
学习Intelligent Agents的使用方法。


This document is designed to supplement information contained in the Module
Descriptor. Student should consult the University’s requirements in addition
to the following details.


Aims and Summary

The purpose of this module is to provide an understanding of the design and
use of intelligent agents. The module considers a wide range of application
areas, which includes domains such as e-commerce and system integration. The
analysis of intelligent agents identifies two sets of issues, those related to
the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques and those concerned with the
deployment of autonomous software. The module will explore the ways in which
agents are constructed and integrated into advanced information systems. The
teaching material will cover relevant techniques and will consider examples of
the use of agents.

Pass Requirements

Coursework must be at least 35% and Exam must be at least 35% and Module Mark
must be at least 40%


Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the structure and architecture of agent based applications.
  2. Critically analyse and apply a range of AI reasoning processes.
  3. Design and implement an AI application using the collaborative agent based approach.

Teaching and Learning

The subject will be delivered through units consisting of lecture, on-line
support reading and tutorial exercises. The tutorial exercises will be either
practical lab-based exercises or requirements for critical reviews.
The module will be supported by existing facilities provided by the University
computer network. The additional software required for agent development will
be provided by the School.
Student activity comprises laboratory, lecture and self guided study.

Method of Assessment

The table below shows a typical assessment plan for the module. Assessment
plans may vary from year to year.
Assessment Weighting Learning Outcomes

Coursework Submission

Electronic copy (in form of Microsoft Word) should be submitted to Moodle on
or before the due date.
It must be stressed that all marks notified to you during the year are
provisional until confirmed by the end of year Subject Assessment Board. It is
possible that notified marks may be raised or lowered by this Board.
Students MUST keep copies (electronic or photocopies) of all coursework
submitted on this module.

Coursework Marking Criteria

Refer to Appendix: Assessment criteria - Assessment Strategy of Coventry
University [Please check with Link Tutor for the latest version]

Class Schedule

Session Topic Reading
1 Six hours lecture delivered by staff.
2 Introduction to Intelligent Agents (Lab: Jam) Wooldridge Ch1, 2
3 Deductive Agents, Practical Reasoning Agents (Lab: Recommender)
Wooldridge Ch 3, 4
4 Reactive Agents, Hybrid Agents and Data mining (Lab: Recommender)
Wooldridge Ch 3, 5
5 Agent Communication; Making Group Decisions (Lab: Assignment discussion)
Wooldridge Ch 6, 7, 12
6 Cooperative distributed problem solving and Coordination (Lab:
Assignment submission, Jade 1) Wooldridge Ch 8
7 Multiagent Interactions (Game Theory); Forming Coalitions (Lab: Jade 2)
Wooldridge Ch 11, 13
8 Allocating Scarce Resource (Auctions) (Lab: Assignment discussion)
Wooldridge Ch 14
9 Bargaining and Mobile Agents (Presentation) Wooldridge Ch 9.4, 15
10 Revision


Essential Reading

Wooldridge M. (2009) An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems. Second Edition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig. (2009) Artificial Intelligence. A Modern
Approach. Third Edition. Pearson Education Limited
Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei. (2012) Data Mining: Concepts and
Techniques. Third Edition. Elsevier Inc.
Michael Nielsen. (2017) Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Available from:

Required Equipment


Module Handouts

Teaching & learning materials are uploaded to Moodle. Students should download
his/her own copy of notes before the lecture. Worksheets will be distributed
during tutorial/Laboratory sessions.

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