
代写数据结构中的Linked List,完成LinkedListAPI中的所有接口函数。


For this assignment you must implement a list API that has been specified for
you. You have been provided with a header file LinkedListAPI.h. You will need
to create a file LinkedListAPI.c, which implements all of the functions
specified in the header.
You cannot modify the header file and any way and all your functions must
match the header exactly. Your assignment will be evaluated using an automated
test suite, and deviations from the requirements specified in the header and
the assignment description will result in severe penalties.
Note that while the list API is based on the one used in CIS2520 this summer,
that are a few differences. The biggest one is the addition of the iterator
struct and related functions, but there are a few small changes here and
there. Please read the header file carefully.
I have provided two sample main files that test the list API with two
different types of contents. These must work with your list with absolutely no
modifications. These files are meant as a guideline that will let you know
whether you’re on the right track. They are not exhaustive test suites. You
must test all of the functions provided by the list API yourself to make sure
they match the requirements.
As mentioned in class, you are welcome to re-use your old list code from
2520. If you did not take CIS*2520 with Judi McQuaig or Fangju Wang, make
sure to contact your instructor to obtain their permission to use the code. In
the header of the LinkedListAPI.c file state which course you are basing your
list on.
A sample .c file with all the required submission headers and comments will be
provided separately.
Compile your code with -Wall -std=c11 flags. Yes, we’ll be using C11 as the
default C standard throughout the course. If you want to debug your code using
gdb, remember to include the -g flag.
If you know how to use valgrind, make sure you find and fix all memory leaks.
For this assignment, you will not lose marks for memory leaks, since we
haven’t yet covered valgrind in class. However, starting with Assignment 1,
memory leaks will result in deductions.


Your code must compile, run, and have all of the specified functionality
implemented. Any compiler errors will result in the automatic grade of zero
(0) for the assignment.
Marks will be deducted for:

  • Incorrect and missing functionality
  • Deviations from the requirements
  • Run-time errors
  • Compiler warnings
  • Bad /inconsistent indentation
  • Bad variable names
  • Insufficient comments
  • Failure to follow submission instructions
    To make it easier for you to test your code, I have provided two test files:
    StringListDemo.c and StructListDemo.c. Make sure that your list API complies
    and runs with both of them.
    Make sure you compile and run your code in the lab or on the server. The
    course page will have a link to a Linux iso for VirtualBox that matches the
    SoCS Linux server. If the link isn’t up yet, it will be posted shortly.


Submit your LinkedListAPI.c file using Moodle. Additional submission
guidelines will be added before the due date.
Late submissions: see course outline for late submission policies.

文章作者: SafePoker
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