


We are going to answer some simple but fundamental questions about the
sequence of natural numbers N = 1, 2, 3, ... We are going to look at
primality, composites and perfect numbers. Primes numbers are fundamental in
mathematics and Computer Science, and perfect numbers are an interesting
You will also be concerned with the execution time of your programs.

Prime Numbers

God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on
with the prime numbers.
- Paul Erdös
Prime numbers are among the most interesting of the natural numbers. A number
p N is prime if it is evenly divisible by only 1 and p. The first prime number
is 2, all primes except 2 must be odd, since all even numbers are divisible by
2. There are an infinity of primes, which was proven by Euclid about 300 B.C.
There is no formula for finding the primes, but the prime number theorem tells
us that the probability of a given m ∈ N, 1 < m ≤ N being prime is very
close to 1 / lnN , since the number of primes less than N.

Composite Numbers

The problem of distinguishing prime numbers from composite numbers and of
resolving the latter into their prime factors is known to be one of the most
important and useful in arithmetic.
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
All natural numbers that are not prime are called composite. The fundamental
theorem of arithmetic, also called the unique factorization theorem, states
that every integer m ] 1 is either prime or a unique product of primes (p0, …,
For example, 83736 = 2^3 3^2 1163. In 1801, the fundamental theorem of
arithmetic was proved by Gauss in his book Disquisitiones Arithmetic.
Determining the prime factorization of m can be accomplished trying all primes
p0, ..., pk ≤ m . The execution time is difficult to compute, since each
successful division reduces the complexity, but is it bounded from above by O(log m) , provided you have a list of primes to consult.

Perfect Numbers

Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.
- Rene Descartes
A perfect number is a natural number that is equal to the sum of its proper
For example, 1+2+3 = 6 and 496 = 1+2+4+8+16+31+62+124+248 . The first
four perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496 and 8128, and you will not find the next
one until 33550336.
It is not known whether there are any odd perfect numbers, but it is
considered unlikely. All even perfect numbers have the form 2^(p-1)(2^p-1)
where p is prime and its digital root is 1.

Your Task

Your task is to go through each natural number beginning with 2 and determine
whether it is prime (P), composite (C) or perfect (or E in honor of Euclid).
Prime numbers cannot be factored, but you must perform a prime factorization
of all composites. If you determine that a number is perfect, then you must
list all of its proper divisors.
Consider the example given below. This shows the required format of the
2 P
3 P
4 C: 2 2
5 P
6 C: 2 3
6 E: 1 2 3
7 P
8 C: 2 2 2
9 C: 3 3
10 C : 2 5
11 P
12 C : 2 2 3
13 P
14 C : 2 7
15 C : 3 5
16 C : 2 2 2 2
17 P
18 C : 2 3 3
19 P
20 C : 2 2 5
What you should observe immediately is that you will need to store some
quantities. You may want to store the prime factors of each composite. Is that
necessary? You will need to store the store the proper divisors of a composite
since you will not know that a number is perfect until you have tallied its
proper divisors. The most obvious data structure for storing those divisors is
an array.


Writing the program using the nave approach of finding primes up to the value
of a given number into order to find its prime factorization is, frankly,
silly. You can and will do much better, and you will do so by using a sieve.
# ifndef _SIEVE
# define _SIEVE
# include “bv.h”
void sieve(bitV *) ; // Results in a vector of prime numbers
# endif
Your sieve will take as its sole argument a bit vector and it will mark with 1
the positions that correspond to a prime number, while all other positions
will be marked 0.
A bit vector is a rarely taught but essential tool in the kit of all Computer
Scientists and Engineers. Your bit vector implementation must match the given
# ifndef _BVector
# define _BVector
# include <stdint.h>
typedef struct bitV {
uint8_t *vector;
uint32_t length;
} bitV;
bitV *newVec(uint32_t ); // Create a new vector of specified length
void delVec(bitV *); // Deletes a vector
void oneVec(bitV *); // Creates a vector of all 1
void setBit(bitV *, uint32_t); // Sets a specified bit
void clrBit(bitV *, uint32_t ); // Clears a specified bit
uint8_t valBit(bitV *, uint32_t ); // Returns the value of a specified bit
uint32_t lenVec (bitV *); // Return the length of the vector
# endif
The header file bv.h defines the exported type bitV and its associated
operations. Even though C will not prevent you from directly manipulating the
data structure, you must avoid the temptation and only use the functions
defined in bv.h - no exceptions!
You must implement each of the functions specified in the header file. Most of
them are just a line of two of C code, but their implementation can be subtle.
You are warned again against using code that you may find on the Internet.
One could write a function
uint64_t nextPrime (uint64_t n) {
// Find the first prime after n
but that would be foolishness, even though the prime density is approximately
ln1n . Instead, you will use a sieve. The easier to implement is the Sieve of
Eratosthenes but ambitious students are encouraged to use a more sophisticated
void sieve(bitV *v)
oneVec(v); // Assume all are prime
clrBit(v, 0); // 0 is, well, zero
clrBit(v, 1); // 1 is unity
setBit(v, 2); // 2 is prime
for (uint32_t i = 2; i <= sqrtl(lenVec(v)); i += 1)
if (valBit(v, i)) // It ‘s prime
for (uint32_t k = 0; (k + i) * i <= lenVec(v) ; k += 1)
clrBit(v, (k + i) * i ); // Its multiple are composite
return ;
Since you have been given the code for the Sieve of Eratosthenes, you must
cite it and give proper credit if you use it. If, for example, you were to
implement the Sieve of Sundaram, or the more modern Sieve of Atkin, you would
not need to cite beyond the source of the algorithm and any pseudocode that
you followed.


Your program must be capable of executing correctly until it would find the
sixth perfect number. But, that would take a very long time unless you were
very clever with your algorithms. So, your program will by default run until
it reaches 100000. Along the way it should find four perfect numbers and a
large number of prime numbers as well.
We will test your program by comparing its output with the output of a known
correct program. Example output is given at the end of the assignment, and
your program should match it exactly (for as far as the example goes, the test
will go to 100 000).
You must turn in your assignment in the following manner:

  1. By default your program runs up through 100 000.
  2. Optionally, you can provide for ./parfait -n K were K is the largest natural number considered.
  3. Have file called Makefile that when the grader types make will compile your program. At this point you will have learned about make and can create your own Makefile.
    * CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic must be included.
    * CC=gcc must be specified.
    * make clean must remove all files that are compiler generated.
    * make should build your program, as should make all.
    * Your program executable must be named parfait.
  4. You program must have the source and header files:
    * bv.h to specify the bit vector operations and abstract data type bitV.
    * bv.c to implement the functionality.
    * sieve.h specifies the interface to the sieve.
    * sieve.c to implement the sieve algorithm of your choice.
    * parfait.c contains main() and may contain the other functions necessary to complete the assignment.
  5. You may have other source and header files, but do not try to be overly clever.
  6. A plain text file called README that describes how your program works.
  7. The executable file produced by the compiler must be called parfait.
  8. These files must be in the directory assignment1.
  9. You must commit and push the directory and its contents using git.

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