



  1. process creation in Linux using fork() and exec() system calls
  2. thread creation in Linux with the pthread API
  3. inter-process communication using pipes

Description (Please read the complete assignment document before

Two programs have been provided: persons.c and talkagent.c. Your task shall be
to complete these two programs such that the execution of the program persons
creates four processes as follows:

  1. Person A process: this is the original process invoked when persons is run. It is responsible for creating the other three processes after which is simulates Person A that exchanges messages with Person B (simulated by the Person B process).
  2. Person B process: this is a child process of the Person A process that simulates Person B who exchanges messages with Person A.
  3. Talk Agent A process: This process (that runs the talkagent program) provides a talk agent service that services the Person A process. It shall use one thread to read text messages from its standard input which is then send to a communications channel to the Talk Agent B process. A second thread is used to send to its standard output any text messages received from the Talk Agent B process over a communications channel.
  4. Talk Agent B process: This process (that runs the talkagent program) provides a talk agent service that services the Person B process. It shall use one thread to read text messages from its standard input which is then send to a communications channel to the Talk Agent A process. A second thread is used to send any text messages received from the Talk Agent A process over a communications channel to its standard output.
    The persons program is designed to test the talkagent program by simulating
    two persons that exchange a sequence of text messages. Four pipes are used as
    shown below: two pipes allow the Person A and Person B processes to send
    messages to the standard inputs of the Talk Agent A and Talk Agent B processes
    respectively. Two other pipes are used as the communication channel between
    the talk agents. The Person A process that spawns the Talk Agent processes
    creates the pipes and passes the file descriptors of the communication channel
    pipes to the talkagent programs (see section To complete the assignment and
    comments in the provided source code templates)
    The pipe identifiers and process identifiers (PIDS) shown in the above diagram
    are specific to a run and correspond to the identifiers shown in the output of
    item 4 in the section “Background Information”. All standard error file
    descriptors (2) and the standard outputs of the Talk Agent processes are
    connected to the terminal. The path of messages from Person B process is shown
    (a similar path is taken for messages from the Person A process).

To complete the assignment

  1. Start with the provided files persons.c and talkagent.c. Complete the documentation in each file to indicate your name and student number. Take the time to document well your code. Consider taking the time to design your code before you start coding.
  2. Complete the following functions:
    * a. persons.c: setupPerB(),initTalkBufferA(), initTalkBufferB(),setupPerA() (also complete main to have these functions run properly)
    * b. talkagent.c: generateThreads()
  3. The programs should be compiled using the commands “cc -o persons persons.c” and “cc -o talkagent talkagent.c -lpthreads” (note that for talkagent compilation, the pthreads library must be explicitly specified). The file makefile has been provided to compile both files - simply type in the command make.
  4. To submit the assignment, upload the files persons.c and talkagent.c. Do not forget to click on the submit button after (and only after) you have uploaded the file.
  5. A word of caution, for debugging the programs, if you wish to write messages to the terminal, you should write to the standard error using the following library call: fprintf(stderr,”message string\n”) as the standard input and standard output are to be modified.
  6. See point 4 in “Background Information” for hints on how to observe processes/threads and pipes to help debug your programs.
  7. When persons is run, the following output should appear on your screen (Note that PIDs shall be specific to your execution).
    [test1@sitedev assign1]$ persons
    Talk Agent B PID
    Simulation starting
    Talk Agent A PID
    Welcome to talk agent (2147)
    Welcome to talk agent (2149)
    Person A PID
    Hello Person B. (2145)
    How are you Person A? (2146)
    I am doing great - want to meet for lunch? (2145)
    Good idea - what day are you free this week? (2146)
    How about tomorrow? (2145)
    Sorry - can’t make it tomorrow - I have an assignment due the next day. (2146)
    Ok - let’s make it on Friday. (2145)
    Person B PID
    I am free on Friday - see you then. (2146)
    Good luck with your assignment. Bye for now. (2145)
    Link severed (2149)
    Link severed (2147)
    Simulation all done
    [test1@sitedev assign1]$

Background information:

  1. An open file descriptor is an integer, used as a handle to identify an open file. Such descriptors are used in library functions or system calls such as read() and write() to perform I/O operations.
  2. In Unix/Linux, each process has by default three open file descriptors:
    * a. Standard input (file descriptor 0, i.e. read(0,buf, 4) reads 4 characters from the standard input to the buffer buf). Typically, the standard input for a program launched from the command line is the keyboard input.
    * b. Standard output (file descriptor 1).
    * c. Standard error (file descriptor 2).
    * d. When a command is run from the shell, the standard input, standard output and standard error are connected to the shell tty (terminal). So reading the standard input reads from the keyboard and writing to the standard output or standard error writes to the display.
    * e. Note that many library functions used these file descriptors by default. For example printf(“String”) writes “String” to the standard output.
    * f. From the shell it is possible to connect the standard output from one process to the standard output to another process using the pipe character “|”. For example, the command “who | wc” connects the standard output from the who process to the standard input of the wc process such that any data written to the standard output by the who process is written (via a pipe) to the standard input of the wc process.
  3. You will need the following C library functions:
    * a. fork() - should be familiar from lectures
    * b. pthread_create() - should be familiar from lectures
    * c. pipe()
    • should be familiar from lectures
    • note that multiple process can be attached to each end of the pipes, which means that a pipe is maintained until no processes are connected at either end of the pipe
      • d. execvp(const char program, const char args[]) (or execlp)
    • replaces the current process with the program from the file specified in the first argument
    • the second argument is a NULL terminated array of strings representing the command line arguments
    • by convention, args[0] is the file name of the file to be executed
      • e. execlp(const char program, const char arg1, const char *arg2, NULL)
    • replaces the current process with the program from the file specified in the first argument
    • the second argument subsequent arguments are strings representing the command line arguments.
    • by convention, arg1 is the file name of the file to be executed
      • f. dup2(int newfd, int oldfd) - duplicates the oldfd by the newfd and closes the oldfd.
      • g. read(int fd, char *buff, int bufSize) - read from the file (or pipe) identified by the file descriptor fd bufSize characters into the buffer buff. Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 if error or 0 if the end of file has been reached (or the write end of the pipe has been closed and all data read).
      • h. write(int fd, char *buff, int bufSize) - write into the file/pipe bufSize characters from the buffer buff
      • i. close(int fd) - closes an open file descriptor
      • j. printf(): You may want to use the printf() function to format output. This function writes to the standard output (fd 1). But be careful since this function buffers output and does not write immediately to the standard output. To force and immediate write, used fflush(stdout). Alternatively, you may used sprintf(), to format the an output into a buffer and use write() to write to the standard output.
      • h. fprintf(): this is a version of printf() that provides the means to specify where output should be send. Use it to write to the standard error with fprintf(stderr,”a message”, arg, arg,). This function is useful for debugging as it will write to the terminal in processes where the standard output has been redirected to a pipe.
      • l. getpid(): this function returns the PID of the current process. It is useful in creating messages printed on the screen to identify the source of the message.
      • m. Consult the manual pages (by typing ‘man function_name’, i.e. ‘man fork’) and/or web resources for more information.
  4. Here is a hint at how you can observe the connection of processes to pipes
    * a. Insert long delays using the standard library function sleep (e.g. sleep(300)) to allow observation of processes, threads and pipes at different points in the execution of the programs (particularly in persons.c).
    * b. To see the processes and threads created using the command “ps -Hmu test1” (replace test1 with your user name if you are using one of the SITE Linux platforms). The option H has ps print out a tree of processes/threads and the option m includes all threads. In fact, Linux treats all processes and threads as tasks assigning each a PID.
    * c. To see how pipes and standard input, standard output, and standard error are set up for the various processes, use the command “ls -l /proc/xxx/fd” where xxx is replaced with the PID of a process. This will display how the various file descriptors of the identified process are connected.

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