将C语言的FIFO queue用ASM重构。
Part A: Global Variables and Separate Compilation
A FIFO queue data structure can be implemented using an array, as shown in the
following C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define QUEUESIZE 8
#define MODMASK 0x7
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
/* Function Prototypes /
void enqueue(int value);
int dequeue();
int queueFull();
int queueEmpty();
void display();
/ Global Variables */
int queue[QUEUESIZE];
int head = -1;
int tail = -1;
int main()
int operation, value;
do {
printf(“### Queue Operations ###\n\n”);
printf(“Press 1 - Enqueue, 2 - Dequeue, 3 - Display, 4 - Exit\n”);
printf(“Your option? “);
scanf(“%d”, &operation);
switch (operation) {
case 1:
printf(“\nEnter the positive integer value to be enqueued: “);
scanf(“%d”, &value);
case 2:
value = dequeue();
if (value != -1)
printf(“\nDequeued value is %d\n”, value);
case 3:
case 4:
printf(“\nTerminating program\n”);
printf(“\nInvalid option! Try again.\n”);
printf(“\nPress the return key to continue . . . “);
} while (operation != 4);
return 0;
void enqueue(int value)
if (queueFull()) {
printf(“\nQueue overflow! Cannot enqueue into a full queue.\n”);
if (queueEmpty()) {
head = tail = 0;
} else {
tail = ++tail & MODMASK;
queue[tail] = value;
int dequeue()
register int value;
if (queueEmpty()) {
printf(“\nQueue underflow! Cannot dequeue from an empty queue.\n”);
return (-1);
value = queue[head];
if (head == tail) {
head = tail = -1;
} else {
head = ++head & MODMASK;
return value;
int queueFull()
if (((tail + 1) & MODMASK) == head)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int queueEmpty()
if (head == -1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void display()
register int i, j, count;
if (queueEmpty()) {
printf(“\nEmpty queue\n”);
count = tail - head + 1;
if (count <= 0)
count += QUEUESIZE;
printf(“\nCurrent queue contents:\n”);
i = head;
for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
printf(“ %d”, queue[i]);
if (i == head) {
printf(“ <– head of queue”);
if (i == tail) {
printf(“ <– tail of queue”);
i = ++i & MODMASK;
Translate all functions except main() into ARMv8 assembly language, and put
them into a separate assembly source code file called a5a.asm. These functions
will be called from the main() function given above, which will be in its own
C source code file called a5aMain.c. Also move the global variables into
a5a.asm. Your assembly functions will call the printf() library routine. Be
sure to handle the global variables and format strings in the appropriate way.
Input will come from standard input. Run the program to show that it is
working as expected, capturing its output using the script UNIX command, and
name the output file script1.txt.
Part B: External Pointer Arrays and Command-Line Arguments
Given the following declarations in C:
char *month[] = {“January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”,
“June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”,
“November”, “December”};
char *season[] = {“Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”, “Fall”};
create an ARMv8 assembly language program to accept as command line arguments
two strings representing a date in the format mm dd. Your program will print
the name of month, the day (with the appropriate suffix), and the season for
this date. For example:
./a5b 12 25
December 25th is Winter
Be sure to use the proper suffix for the day of the month. For example, one
should distinguish the 11th from the 1st, 21st, and 31st. Your program should
exit, printing this error message, if the user does not supply two command-
line arguments:
usage: a5b mm dd
You will need to call atoi() to convert strings to numbers, and printf() to
produce the output. Be sure to do range checking for the day and month. Assume
that Winter ranges from December 21 to March 20, Spring from March 21 to June
20, Summer from June 21 to September 20, and Fall from September 21 to
December 20. Name your source code file a5b.asm. Run your program three times
with different input to illustrate that it works; capture the output using the
script UNIX command. Name the output file script2.txt.
New Skills need for this Assignment:
- Understanding and use of external variables in assembly
- Separate compilation
- Calling assembly functions from main()
- Calling library functions from assembly routines
- External arrays of pointers
- Command line arguments
Submit the following:
- Your source code and 2 scripts via electronic submission. Use the Assignment 5 Dropbox Folder in D2L to submit electronically. Your TA will assemble and run your programs to test them. Name your files a5aMain.c and a5a.asm for Part A, and a5b.asm for Part B, and the scripts as script1.txt and script2.txt.