Each story contains one picture, positioned just under the headline at the top
of the story. Pictures are stored in the database along with a caption
(maximum 50 characters). We sometimes use the same picture in several stories
– but we don’t want to waste space by storing it more than once.
A story is written by one or more of our authors, who submit the story to us
on a particular date. If a story is considered worthy, it is edited by one of
our editors and then published on a particular date. Editors choose, for each
story, how many ads will be displayed with it – the number is typically
between 1 and 4.


Any university student can be an author and submit stories to the Student
Conversation. With ten new stories per day, there are likely to be hundreds or
even thousands of authors after a few years. We expect that many authors will
write more than one story over time. A small number of students work as
editors. For conflict‐of‐interest reasons, it is not possible to be both an
author and an editor ‐ once a person submits an article, they can never become
an editor.
We call authors and editors “staff”, though they are current university
students and are not paid. About each staff member we store their given and
surnames, which university they attend and their student number, and when they
join (and later leave) the newspaper. Authors but not editors also record a
photo and short bio (max 200 characters of text).


Readers will be able to click on one of the section headings, or on an
author’s name, and see a list of all the relevant stories. We list out each
story’s headline and lede: then if the reader clicks on a headline we display
the entire story.
In addition we have a tagging system that allows authors and editors to attach
tag‐words to a story. Readers can click on a tag and see listed all the
stories tagged with that word. We store a list of tags which we can add to as


Our readers, if they wish, can choose to register themselves in our database,
recording a username and password, email address and date of birth. Many of
our readers do not register and thus their website activity is anonymous.
Readers who have registered can comment on stories. They can also click “Like”
on a story or on a comment – and if they change their mind later, they can
When we display a story we show the number of likes the story has received,
and list out the comments below it (with all of their likes). With each
comment we show the username of the person who commented and the time they
commented. We restrict comments to 1024 characters. Editors can delete any
comments considered unsuitable for display: when this occurs the comment is
not actually deleted from the database, but simply marked as deleted, and we
record which editor deleted it and when. If a reader hovers over the number of
likes, we list out the first few usernames of the people who clicked Like –
the reader can click to see the full list.
We maintain a social graph that allows readers to “follow” other readers. If
reader A is following reader B, and reader B posts a comment, reader A will
receive a notification with a link to reader B’s comment. “Following” is not
reciprocal: if reader A follows reader B, it does not necessarily imply that
reader B follows reader A. We needn’t store notifications in the database.


Our advertising system funds the newspaper.
Whenever a reader clicks to view a story, we choose the appropriate number of
advertisements from our collection and display them beside the story. Whenever
this occurs we keep a record of which story and which ads were displayed,
which reader viewed them (if their identity is known), and when.
Each ad consists of a headline of 25 characters, a text line of 35 characters,
and a display URL of 35 characters. Each ad is placed into our system by one
of our registered vendors. For each vendor we store a name and address.
To help place ads in appropriate stories, each ad is associated with one tag.
Vendors can also choose an age‐range for their ad: when known readers view a
story, we only choose ads that match their age. The age ranges are kept in a
separate table: currently they are 0‐15, 16‐20, 21‐30, 31‐45, 46+, but the
database should allow these to be changed easily.

文章作者: SafePoker
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 SafePoker !