代写Python基础作业,练习List, String和Dictionary的基础用法。
Problem 1 (Queue Implementation)
A queue is a data structure used to store items. The next item removed from a
queue is always the item that has been in the queue the longest (i.e., was
added first - think of a line of people waiting to buy something). In this
question, you will use lists to represent queues and write several functions
to perform operations on queue lists. For this question, you may not use
classes and/or object-oriented programming in your solution. Your file will
need the following components:
- A global variable representing the maximum size of the queue (how many items can be stored in the queue at one time). This value should have a default value of 10.
- An enqueue(queue, value) function that accepts a list queue and a value. The value may be any data type, but it won’t really change your implementation. If there is room in the queue list (i.e., the current size is less than the maximum size), value will be added to the end of queue and the function will return True. If there is no room in the queue, the function will return False.
- A dequeue(queue) function. If the queue list has any items in it, this function will remove and return the first item (i.e., from the front of the queue). If queue does not have any items in it, the function should return None. In this case, None is the specific Python value representing nothing, not the string value “None”.
- A peek(queue) function. If the queue list has any items in it, this function will return the value of the first item in the queue but leave that item in the queue (different from the dequeue function). If queue does not have any items in it, the function should return None. In this case, None is the specific Python value representing nothing, not the string value “None”.
- An isempty(queue) function. This function should return True if the queue list is empty (no items) and False otherwise.
- A multienqueue(queue, items) function, which takes a queue list and a list of elements called items. This function should add as many of the elements from the items list to the queue list as possible (i.e., keep adding until the queue is full or all items have been added) and return the number of items that were added successfully.
- A multidequeue(queue, number) function, which takes a queue list and an integer number. This function should attempt to dequeue up to number items from the queue and return a new list containing all items removed (note: this may be less than number if the queue has become empty).
Save your queue function code into a file called queue.py that only includes
the functions and the maximum size variable (i.e., no testing code, print
statements, etc.) and add it to your submission zip. You can test your code by
importing your queue.py file as a module into a separate Python code file and
calling the functions with specific values. To aid in your testing, a
queuetester.py file has been included on cuLearn. If you run this Python file
within the same directory as your queue.py file, it will perform a number of
the queue operations. The testing program will also print out the expected
values, so you can verify that your queue functions are working correctly. You
should perform additional tests to further verify your functions’ correctness.
Problem 2 (Stack Implementation)
In the previous problem, you implemented a queue. A stack is a similar type of
data structure, but instead of using the first-in-first-out principle of a
queue, a stack uses last-in-first-out. This means that the next item taken
from a stack is the most recent item that was inserted. As an example,
consider a stack of plates or paper in which you can only look at the top item
(peek), add an item to the top of the stack (push), or remove the item from
the top of the stack (pop). Create a stack.py file that implements the
following functions:
- push(stack, value): Adds the argument value onto the top of the stack list.
- pop(stack): If the stack list is empty, this function returns None. Otherwise, this function removes and returns the top value from the stack list.
- isempty(stack): Returns True if the stack list is empty (i.e., has no items), False otherwise.
- peak(stack): If the stack is not empty, returns but does not remove the top value from the stack list. Otherwise, returns None.
Save your stack function code into a file called stack.py that only includes
the functions (i.e., no testing code, print statements, etc.) and add it to
your submission zip. You can use the stacktester.py file from cuLearn to
verify the operations of your stack are working as they should be. You should
test your stack further to ensure it consistently works properly. The next
question will further test your stack implementation.
Problem 3 (Parentheses Validation)
A string is considered to have valid parentheses if there are an equal number
of opening/closing brackets and each closing bracket - e.g., ), }, or ] -
matches the most recent, unmatched opening bracket - e.g., (, {, or [. For
( ( { } ) ) is valid
{ [ { ( ) } ] } is valid
(){}[] is valid
( ( } ) is invalid
Checking the validity of parentheses is important in verifying the validity of
programming code and mathematical statements. Create a new Python file called
validator.py with a single function called isvalid(string). This function will
take a single string that can consist of any characters and use your stack
implementation from problem 2 to determine if the parentheses are valid or not
(import your stack and create an empty list initially to use as a stack list).
The function must return True if the string has valid parentheses and False
otherwise. Your function only needs to consider the three types of bracket
characters mentioned above - the remaining characters, which could represent
code, numbers, arithmetic operators, etc., can be ignored. You can use the
validatorchecker.py file from cuLearn to check whether your function is
working correctly. If you are having trouble figuring out how to solve the
problem, consider how you would validate each of the sets of brackets above
using the stack operations available from problem 2. Hint: the general
strategy pushing opening brackets onto the stack, and comparing popped opening
brackets to closing brackets that you find to ensure they match (i.e., [ and
], ( and ), { and }).
Problem 4 (Start and End Words)
For the purposes of this question, we will define a word as ending a sentence
if that word is immediately followed by a period. For example, in the text
“This is a sentence. The last sentence had four words.”, the ending words are
‘sentence’ and ‘words’. In a similar fashion, we will define the starting word
of a sentence as any word that is preceded by the end of a sentence, as well
as the first word in a string. The starting words from the previous example
text would be “This” and “The”. Write a program that has:
- A startwords function that takes a single string argument. This function must return a list of all sentence starting words that appear in the given string. There should be no duplicate entries in the returned list.
- An endwords function that takes a single string argument. This function must return a list of all sentence ending words that appear in the given string. There should be no duplicate entries in the returned list and the periods should not be included in the ending words.
Save your function code into a file called sentences.py that only includes the
functions and necessary variables (i.e., no testing code, print statements,
etc.) and add it to your submission zip. You can test this program in a
similar fashion to previous problems. A sentencetester.py file has been added
to cuLearn to aid in testing.
Your zip file should contain your queue.py, stack.py, validator.py, and
sentences.py files.
Submit your assignment4.zip file to cuLearn.
Make sure you download the zip after submitting and verify the file contents.