练习Python入门编程,完成14个小程序,如 Palindrome
Section 1: Important Instructions
Read the instructions below carefully. The instructions must be followed. This
assignment is worth 4% of your grade. No late assignments will be accepted.
This is an individual assignment. Please review the Plagiarism and Academic
Integrity policy presented in the first class, i.e. read in detail pages 12-18
of course outline (ITI1120-course- outline-syllabus- on BRS). You can find
that file on Brightspace under Course Info.
The goal of this assignment is to learn and practice (via programming) the
concepts that we have learned so far: numbers, algebraic expressions, boolean
expressions, strings, operations on strings, type conversion, variables, use
of Python’s builtin functions including input and output functions, designing
your own functions, documenting your own functions via docstrings, and testing
your functions. Before you can start this assignment, you need to know how to
use a (IDLE’s) text editor to edit python modules (i.e. files) as well as how
to use python shell interactively to test your code. If you have no idea how
to do these things watching video of the 3rd lecture, for example, will help.
Submit your assignment by the deadline via Brightspace (as instructed and
practiced in the first lab.) You can make multiple submissions, but only the
last submission before the deadline will be graded. What needs to be submitted
is explained next.
The assignment has 14 programming questions (in Section 1 below). Each
question asks you to design one function. Put all these functions (for all the
questions below) in ONE file only, called a1_xxxxxx.py (where xxxxxx is
replaced with your student number). Within this file, a1_xxxxxx.py, separate
your answers (i.e. code) to each question with a comment that looks like this:
# Question X
To have an idea on what this file a1_xxxxxx.py should look like, I included
with this assignment a solution to an nonexistent assignment. You can view
this mockup solution by opening the included file called
In addition to a1_xxxxxx.py you must submit a separate file called
a1_xxxxxx.txt. What should be in that file is explained below. Thus for
assignment 1 you have to SUBMIT TWO FILES:
- a1_xxxxxx.py and
- a1_xxxxxx.txt.
as instructed in lab 1. Submit your assignment by the deadline via Brightspace
(as instructed in the first lab.)
Your program must run without syntax errors. In particular, when grading your
assignment, TAs will first open your file a1_xxxxxx.py with IDLE and press Run
Module. If pressing Run Module causes any syntax error, the grade for the
whole assignment will be zero.
Furthermore, for each of the functions below, I have provided one or two tests
to test your functions with. For example, you should test question 2 by making
function call is_prime(5) in the Python shell. To obtain a partial mark your
function may not necessarily give the correct answer on these tests. But if
your function gives any kind of python error when run on the tests provided
below, that question will be marked with zero points.
To determine your grade, your functions will be tested both with examples
provided in Section 2 Note ( I have included some samples within the questions
): “ consider Testing your code” to cover all the 14 functions. Thus you too
should test your functions with more example than what I provided in Section
- Each function has to be documented with docstrings (as will be explained in
the Lectures. In particular, each function has to have docstrings that
specify:- type contract
- description about what the function does (while mentioning parameter names)
- preconditions, if any
Section 2: Assignment 1 questions
Question 1
Write a function repeat(string, n, delim) that returns the string string
repeated n times, separated by the string delim. For example,
>>> repeat(“ho”, 3, “, “) “ho, ho, ho”.
Question 2
Write a function is_prime(n)
that returns a boolean value indicating
whether an integer is prime or not.
Question 3
Implement function points()
that takes as input four numbers x1, y1, x2,
y2 that are the coordinates of two points (x1;y1) and (x2; y2) in the plane.
Your function should compute:
- a. The slope of the line going through the points, unless the line is vertical
- b. The distance between the two points.
Your function should print the computed slope and distance in the following
format. If the line is vertical, the value of the slope should be string
‘infinity’. Note: Make sure you convert the slope and distance values to a
string before printing them.points(0, 0, 1, 1)
The slope is 1.0 and the distance is 1.41421356237
points(0, 0, 0, 1)
The slope is infinity and the distance is 1.0
Question 4
Write a function named month_apart()
that accepts four integer parameters
representing two calendar dates. Each date consists of a month (1 through 12)
and a day (1 through the number of days in that month [28-31]). Assume that
all dates occur during the same year. The method returns whether the dates are
at least a month apart. For example, the following dates are all considered to
be at least a month apart from 9/19
(September 19): 2/14, 7/25, 8/2, 8/19, 10/19, 10/20, and 11/5. The following
dates are NOT at least a month apart from 9/19: 9/20, 9/28, 10/1, 10/15, and
10/18. Note that the first date could come before or after (or be the same as)
the second date. Assume that all parameter values passed are valid.
Question 5
Implement function reverse_int()
that takes a three-digit integer as input
and returns the integer obtained by reversing its digits. For example, if the
input is 123, your function should return 321. You are not allowed to use the
string data type operations to do this task. Your program should simply read
the input as an integer and process it as an integer using operators such as
// and %. You may assume that the input integer does not end with the 0 digit.
>>> reverse_int(123)
>>> reverse_int(908)
Question 6
Write function vowelCount() that takes a string as input and counts and prints
the number of occurrences of vowels in the string.
>>> vowelCount(‘Le Tour de France’)
a, e, i, o, and u appear, respectively, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1 times.
Question 7
Write the following functions.
- a. allTheSame(x, y, z) (returning true if the arguments are all the same)
- b. allDifferent(x, y, z) (returning true if the arguments are all different)
- c. sorted(x, y, z) (returning true if the arguments are sorted, with the smallest one coming first)
Question 8
A year with 366 days is called a leap year. Leap years are necessary to keep
the calendar synchronized with the sun because the earth revolves around the
sun once every 365.25
days. Actually, that figure is not entirely precise, and for all dates after
1582 the Gregorian correction applies. Usually years that are divisible by 4
are leap years (for example, 1996). However, years that are divisible by 100
(for example, 1900) are not leap years, but years that are divisible by 400
are leap years (for example, 2000). Implement function leap() that takes one
input argumenta yearand returns True if the year is a leap year and False
>>> leap(2008)
>>> leap(1900)
Question 9
Write function letter2number()
that takes as input a letter grade (A, B,
C, D, F, possibly with a - or +) and returns the corresponding number grade.
The numeric values for A, B, C, D, and F are 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. A + increases the
number grade value by 0.3 and a - decreases it by 0.3.
>>> letter2number(‘A-‘)
>>> letter2number(‘B+’)
>>> letter2number(‘D’)
Question 10
Write a function is_palindrome()
that accepts a string as argument and
returns True or False indicating whether the string is a palindrome or not. A
palindrome is a string that can be read the same way forward and backward.
Your function does not need to convert between lower and upper case characters
and needs to check only for an exact match including case. For example, the
string ‘madam’ is a palindrome but the string ‘Madam’ is not. You are not
allowed to generate a new string in your implementation of this function.
Rather, you should walk through the string to determine whether it is a
palindrome or not.
Question 11
Write a function is_nneg_float()
that checks if string s denotes a non-
negative floating point value (not in scientific notation). This function
should return True if s contains (at most) one decimal point and one or more
digits (and nothing else); and False otherwise. According to this definition
an integer should return True.
>>> is_nneg_float(“2.15”)
>>> is_nneg_float(“3.”)
>>> is_nneg_float(“.5”)
>>> is_nneg_float(“123”)
>>> is_nneg_float(“-12”)
>>> is_nneg_float(“1e10”)
Question 12
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a two-player game in which each player chooses one of
three items. If both players choose the same item, the game is tied.
Otherwise, the rules that determine the winner are:
- a. Rock always beats Scissors (Rock crushes Scissors)
- b. Scissors always beats Paper (Scissors cut Paper)
- c. Paper always beats Rock (Paper covers Rock)
Implement function rps() that takes the choice (‘R’, ‘P’, or ‘S’) of player 1
and the choice of player 2, and returns -1 if player 1 wins, 1 if player 2
wins, or 0 if there is a tie.rps(‘R’, ‘P’) 1
rps(‘R’, ‘S’) -1
rps(‘S’, ‘S’) 0
Question 13
Write a function alogical(n)
, that takes as input a number, n, where n is
bigger or equal to 1, and returns the minimum number of times that n needs to
be divided by 2 in order to get a number equal or smaller than 1. For example
5.4/2=2.7. Since 2.7 is bigger than 1, dividing 5.4 once by 2 is not enough,
so we continue. 2.7/2=1.35 thus dividing 5.4 twice by 2 is not enough since
1.35 is bigger than 1. So we continue. 1.35/2=0.675. Since 0.675 is less than
1, the answer is 3. In particular, these calculations determine that 5.4 needs
to be divided by 2 three times minimum in order to get a number that is less
than or equal to 1.
Question 14
Write a function named count_even_digits()
that accepts two integers as
parameters and returns the number of even-valued digits in the first number.
An even- valued digit is either 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. The second value represents
how many digits the number has. The second value is guaranteed to match the
number of digits in the first number.
For example, the number 8546587 has four even digits (the two 8s, the 4, and
the 6), so the call count_even_digits(8346387, 7)
should return 4.
You may assume that the values passed to your function are non-negative.
Section 3: Testing your code
We would like to see evidence that you have tested your functions in python
shell, like we did in class. Do this by opening your assignment solution, i.e.
opening a1_xxxxxx.py, with IDLE and then test each of your functions
individually. Then copy and paste the python shell output into a text file
called a1_xxxxxx.txt The contents of a1_xxxxxx.txt must have something like
this in it:
>>> # testing Question 1
>>> repeat(“ho”, 3, “, “)
“ho, ho, ho”
>>> # testing Question 2
>>> is_prime(3)
>>> is_prime(4)
>>> # testing Question 14
>>> count_even_digits(8346387, 7) 4