
代写Sparse Matrix,也就是稀疏矩阵相关算法,练习基本Object-oriented Programming的用法。

Sparse Matrices

As background, we assume you are familiar with matrices and basic matrix
algebra (matrix transpose, matrix multiply). In this project, we are going to
exploit the structure of large but sparse (many zeroes) matrices to
efficiently perform matrix computations that simply are not possible with
standard dense representation of matrices as 2-dimensional arrays.

Matrix Storage

A dense array representation is simply the standard form that you know, for
example, the following is a 4 row by 5 column dense matrix (corresponding to
file dmatrix1.txt):
1 2 0 3
4 0 5 6
7 0 0 9
0 11 12 0
1 0 0 2
However, in many Operations Research applications and in numerical computing
in general, it turns out that matrices have many zeroes and are hence what is
called sparse. A typical sparse matrix may have 99.9% of its entries set to
zero. In this case, we can be much more efficient with both storage and
computation if we avoid representing these zeroes and exploit this during
computations like matrix multiplication.
Following is an example of a sparse matrix representation file format
(corresponding to file smatrix1.txt) that represents the same matrix as the
previous dense format example:
0 0 1
0 1 2
0 3 3
1 0 4
1 2 5
1 3 6
2 0 7
2 3 9
3 1 11
3 2 12
4 0 1
4 3 2
Here we note that in each row, the first entry is the row, the second entry is
the column, and the third entry is the value of the matrix at that row and
column. Critically omitted are the zeroes - any entry missing here is assumed
to be zero.
While it may not seem that the above sparse matrix representation is more
compact than the dense representation for this example, large-dimensional
sparse matrices will generally have only a small fraction of non-zero entries,
thus leading to large space savings over the dense format. Thus, we could
easily represent a 10,000 by 10,000 matrix with only 100 non-zero entries as a
sparse matrix, but it would consume an excessive amount of disk or memory as a
dense matrix.

Sparse Matrix Storage in Memory

In this project, we will store sparse matrices in memory using the following
nested HashMap structure:
The use of this structure is quite simple. If we call row vector is a simple
HashMap representation of a row vector for row index 2 in the matrix (remember
that row indices start at 0), where the key in HashMap[Integer,Double] row
vector is a column index.
Hence if we want the value of the row vector at column index 4 (remember that
column indices also start at 0), then we simply call, of course if either the
row vector or value are missing in their respective HashMaps then we assume
the value is 0.

Sparse Matrix Computation

The compactness of sparse matrix storage is a huge benefit for very large
sparse matrices, but even more importantly, we can exploit this compactness
for efficient operations like matrix transposition or matrix multiplication.
For efficient sparse matrix transposition, we need only add entries to the
matrix transpose that are non-zero in the original matrix. The complexity of
this operation is simply proportional to the number of non-zero elements in
the matrix.
For efficient sparse matrix multiplication, we should first consider the
special case of sparse vectors. Consider the implementation of the dot product
of two row vectors, where 0 indicates vector or matrix transposition and
indicates a dot (inner) product of two vectors.
Here we note that if we simply iterate through the non-zero indices of the
first vector, we need only look up these indices in the second vector for
purposes of the running summation of the dot product since zero times any
other entries is zero. This suggests a useful method to define would be one
which takes the dot product of two vectors stored as HashMaps where the keys
are vector indices and the values are vector values and all zero entries are
omitted. (Note that a very similar operation was done for VectorUtils.sum(...) in Project 3.
We can easily extend this sparsity exploitation idea from vector to matrix
multiplication if we consider that to compute C = A * B , each entry Ci,j is the result of a simple dot product, we populate the vectors from
indices in the respective dimension.

0-1 Matrices, Sparse Graphs, and All-pairs n-step Reachability

In this project, you are asked to implement both standard matrix
multiplication and 0-1 matrix multiplication, which is defined below in terms
of the use case of all-pairs n-step reachability.
Matrices need not always contain values in the full range of the real numbers
and variations of matrix multiplication can be very useful in some settings.
Consider encoding a directed graph having vertices labelled {0, 1, 2, 3}
and directed edges where we assume all vertices have a (reflexive) cyclic
directed edge to themselves. Following is an encoding of this graph as a 0-1
edge matrix E:
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1
Here, a 1 in row i and column j indicates there is a directed edge from vertex
i to vertex j, and 0 indicates such an edge does not exist. Note that in many
large directed graphs (e.g., the street network for Canada), the 0-1 edge
matrix representing one-way roads between two locations (vertices) is
extremely sparse and hence exploited by the sparse matrix representation.
Now we might ask, if we start at node 3, can we reach node 1 in two steps?
Symmetrically, if we start at node 1, can we reach node 3 in two steps? In
general, we might ask for all node pairs i and j, which pairs can reach each
other in two steps, or in general, n steps.
We could perform some form of graph search for all pairs of vertices i and j
but that can become inefficient since a lot of common path computations among
pairs are discarded. A much more efficient way to compute all-pairs
reachability is through 0-1 matrix multiplication of the edge matrix. First,
let us compute the above matrix 0-1-multiplied by itself:
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
The simple modification here to standard matrix multiplication is that if any
value in the standard matrix multiply is equal to or larger than 1, we set it
to 1, otherwise 0. What we get with the above multiplication is a 1 in any row
i and column j if there is path from vertex i to vertex j in two steps or
less. What about three steps?
One can verify that this now encodes three step reachability and so on, i.e.,
for 0-1 edge matrix E, E n under 0-1 matrix multiplication encodes all-vertex
pairs reachability in n or fewer steps. Critically, such an approach reuses n
step computability when it computes n + 1st step computability and this is
much more efficient than repeated searches for each pair of nodes (this is
called dynamic programming in general and it reduces computational complexity
of some tasks from an exponential number of operations to a polynomial number
of operations by efficiently caching intermediate computations).
One may ask why this variation of matrix multiplication actually computes all-
pairs reachability? The answer is simple if you look at the mathematics. Two
step reachability R2 of vertex j from vertex i can be computed from the 0-1
edge matrix E as follows where is logical AND and we interpret a 1 as true and
a 0 as false.
Here a two-step path between i and j exists if there is a path from i to k and
then from k to j. This is precisely what a single 0-1 matrix multiply is
computing as shown in the last step of the derivation.
On a final note, consider that computing n step reachability actually takes
far fewer 0-1 matrix multiplications than the serial inductive specification
above. Consider how you could compute 8-step reachability with only three 0-1
matrix multiplications.


Matrix computations are such an important part of scientific computation that
entire programming scripting languages are built around them, e.g., consider
Matlab. In this project, file Pro4 implements a small subset of
Matlab. Following is an example script provided in file input1.txt
demonstrating an interaction with the Mini-Matlab interface:
Try running the above script when you load the project in Eclipse (or via the
solution jar). Typing HELP from the command line explains what each command
does if it is not obvious from the output.
We’ll write a Mini-Matlab script such as the one above for testing the
functionality implemented as part of this project.

Project Description

The project has two implementation parts:

  1. Reading the sparse file format: Implement sparse file reading in method readSparseMatrixFormat in The file format should be self-explanatory from previous discussion. Parts of the file reading have already been done for you - critically look at the method readDenseMatrixFormat for general pointers on code interaction with the constructor that calls it and for code snippets you can reuse (e.g., how to split a String on whitespace).
  2. Implementing SparseMatrix: Create a new class SparseMatrix that extends Matrix and provides the same functionality as DenseMatrix except by exploiting sparse Matrix representations as discussed above.
    One you complete SparseMatrix you should see the comments of for how
    to change the Mini-Matlab implementation from DenseMatrix to SparseMatrix. It
    is critical to make this change before submitting your project so that we can
    test your SparseMatrix functionality. An indicator that your SparseMatrix
    library is implemented efficiently is whether it runs quickly (much less than
    one second) on the Mini-Matlab input script input2.txt.

Helpful Hints

  • The first difficulty with this project will come in fully understanding what has been given to you - especially tracing the Polymorphic method calls that occur in the Matrix class (note that methods in Matrix call many methods that are abstract in Matrix). has been given to you as a correct and complete example of how to extend the Matrix subclass and understanding every detail of how that code works is critical for implementing in this project.
  • A second and more minor difficulty will come in understanding the file formats and that they are distinct from DenseMatrix and SparseMatrix. Consider that dmatrix1.txt and smatrix1.txt in the provided starter code encode the same matrix - in addition to the information in this project handout below, this should be sufficient for you to figure out how each matrix is encoded. Also critically note that the file formats on disk (dense and sparse) are different than the way the matrices are stored in memory in Java (also dense and sparse); i.e., it is possible to read a DenseMatrix from either a dense or sparse file format and similarly for SparseMatrix - this is why the file reading code is implemented in the Matrix superclass.
  • The third and major difficulty will come in understanding how to manipulate nested HashMaps to achieve the sparse encoding in your SparseMatrix class. You should start with the get and set methods of SparseMatrix - note that zeroes should never be stored. A related difficulty will involve implementing multiply in SparseMatrix - while the solution can be specified in 10 lines of Java - this single method will take a lot of your project time and some ingenuity in implementing it efficiently.
  • For debugging SparseMatrix, note that DenseMatrix has been given to you and by definition of being a correct implementation of matrix storage and operations, its output should be identical to SparseMatrix when the same files are loaded and same operations computed. You should use a comparison of SparseMatrix and DenseMatrix for testing purposes.
  • The mini-Matlab interface implemented in Pro4 provides a convenient interface for testing out functionality of this Java matrix library. input1.txt and input2.txt are provided as sample inputs. If you do not know how (a) to redirect these inputs to your program from a file so that you do not have to type everything in manually or (b) you do not know how to run the solution jar with redirected input, see previous Project posts on Blackboard, and if you’re still unsure, ask a lab TA. Note that except for one line that you need to change once your SparseMatrix is complete (see the comments in Pro4 for more details), this mini-Matlab interface only references the Matrix class and relies on Polymorphism to invoke the appropriate method calls for the Matrix objects. While you do not need to change Pro4, it is worthwhile understanding how this code works - the actual Matlab implementation is not so much different.
  • Error Checking: As in Project 3, grading emphasis is not on error-checking and will mainly focus on well-formed test cases. However, you should check for and report errors in SparseMatrix for any cases that DenseMatrix reports errors (e.g., out of bounds matrix indices or improper dimensions of the operands on matrix multiplication). You do not need to report errors in SparseMatrix if they are not reported in DenseMatrix.

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