A fully working console application should be written in C++ which presents a
main menu to a user asking if they would like to:
- Enter new data and play scale
- Load data from file and play scale
- Quit the application
For options 1 and 2, the scale should be played by outputting a series of
appropriate MIDI messages.
Your program should be able to play scales with the following options: - Scale type (chromatic, major or minor).
- Starting note of the scale (any valid)
- Whether the scale ascends or descends
- Length of each note (100 to 2000 milliseconds)
- Instrument used to play the scale (either piano, trumpet, guitar or violin)
- How many times the scale should be played (1 to 5)
For main menu option 1 – the user should enter the data required above and
then the scale should play. After playing the scale, the user should be given
the option to save their input choices to a file for later playback. Filename
should be input by the user. They will then be returned to the main menu.
For main menu option 2 – the user should type the name of the file they wish
to play. After loading and playing, they will be returned to the main menu.
Main menu option 3 should exit the program.
Note: All files can be read from/written to the current working direction. You
do not need to handle full file paths.
Higher marks will be awarded for:
- Efficient code
- Use of functions
- Loops
- Arrays/Vectors
- Classes
- Error checking for appropriate values on all user input
- Adhering to the house style