In this assignment, you may use your knowledge of the following concepts:
- Loops (do-while) and condition flows (if-else if-else)
- Testing for String and number equality
- StringBuilder
- Reading from console (using Scanner to read from System.in)
- Reading from files (using BufferedReader)
- Writing to console (using System.out (a PrintStream))
- Writing out to files (using BufferedWriter)
- Try-catch-finally
- Calling methods and sending arguments, methods with return types
- Random number generation
Create a class called Hw3FirstLastName.java
In this assignment you will be play the Hangman game. You will read words from
a given file. Let us assume this file is called word.txt and contains 3 lower
case words one on each line.
This class will have four methods.
The main method should be defined as follows:
public static void main(String[] args) {}
- In main(), you will call the following three methods.
public static String[] readWordsFromFile(String fileName) throws IOException { }
—|— - this method will open a file called words.txt sent to it as an argument or input to its parameter
- read the contents of the file and store it in a String array called wordArray of length 3
- each word read is an element of the String array
- this method should catch the FileNotFoundException and IOException
- make sure to use try-catch-finally
- this method returns the String[] created
public static String playHangman(String[] words) {}
—|— - write the logic for the hangman game here
- the user should be able to play the game multiple times until he or she enters 0, which will quit the game
- you can do this by using a do-while loop, inside which you will write code for the game
- the loop should only stop when a boolean variable
- before start of game
- i. ask for user name and save it in a variable name in each game
- randomly choose one of the words in the words array, which is a parameter of this method (that means it receives the array as an argument from main())
- i. Random r = new Random();
- ii. int rNum = r.nextInt(3);
- iii. rNum can be used as the index of the word to select from words array
- iv. store the selected word in String wordSelected
- then print out the empty chars separated by a space to the console
- for example, if the words has 5 chars, print
- Create a char array called interimGuess to keep track of correctly guessed chars in the String wordSelected
- Then ask the user to enter an input, get it using Scanner’s methods
- *****“Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit : “
- Store what the user entered in an int reply
- If reply == 0
- i. Set play to false
- ii. This will exit the current game (do-while loop( and not create another game
- else if reply ==1
- i. ask the user to enter their word guess
- ii. store in a String
- iii. check to see if it equal to String wordSelected
- iv. if yes,
- print “Congrats! you guessed right”
- compute float stat = number of chars guessed so far saved in an int charGuessed/ length of the wordSelected
- create a StringBuilder object that appends name + tab + stat + newline
- if not equal
- print “no that is not right”
- else if reply ==2
- i. ask user to enter a lower case char using Scanner’s method
- ii. store it as a String
- iii. check length of String
- iv. if length >1 print “ you entered too many chars”
- v. else if length == 1
- extract the char at index 0 of string and save it in a char called c
- increment int charGuessed++
- vi. then update interimGuess by using a for loop
- vii. if the char c matches a letter in wordSelected, also update the letter in interimGuess (set it equal to c)
- viii. then print the new partially guessed word (stored in interimGuess) using another for loop
- ix. if the user entered letter s, and it is found in the word, output will look like this
- x. _ _ s _ _
- xi. Then loop back to ***** above
- else
- i. print a message that the input is not valid
public static void writeStatsToFile(String playerStats) throws IOException {}
- i. print a message that the input is not valid
- this method will write the content of playerStats String to a file called gamestats.txt
- this method should catch the IOException
- make sure to use try-catch-finally
- this method has void return type
Submit a zip file of your project folder Hw3FirstLastname.zip and send it
directly from the Canvas assignments area (NOT as an email attachment to me).
Happy gaming!
Sample output
Entry from file: polymorphism
Entry from file: encapsulation
Entry from file: hierarchy
Let’s play hangman. I will give you empty letters in a word. You will guess what letter goes in the word one at a time.
Please enter your name :
thanks dana
Starting New Game
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
Please enter your guess:
no that is not right
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
that choice is not valid
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
Input mismatch: please enter 1 or 2
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
please enter a letter
you entered e
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
please enter a letter
you entered p
p _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
please enter a letter
you entered m
p _ _ _ m _ _ p _ _ _ m
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
Please enter your guess:
Congrats! you guessed right
charGuessed = 3
word length = 12
stat = 4.0
Starting New Game
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
please enter a letter
you entered e
_ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
Please enter your guess:
Congrats! you guessed right
charGuessed = 1
word length = 9
stat = 9.0
Starting New Game
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Enter 1 if you want to guess the word or enter 2 to guess one char or 0 to quit :
Game ends
The gamestats.txt file contains one line for each game played
Vandana 4.0
Vandana 9.0