


You will be required to demonstrate your solutions to the assignment tasks in
Week 30 (i.e. shortly after the submission deadline), please see this webpage
for further information.
You will receive a mark of zero if you fail to demonstrate your work at the
allocated time.

Extenuating Circumstances

The standard extenuating circumstances procedures will apply for those who
­for circumstances beyond their control ­ are prevented from submitting work
before the deadline or from attending the lab demonstration. Please see the
Undergraduate Students’ Handbook for the University policies regarding these

1. Exercise

A pizza delivery service sells pizzas in two different sizes: medium and
large. The prices for a basic pizza (without any toppings) are £4 (medium) and
£5 (large).
Customers can choose up to four toppings from the list below. Toppings are
optional ­ it should also be possible to order a basic pizza without any

| medium | large
ham | £1.40 | £2.10
mozzarella | £1.00 | £1.50
olives | £0.80 | £1.20
pineapple | £1.00 | £1.50
spinach | £0.80 | £1.20
Your task is to write a program that helps staff members to input a pizza
order and which works out the price. The size of the pizza and the toppings
are to be specified by initial letters.

Part A

Write a class Exercise1 with a method
public static void pizzaServiceA()
The method should feature a loop. In each step of the loop, the program should

  • ask the staff to enter a pizza order, and then
  • display the order details as well as the pizza price.
    Pizza orders should be entered as a sequence of up to 5 characters all on one
  • The first character should be either m (meaning medium) or l (meaning large).
  • This should be followed by zero to four characters indicating the pizza toppings. Each of these characters should be the initial character of one of the toppings. Multiple occurrences of the same topping should be allowed and charged accordingly.
    For example, if the staff member inputs
    the program should respond with output as follows:
    Medium pizza with pineapple, ham, £6.40
    Multiple occurrences of toppings should be listed multiple times in the
    output, for example if the staff inputs
    the program should respond with
    Large pizza with spinach, mozzarella, spinach, £8.90
    If the order has no toppings, this should be stated in the output, for example
    if the staff inputs
    the program should respond with
    Medium pizza with no toppings £4.00
    Please format the price output so that it shows 2 digits following the decimal
    The program should check that the user input is valid. If the user input is
    invalid, the program should display an informative message. It should not show
    any order details or the price in this case.
    The program should terminate if the user enters the word quit.
    Add a main() method to your class which invokes method pizzaServiceA(). Test
    your program.

Part B

In class Exercise1, add a method
public static void pizzaServiceB()
The method should implement the same functionality as in Part A, but with one
difference: it should not be allowed to place orders where one topping occurs
three or more times. For example, the following order should be invalid
because spinach occurs three times:
The program should print an informative message in this case.
Please note that orders where a topping occurs twice should still be allowed,
so for example the following is a valid order:
and the program output should be
Large pizza with spinach, olives, olives, spinach, £9.80
Add an invocation of pizzaServiceB() to the main() method. Test your program.

2. Exercise

Write a class Exercise2 with a method
public static int[] closestToMean (double[][] array)
Given a rectangular 2D array, the method should first compute and print the
arithmetic mean of all elements. It should then find the array element which
is closest to the mean and print this. The method should return the row index
r and the column index c of that array element in form of a two­element
integer array [r,c].
For example, if the argument array has the following elements
3 -1 -4 0
5 -2 9 6
8 2 4 -9
then mean=1.75. The array element closest to mean is the number 2, it has
distance 0.25 from the mean. The method should print:
Mean = 1.75
Closest array element = 2.0
The closest array element is in row 2 and column 1, hence the method should
return an array with elements [2,1]. Note that counting of rows and columns
starts at zero as usual in Java programming.
Hint. The “distance” of two numbers x and y can be computed in Java as
If there is more than one element with the minimal distance to the mean, then
the method can return the row and column indices of any of these elements.
In class Exercise2, add a method
public static void testClosestToMean()
This method should invoke closestToMean() for the sample array shown above. It
should display the result.
Result = [2, 1]
In class Exercise2, add a main() method which invokes testClosestToMean().
Check that the result is correct.

3. Exercise

Part A

The Catalan numbers ( ) form a sequence of natural
numbers that occurs in various combinatorial problems. They can be computed
using the following two equations:
catalan(n) = 2 * (2 *n - 1) * catalan(n - 1) / (n + 1), if n > 0
catalan(0) = 1
Create a class Exercise3 with a method
public static long catalan(int n)
for computing the n’th Catalan number using the equations above. Your method
should check the argument n and throw an IllegalArgumentException
In class Exercise3, write a method:
public static void exercise3a()
The method should contain an interactive loop. In each step of the loop, the
program should:

  • Ask the user to enter an integer n with 0<=n<=30 or quit to exit;
  • Check whether the user input is quit and exit the loop if this is the case
  • Otherwise parse the input as an integer n, invoke catalan(n) and display the result to the user
    Method exercise3a() should not do any user input validation and no exception
    handling. You can assume that the user input is either quit or an integer.
    Add a main() method to your class which invokes exercise3a(). Test your
    program both with some valid and some invalid integer inputs (= numbers that
    are less than 0 or greater than 30). The program should terminate with an
    IllegalArgumentException if the number input is invalid.

Part B

In class Exercise3, code a method:
public static void exercise3b()
This method should perform the same task as exercise3a() above but with one
difference ­ if the invocation of catalan throws an IllegalArgumentException,
then it should catch this exception, print a suitable error message, and
continue with the interactive loop.
Add an invocation of exercise3b() in the main() method. Test your program both
with some valid and invalid integer inputs.

Part C

Write a class TestCatalan with one or more JUnit tests that check that method
catalan(n) returns the correct result for six different arguments n. Restrict
your testing to valid integer arguments.
Run TestCatalan in JUnit and check that your catalan function passes all the
Note. JUnit testing will be covered during Week 24. You can find a list with
some Catalan numbers at the On­Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

4. Exercise

The following online folder contains some mazes stored in separate files.
You should make copies of these three files in a convenient directory on your
M: drive. Then take a look at the files. Each of them contains a quadratic
maze with walls indicated by a #­symbol. As an example, here is file

Part A

Write a class Exercise4 with a program that reads such a maze file into a
two­dimensional boolean array. Then display the array on the console with one
line for each row. Represent array elements using blank­symbols and #­symbols
so that the console output has the same format as the maze file, see the
example above.
You are free to add further classes or methods as you see fit.

Part B

Expand the program you wrote in Part A so that it displays the maze using
Java2D graphics. Also draw a blue circle in the top­left corner so as to
indicate the starting­point of the maze and a red circle in the bottom­right
corner to indicate the target­point. The format should be similar to the image

Part C

Expand the program you wrote in Part B so that the user can traverse the maze
using the arrow keys on the keyboard. The current position should be indicated
by a filled blue circle. The keyboard control should work as follows:

  • Right­arrow: move blue circle to the right if possible.
  • Down­arrow: move blue circle down if possible.
  • Left­arrow: move blue circle to the left if possible.
  • Up­arrow: move blue circle upwards if possible.
    The walls of the maze should be respected when traversing the maze ­ it should
    not be possible for the blue circle to go across a wall.
    The GUI should also have a Reset button, see image below. Pressing this button
    should reset the current position and the blue circle to the initial position
    in the top left corner.
    The program should display a congratulation message when the user reaches the
    red circle in the bottom­right corner. Use a JOptionPane to show this message,


Don’t forget to invoke method repaint() after making changes to the GUI. Also
make sure that the component with the key listener gets the focus, see the Key
Listener tutorial (

5. Exercise

The online CSV (­separated_values ) file contains data
about several thousands British and Irish hills.
You should make a copy of this file in a convenient directory on your M:
drive. Then take a look at the file. Apart from the initial header row, each
row describes a hill in the following format:

Number Name County Height (in metres) Latitude Longitude
255 Ben Nevis Highland 1344.5 56.796849 ­5.003525
In each row, the six fields are separated by commas. You can assume that there
are no other commas in the CSV file.

Part A

Create a class Hill that represents the data for one hill as in file
hills.csv. Each Hill object should have six fields corresponding to the
columns in that file:

  • An integer number
  • A name
  • A county name
  • The height (in metres)
  • The latitude
  • The longitude
    The class should also have:
  • A constructor with six arguments for initialising the six fields.
  • An instance method toString() which returns a string in the same format as the rows in the CSV file:
    255,Ben Nevis,Highland,1344.5,56.796849,-5.003525
    Then create a class Exercise5 with the following method:
    public static void exercise5a() {
    Hill benNevis = new Hill(255, “Ben Nevis”, “Highland”, 1344.5, 56.796849, -5.003525);

Add a main() method to class Exercise5 that invokes exercise5a(). Test your
program by running the class.

Part B

In class Hill, write a method
public static List readHills()
The method should read the hill data from file hills.csv. It should skip the
header row. For each row thereafter, it should create a corresponding Hill
object. The method should return a list containing these objects in the same
order as they are in the file.
In class Exercise5, create a method:
public static void exercise5b()
This method should invoke readHills() and display the first 20 list elements
on the console.
Add an invocation of exercise5b() in the main() method and test your program.


  • See Week 19 lecture notes for sample code for reading data from a CSV file.
  • Remember that classes Double and Integer have methods to parse a number from a string.

Part C

In class Exercise5, write a method
public static void exercise5c()
The method should read the hill data from file hills.csv into a list using
method readHills(). It should then start an interactive loop. In each step of
the loop, the program should:

  1. Request the user to enter the name of a hill.
  2. Respond by printing to the console the details of all matching hills. A hill is said to be matching if its name starts with the string entered by the user. Matching should be case­insensitive.
    The program should exit if the user enters quit. See a sample interaction
    Please enter a hill name or quit to exit:
    1862,Cadair Berwyn,Powys,832.0,52.8806,-3.380993
    1863,Cadair Berwyn North Top,Denbighshire,827.0,52.883881,-3.380235
    1865,Cadair Bronwen,Denbighshire,783.4,52.901461,-3.372899
    1868,Cadair Bronwen NE Top,Denbighshire,700.0,52.906631,-3.358802
    1911,Cadair Idris - Penygadair,Gwynedd,893.0,52.699618,-3.908792
    4587,Cadair Fawr,Rhondda Cynon Taff,485.0,51.800059,-3.483636
    12140,Cadair Ifan Goch,Conwy,207.0,53.185429,-3.810762
    Please enter a hill name or quit to exit:
    1742,Snowdon - Yr Wyddfa,Gwynedd,1085.0,53.068496,-4.076231
    10028,Snougie of Long Hill,Shetland Islands,75.0,60.259782,-1.208551
    13597,Snokoe Hill,Northumberland,191.0,54.953663,-2.028509
    13802,Snoddle Hill,Rochdale,277.0,53.66063,-2.073073
    Please enter a hill name or quit to exit:
    Add an invocation of exercise5c() in the main() method and test your program.

Part D

Write a method
public static void exercise5d()
The method should read the hill data from file hills.csv into a list using
method readHills(). It should then:

  1. sort the list of hills by name in alphabetical order and print the first 20 elements of the list; and then
  2. perform another sorting of the list of hills but this time by height in descending order (=highest hills first) and then print the first 20 elements of the list.
    Sorting should be performed by invoking method Collections.sort (­java.util.List­

    ) making use of appropriate implementations of interfaces Comparable and/ or
    Comparator which you will need to code.

Part E

In class Hill, write a method
public static Map<String, Set> hillsByCounty(List hills)
Given a list of Hill objects, the method should return a map which associates
each county with the set of hills in that county. The map entries should be
sorted by county names and each of the sets of hills should be sorted by hill
Then write a method:
public static void exercise5e()
The method should read the hill data from file hills.csv into a list using
method readHills(). It should invoke method hillsByCounty with that list. This
method invocation returns a map. For each of the first three counties in that
map, the program should display:

  • The name of the county
  • The names and the height of the first three hills associated with the county in the map.
    This should result in program output as follows:

    County: Aberdeen

    Anguston Hill 117.0
    Beans Hill 146.0
    Brimmond Hill 266.0

    County: Aberdeenshire

    A’Chioch 1151.0
    Aitionn Hill 273.0
    Allt Sowan Hill 568.0

    County: Anglesey

    Barclodiau 168.0
    Bron Alar 64.0
    Bryn Carmel 116.0

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