

Tree Traversal

Draw the Binary Search Tree (BST) we would get if we were to insert the
letters C O M P U T E R S in the order listed (i.e., C is the first letter
added to the tree).
Wait… didn’t we do this last week??? Yes… but now we’re working in the
opposite direction.
Now consider the following function:
def traverse(container, root):
result = “”
while(not container.is_empty()):
next_node = container.get()
if(next_node is not None):
result +=
return result


What is the result of calling print(traverse(my container, my root)) when my
root is the root node of the tree you made, and my container is:

  1. A stack
  2. A queue
  3. An alternating queue
  4. A neck queue
  5. A steue
    If you are unsure how any of the containers above work, you can ask a TA
    during practicals, or ask on
    Piazza. Make sure you understand the ADT before you start working.
    You can trace the code by hand, but we recommend actually implementing each
    container and running it, then you can just copy/paste the output.

What to hand in

You must submit a file called ex4.txt with what would be printed for each of
the containers listed above, in order, one container per line. For example,
your file might look something like (once again, the format is correct, the
answers are not):

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