



The course project is an individual project that allows you to explore new
ideas and new kinds of user interfaces. In essence, the project aims for you
to produce work analogous to a conference paper in the domain of HCI, as might
be submitted to an HCI-related conference such as ACM’s CHI conference.
The project thus involves implementation of a new user interface, writing up a
description and results of the interface, and finally presenting the interface
to the class during a “mini-conference”.

Finding an Idea

First you will need to decide on a project idea. You will be working on this
idea for the rest of the semester, so try to find something that is of
interest to you! Here are some rough guidelines for your project idea:

  1. Because we are aiming for a conference-like paper as the final product of the project, you should aim to develop a novel idea / user interface for a particular purpose, and/or to address particular deficiencies of existing systems with your new system. In particular, you should avoid very common, general systems that people use often (e.g., contact manager, calendar system, chat messenger, photo manager, etc.) – instead, be as creative as possible and try something different, and you will get more out the project. You are especially encouraged to design a user interface for a population that you are not part of. Some of the most interesting ideas come from considering subsets of possible users – e.g., what applications might be good for a pharmacist? coach? fireman? artist? pilot? parent? person with low vision? etc. You also might consider applications for non-standard contexts or environments.
  2. A possible inspiration could come for this year’s CHI conference Student Design Competition. Here is an excerpt from 2016’s competition.
    “The theme of CHI 2016 is ‘doing good.’ We want you to operationalize this
    theme by creating an Assistive Technology. You could adopt an inclusive design
    strategy that allows someone with a sensory impairment to more effectively use
    an existing technology. You could just as validly creat an all-new technology
    that offers opportunities for the disabled to participate in a domestic or
    public setting, for work or for play. You may want to be very specific (e.g.,
    a non-vocal individual participating on a debate team or at a poetry slam) or
    more general (e.g., a blind person navigating an unfamiliar part of town
    (after having been dropped off by their self-driving car service)). You can
    apply what we know about social networks, gamification, the internet of
    things, wearables, or hacker spaces. You may investigate why specific groups
    of individuals face more challenges and then experiment with ways to overcome
    those challenges. You may address specific challenges in an occupational
    setting, or with mobility, or in learning, or with living independently, or in
    Choose you own or do something that crosscuts all of those. You may come up
    with an inclusive design approach that makes existing technologies work for a
    broader set of users or you may find opportunity in emerging technologies
    (e.g., 3D printing, nanotechnology, modular robotics, drones, wearables,
    programmable matter, or whatever). Push the envelope expand the discussion and
    the possibilities empower people!”
    Another way to find an idea is to look through the special topics in the rest
    of the course, see if any particular topics strike your interest, and try to
    develop an idea within the theme of the special topic.
  3. Most likely, your system will have both a significant, interesting user interface part and a significant, interesting computational infrastructure behind the interface. On the one hand, an application that focuses solely on interface components would likely not do anything interesting; on the other hand, an application that is primarily “computational” (e.g., neural-network training) with the most basic interface features would not be appropriate for this course. Thus, you should aim for a project in which you could imagine approximately half of the code being devoted to the interface and half devoted to doing something interesting based on the user’s interaction with the system.
  4. The application can be implemented in Java/Swing, HTML/CSS/Javascript, and can be designed for a desktop, web, mobile or any other type of platform. However, keep in mind, we will mainly be covering Java and web UI technologies during the course. All code developed for the project must be new code – that is, you cannot build on or extend a system that you may have developed in another context. However, it is acceptable to import complex packages (e.g., a speech recognizer) to be utilized by your project code, as long as such packages are noted in your final paper..
    Once you make a final decision, you can focus on this project by following
    these steps below. This will help you organize your work agenda. Please be
    realistic with how much you can implement in the course of the term. You have
    only 2-3 weeks to actually implement the system; a great deal of time will be
    needed for doing background research, testing of the interface, and final
    writing – please keep this in mind

Part 1: Project Description and User Analysis

In this stage, you will describe your idea and preliminary analysis. This will
include a problem description, user analysis and system description. Please
note that you will revise this description as the project progresses. But this
first description will allow you to think creatively about the problem you’d
like to solve and how you intend to approach this from the users’ point of
view. It will also give the professor and your classmates a clear summary of
the goals of your project.

Part 2: Full Design Specification

In this part, you will complete the design specification for your project
idea. Refer to the lecture notes on Design Specification to complete this.
Conceptual Model: This consists of a description of the conceptual model in
terms of objects, relations between objects, actions on objects, and
attributes of objects. The conceptual design identifies the set of objects and
actions the user needs to know about in order to use the system. The complete
model should list all Objects, Object Attributes, Object Relationships,
Actions on Objects, Actions on Object Attributes, Actions on Object
Relationships that the user is expected to know about. See the lecture notes
for more details.
Semantic Level Design: describes each function including its parameters,
feedback, and potential error conditions.
Syntactic Level Design: describes the syntax of the system, using one or more
state diagrams. (If your syntactic level specifications become too lengthy and
repetitive, you can select a subset of your interface and specify just that.)
You can also use sub-diagrams (like diagram subroutines) to keep the state
diagrams from becoming cluttered. NOTE: It is recommended that you do this
with pencil and paper and then scan it to be included in your online
submission. If you do not have access to a scanner, you could instead take a
photo of your sketches, and include the photos with your submission. If
neither of these options work, please get in touch with the professor.
Lexical Level Design: gives the definitions of the tokens. (Again, if your
lexical level specifications become too lengthy and repetitive, you can select
a subset of your interface and specify just that.)

Part 3: Interface Prototype

The first step in planning your prototype is determining what single question
do you want to answer with your prototype? Then, think about what elements in
the design are relevant to that question. Remove or fake everything else in
your prototype as you want to get feedback that will help you the most in your

Part 4: Paper Draft

In this stage you will do the necessary background research for your project,
and begin the writing of the paper.
The suggested structure of the paper is as follows (and as hinted at in the
paper format template):
Abstract: short summary of your work

  • Introduction: brief introduction of the context of the work. Describe the motivation and the problem/question addressed by your project (i.e why are you doing it). Include the contents of Part 1 of project.
  • Background: description of related work and how your work extends/generalizes previous work
  • System (or probably a more descriptive title): description of your particular work/system, including work done in Part 2.
  • Evaluation (or perhaps a more description title): description of how you tested/evaluated the system with users
  • Discussion: final points/issues about the work
  • References: list of references/citations noted in the paper

Part 5: Presentation & Project Demo

The main portion of this final stage involves the completion of your proposed
system, a presentation and live demo. You should keep in mind that because
you’ll demo the system to the class, you should focus on completing the system
to the point where you can effectively run an interesting and fun demo.
Project demos will be held during the last week of classes.
For the presentation, all students will present their projects in the “mini-
conference” with a set of presentations and demos in class or online. In
class, we will run the demos in shifts. In each shift, a group of
approximately 5 students will do a brief slide presentation and then demo
their running system.

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