
代写Python作业,实现数据结构中的 AVL Tree ,要求满足时间复杂度。


In this project, you will be implementing an AVL Tree. An AVL Tree is a
specific type of Binary Search Tree. A Binary Search Tree is a structure in
which there are nodes, and each node has at most two children, a left and a
right node. The rule for a Binary Search Tree is that the left node of every
node in the tree must either be less than the parent node, or not exist, and
the right node of every node in the tree must either be greater than the
parent node, or not exist. A tree structure is hierarchical, unlike many other
structures that are linear such as linked lists, queues, and stacks. Tree
structures are often used due to many operations requiring less time than
linear structures. For example, std::map in C++ is actually implemented using
a red-black tree. An AVL Tree is a Binary Search Tree that self-balances,
which means that no subtree of the overall tree will be unbalanced (the
difference of heights of subtrees can be at most 1). Your assignment is to
complete the remaining functions of the AVL Tree structure, and solve an
application problem about trees.

Turning It In

Your completed project must be submitted as a folder named “Project5” and must

  •, a python 3.5 or higher file.
  • README.txt, a textfile that includes:
    • Your name
    • Feedback on the project
    • How long it took to complete
    • A list of any external resources that you used, especially websites (make sure to include the URLs) and which function you used this information for. Please note that you can not use outside resources to solve the entire project, or use outside sources for multiple functions that leads to the solution of the project, then you are submitting someone else’s work not yours. Outside sources use should not be used for more than one function, and it should not be more than few lines of code to solve that function. Please note that there is no penalty for using the programming codes shared by Onsay in Lectures and posted on D2L.

Assignment Specifications

The Node class is fully implemented and provided for you. Class attributes are
described below. Do not modify this class.
class Node:

  • self.value -> the value stored in this node
  • self.parent -> the parent of this node, defaults to None
  • self.left -> the left child of this node, defaults to None
  • self.right -> the right child of this node, defaults to None
  • self.height -> the height of the tree rooted at this node. Upon creation a node has zero children so self.height is always set to zero in the constructor
    We have provided the init() and eq() methods in the AVLTree class, do
    not modify these methods. Your task will be to complete the methods listed
    below in the AVLTree class that have not been completed for you. The methods
    are listed in the recommended implementation order. Make sure that you are
    adhering to the time and space complexity requirements. Do not modify function
    signatures in any way.
  • left_rotate(self, root):
    • Performs an AVL left rotation on the subtree rooted at root
    • Returns the root of the new subtree
    • O(1) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
  • right_rotate(self, root):
    • Performs an AVL right rotation on the subtree rooted at root
    • Returns the root of the new subtree
    • O(1) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
  • get_size(self)
    • Returns the number of nodes in the AVL Tree
    • O(1) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
  • get_balance(self, node):
    • Returns the balance factor of the node passed in
    • Balance Factor = height of left subtree - height of right subtree
    • O(1) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
  • rebalance(self, node):
    • Rebalances the subtree rooted at node, if needed
    • Returns the root of the new, balanced subtree
    • This method will not be tested explicitly in the test cases
    • O(1) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
  • height(self, node):
    • Returns the height of the tree rooted at the given node
    • O(1) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
  • insert(self, node, value):
    • Takes in a value to be added in the form of a node to the tree
    • Takes in the root of the (sub)tree the node will be added into
    • Do nothing if the value is already in the tree
    • Must be recursive
    • Balances the tree if it needs it
    • O(log(n)) time complexity, O(1)* space complexity
  • min(self, node):
    • Returns the minimum of the tree rooted at the given node
    • Must be recursive
    • O(log(n)) time complexity, O(1)* space complexity
  • max(self, node):
    • Returns the maximum of the tree rooted at the given node
    • Must be recursive
    • O(log(n)) time complexity, O(1)* space complexity
  • remove(self, node, value):
    • Takes in a value to remove from the tree
    • Takes in the root of the (sub)tree the node will be removed from
    • Do nothing if the value is not found
    • When removing a value with two children, replace with the maximum of the left subtree(hint: implement max/min before this function)
    • Return the root of the subtree
    • Must be recursive
    • Balances the tree if it needs it
    • O(log(n)) time complexity, O(1)* space complexity
  • search(self, node, value):
    • Takes in a value to search for and a node which is the root of a given tree or subtree
    • Returns the node with the given value if found, else returns the potential parent node
    • O(log(n)) time complexity, O(1)* space complexity
  • depth(self, value):
    • Returns the depth of the node with the given value
    • O(height) time complexity, O(1)* space complexity
  • inorder(self, node):
    • Returns a generator object of the tree traversed using the inorder method of traversal starting at the given node
    • Points will be deducted if the return of this function is not a generator object (hint: yield and from)
    • Must be recursive
    • O(n) time complexity, O(n) space complexity
  • preorder(self, node):
    • Same as inorder, only using the preorder method of traversal
    • O(n) time complexity, O(n) space complexity
    • Must be recursive
  • postorder(self, node):
    • Same as inorder, only using the postorder method of traversal
    • O(n) time complexity, O(n) space complexity
    • Must be recursive
  • breadth_first(self, node):
    • Same as inorder, only using the breadth-first method of traversal
    • O(n) time complexity, O(n) space complexity
      In addition to the functions inside the AVL Tree class, you will be required
      to complete the following function:
  • sum_update(root, total):
    • This function will take in the root of a binary search tree and do two things with it
    • First, it will replace the keys in the tree with the sum of the keys that are greater than or equal to it(keys are guaranteed to be greater than zero & numeric)
    • Then, after completing that task, the binary search tree will not meet the basic requirements for a BST, so it will fix the tree to be correct again
    • The total parameter is used for keeping track of a running total for keys greater than a specific key if you choose to implement the function recursively
    • O(n) time complexity, O(1) space complexity
    • BONUS: If this function is completed in only two traversals of the tree, we will add an extra 5 points to your project score.
    • See the mimir visible test case for an example on how this would look.
    • Not taking into account space allocated on the call stack

Assignment Notes

  • You are required to complete the docstrings for each function that you complete.
  • You are provided with skeleton code for the AVLTree class and you must complete each empty function. You may use more functions if you’d like, but you must complete the ones given to you. If you do choose to make more functions, you are required to complete docstrings for those as well.
  • Make sure that you are adhering to all specifications for the functions, including time and space complexity and whether or not the function is recursive
  • - Here is documentation on the yield keyword in python. Yield is like return, except it adds to the generator object. “Yield from” yields from the yield of whatever you’re yielding from. That was kind of complicated.

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